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"Hey, kid."

A foot nudging in my side, a shadow across my face. My other side cold – no furry pillow.

I crack my eyes open.

"Hmm?" I ask the silhouetted man looming over me. One of my arms flops up to shade my eyes, but I still can't see his face.

Instead of an answer I get more of his boot in my ribs. "Ow."

"Come on, get up, kid."

I roll over and push myself up.


I swallow thickly and I'm kneeling. Blinking to keep back those black spots dancing in my vision.

"You can't sleep here," the man states.

Now I can see he's a cop, the blue uniform, the black boots, his arms crossed.

"'Kay." I use the fence to help me get up - my legs are so tired - grab my bag of trash and my coat. Head out.

Pray that damn cop doesn't say anything else to me.

He doesn't.

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