Bard -2-

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"You deserve so much more than I could give you, Y/N."

You let out a heavy breath and reached for Bard's hand, fed up with his sweet but trivial reasoning for not marrying you.

"I don't need gold, don't need silver.
Just bread when I'm hungry, fire when I'm cold.
Don't need a ring for my finger-
Just need a steady hand to hold.

Bard looked up, his attention completely captured by you now, as your fingers curled into the spaces between his own and you laid your other hand over his in a gesture of reassurance.

"Don't promise me fair sky above.
Don't promise me kind road below.
Just walk beside me, love, any way the wind blows.

Bard lowered his head for a long moment, but when he looked up, you saw tears brimming in his eyes and pulled him close for a hug that he gladly accepted.

"I love you, Bard," 

you murmured into his shoulder and he let out a relieved sigh before replying;

"I love you, too, Y/N."

Inspired by the song "Promises" from the Broadway musical Hadestown. ()

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