Company -5-

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A grand feast was to be held that night for the visiting Company of Thorin Oakenshield, a troupe consisting of thirteen dwarves and a single hobbit. Only a young elven adult, this was certainly not something you'd seen before in your home of Imladris, and you were very excited to meet these brave travelers. Perhaps you could learn from (most of) them about their dwarven customs, unfamiliar to you. Your fellow royal court elves were not amused, to say the least, during supper, where the dwarves were rowdy, messy, and even a bit crude. After not too long, the one with a wonderfully silly hat jumped up on the table and started to dance! You clapped, laughing and grinning along with the Company as they sang loudly to him. The elves, especially Lord Elrond, watched you peculiarly. You didn't care, though. This was the most fun you'd had in years, and you just couldn't keep the smile off your face.

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