Fili -6-

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"There are monsters and there are men.
There are monsters that live in your head."

The Company of Thorin Oakenshield listened to this stranger, this person who sought to join their quest, with a thoughtful ear and a curious eye. Bilbo Baggins sat in his armchair in the next room over, glad the attention was off him for once tonight, but he still listened with interest. The dwarf whose opinion mattered the most had his gaze carefully affixed to Y/F/N Y/L/N as she suddenly hit her fist against the table.

"It is the monsters who shall live in dread!"

Cries of approval came from a good deal of the Company as they became swept up in Y/N's enthusiasm and clear belief in their success.

"So join the fight against the real plight."

By this, she clearly spoke of that wicked worm, Smaug.

"When monsters are real, you'd better forge a heart of steel
to cast the darkness from light.

Y/N lowered a transfixing gaze on Thorin and finished;

"My heart is more than willing, and I am ready to die should it guarantee the reclamation of your home."

Thorin's eldest nephew, Fili, who'd had an eye on Y/N all evening, felt a smile creep onto his face. She was just the sort of person to join the Company, and he knew his uncle perceived it. Indeed, Thorin offered her the contract only a moment later, and Fili smiled at the table.

It was good to have her on their side.

Inspired by the song "Monsters And Men" from the musical Black Friday. ()

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