Kili -12-

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Oh, Kili! Did he really think he could so easily escape you? A gambling game of sorts had been established at supper this night out of boredom and the stakes had risen quickly. Everyone dropped out fairly soon- everyone, that is, except you, Fili, and Kili. You kept playing with the battered cards you'd brought from your home in the Shire until far past the sun had set and many of your companions had gone to bed. Kili had offered the gamble that you had to kiss his brother (on the lips) if he won this next round, but if he lost, he would steal the rest of Master Baggins' pipeweed and hide it up in a nearby pine tree. You lost this round, but rather frightened Kili by leaping up and chasing him about the campfire as Fili, Bofur, Thorin, and Balin watched in amusement. He climbed up the same pine tree he'd mentioned earlier, hoping the branches were tall enough that you could not follow, but oh, how he was mistaken! You braced yourself and rammed your shoulder into the tree's trunk, making it shudder and Kili, who was laughing from a high-up branch, to stumble and consequentially ended up sitting on the branch instead.

What Kili didn't realize, however, was that you were not chasing him out of anger, but of a daring want to kiss him instead of Fili, a fact of which the rest of the watchers knew well.

And so you deftly scrambled up into the pine's branches and swung your legs over to sit beside Kili, legs swinging casually as you tilted your head at him with a mock frown. He raised a teasing eyebrow at you and you sighed before suddenly swooping in and planting a kiss on his lips, the onlookers below whooping with enthusiasm at the sight.

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