Kili -15-

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A troupe of dwarves, a wizard, and a hobbit had been traipsing through the dense forest you called home for the last three hours- and they had became lost ridiculously quickly. You'd been tracking them since the moment they set foot into your woods and had determined over the first hour or so that they weren't of ill intentions, and finally, you felt a twinge of pity as you listened to their cries of frustration and worry at their lack of rations. You leaped down from your perch high in the canopy above and one of the dwarves gave an order to another: "Kili! Shoot it!" You barely avoided the arrow soon shot after you, but were unshaken and slipped down to the forest floor in the shadows, landing deftly on your feet. The dwarves were still shouting after the dwarf with the bow to shoot you and as he released another arrow after you, you stepped into the light and caught it between two fingers right before it would have pierced your skull. You lowered and looked at it, nodding at his skill as you said cordially to the group, "Why, hello there."

You raised your head and walked up to the dwarven archer, handing him his arrow with a small smile as he stared at you with a peculiar expression you couldn't quite place.

"Kili, was it? Impressive shot."

Turning to the wizard in the group, you crossed your arms and asked;

"Why didn't you send word you were coming? It would have made things for you and these noble dwarves- and hobbit -much simpler if I'd have known you were in this region."

"I was not certain how you would react, my lady."

You sighed and shook your head fondly, stepping back to view the whole group with a warm smile.

"Oh, you old fool, you know I welcome all friendly travelers without questions. Well, come along then. I've got hot cider and all the food you could wish for at my home. It's not too far away."

You paused, then turned back to them from where you were turning to lead them off. Your smile grew a little apologetic and your cheeks flushed a light pink as you realized you still hadn't introduced yourself. You bowed with a slight flourish and said, ever so charming;

"I'm afraid I haven't introduced myself to you. Y/N, sometimes known as the Lady of the Evergreen Wood. Welcome to my lands, good travelers, I greet you with an open heart."

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