Kili -3-

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A young hobbitess in the Shire, descended from the bold, daring, compassionate line of Took: who could be better for a quest to kill a dragon and reclaim a home? None other than Y/F/N Y/L/N, who found herself laden with two unexpected dinner guests one eve; dwarves, in fact, a people who rarely passed through those parts. She was quite excited about the pair and the many more they claimed were coming- even including Gandalf the Gray! When there was another knock on her door, she nearly ran to open it- and found herself face to face with the most attractive specimen of the male species she had ever seen. The dwarf beside him introduced himself but Y/N only had eyes for this handsome mystery man before her. He smoothly bowed along with the other dwarf and she regained your senses enough to politely curtsy.


"-and Kili-"

"At your service."

The warm smile Kili gave Y/N when he rose again made her heart go all aflutter. 'Hey, maybe- hopefully- he's single?'

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