Kili -4-

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You, a misplaced dwarvess long looking for a place of belonging, had once tried finding a home in Eryn Galen, when it was still a kingdom of light. You, well, let's just say you didn't leave the best impression, and the elven prince of the realm had held a personal grudge against you for many a year now. You, under the promise of a home in Erebor if you helped reclaim it, joined the Company of Thorin Oakenshield. Of course, you managed to cross paths with the one patrol Legolas joined, and he seemed very unhappy to see you again. He raised his bow and kept it pointed right at you threateningly. Kili, who had taking quite a liking to you, clenched his fists and tried to block the elf prince, but the elleth guarding your companion stopped him in his tracks.

"Long time no see, your highness."

"Don't think I won't kill you, dwarf."

The rest of the Company looked surprised as Legolas tightened his bowstring. You shrugged and admitted,

"Last time I was here, I, uh, I caused a bit of trouble."

"You lit the palace on fire!"

"A small mistake, really. No one told me the fireplace wasn't fireproof, for some ridiculous reason."

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