Thorin Oakenshield -8-

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A brisk knock on the door echoed sharply through the din in Bilbo Baggins' dining room, causing all in the room, be it dwarf, hobbit, or wizard, to pause in their happenings. Gandalf raised his eyebrows just the slightest and Y/N rose from her chair, heading for the front door even before the wizened wizard announced the arrival of the dwarven noble the whole group had been waiting for all evening. She opened the door and immediately swept into a polite bow, about to greet the rightful heir to the throne of Erebor kindly, but she did not get the chance as he greeted Gandalf instead of her, his tone rather put-off;

"Gandalf. I thought you said this place would be easy to find. I lost my way, twice. I wouldn't have found it at all had it not been for that mark on the door."

Y/N frowned at the dwarf and replied, quite saucily in fact;

"I was expecting a hello, though surely the great and mighty Thorin Oakenshield can't be bothered."

They exchanged glances unreadable to each other and to the fellows watching; only Gandalf could see the spark flickering beneath each's cool gaze.

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