Thranduil & Thorin -1-

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Tensions rose quickly on the dais before the throne of the king of Mirkwood. Thranduil himself was at odds with Thorin Oakenshield, and as they exchanged terse words, each growing ever more frustrated, two guards appeared, escorting a third person. This was Y/N, Guide of the Company, Hobbit, Waymaker, Ranger- whatever you wished to call her, she would be there with a helping hand and a warm smile. No warmth graced her features this day, though, yet she held her head high as one of the guards pushed her forward into the light.

"Do you not bow before the king?" asked Thranduil, turning his glare upon the newcomer. His expression faltered ever-so-slightly, though, as he took her in. There was something about her... but he had little time to ponder his feelings before a scowl came upon her face and she raised her voice.

"I bow only to one king among us three-"

Y/N looked to Thorin, her gaze softening, and Thranduil realized what Oakenshield had not.

"-and he is no elf."

Thranduil promptly clenched his teeth, ready to berate her insolence, but his comprehension paused him as he looked between the hobbitess and the dwarf. There was something there, but unspoken. He could use this to his advantage.

"Take him away," ordered the king of the realm, and guards came forward to Thorin. As the noble dwarf was ushered away from Y/N, he called back something in the tongue of his people, meeting her gaze with clear intention-

Yet she seemed confused. Thranduil realized she did not understand Khuzdul, nor did she grasp why Thorin had looked at her so. She turned back toward the elven king, and he beckoned to his servants to bring them two seats. He tempered his glare, and by the surprise that flashed in her eyes, the smile he now offered her had thrown her off guard. Good.

"My apologies, fair lady. I did not realize you held allegiance to the dwarves."

Y/N hesitantly took the offered seat, the tension in her shoulders starting to ease, and Thranduil told himself to ignore the way the sunlight shone on her hair and the determined spark in her gaze.

"It is a fine time for tea, don't you think?"

A small smile escaped onto her lips before she could hide it, and for the first time in many years, Thranduil felt the very inklings of yearning bloom in his heart.

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