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1. The museum was near the school.

Ø  The museum was not …far from…the school.

2. It cost £3 to visit the museum.

Ø  They had to … play…£3 to visit the museum.

3. The class was taken around the museum by a guide.

Ø  A museum guide …took the class… around the museum.

4. They did not leave until 4 o’clock.

Ø  It was 4 o’clock … When … they lefl the museum.

5. Everybody though that the museum visit was boring.

Ø  Everybody was … bored…with the museum visit

6. Her hair is long and black.

Ø  She has… long and black hair.

7. The water is to dirty that he can’t bath his eyes.

Ø  The water is not …

8. Nam is only seventeen years old. He cann’t a drive a car.

Ø  Nam isn’t … old ...

9. The results of the research are not only impressive, but also alarming.

Ø  The results of the research are both… impressive and alarming

10. This flower is very beautiful!

Ø  How … this flower is

11. …More than….. I prefer playing the guitar to playing the piano.

Ø  I like playing the guitar …more than… playing the piano.

12.  deciding

13. I had visited.

14. ‘Have you had enough to eat, Ann’.Tom asked.

Ø  Tom asked …Ann if… enough to eat.

15. I use a dictionary to check any words that I don’t know.

Ø  When I don’t know a word, I look… up in …a dictionary.

16. Maria lives a long way from her office.

Ø  The bus journey to her office… near… forty minutes.

17. It is a forty-minute bus journey to her office.

Ø  The bus journey to her office …takes ….forty minutes.

18. Driving a car in the town centre is not allowed.

Ø  You are not allowed … to drived … cars in the town centre.

19. Maria sometimes takes a taxi although it is expensive.

Ø  Maria doesn’t often take a taxi… because … it is expensive.

20. Yesterday the got up too late to catch the bus.

Ø  Yesterday the got up so late that she … missed couldn’t catch … the bus.

21. The students are given two hours of homework each week.

Ø  Each week chiara … gives … The students two hours of homework.

22. Football is the most popular Sport at the centre.

Ø  Football is … more popular … than any other sports at the sports centre.

23. Sara had never been camping before.

Ø  This was ……….Sara had been camping.

24. There is a new swimming pool in our town.

Ø  Our town … the first time … a new swimming pool.

25. I could read when I was four.

Ø  I… has been … able to read since I was four

26. My friend told me that I could stay in his flat.

Ø  My friend said, “you … can stay in … my flat”.

27. I started living here two months ago.

Ø  I have lived … for …two months.

28. This is the first time I’ve lived in the city.

Ø  I’ve … near lived …in a city before.

29. The flat has two bedrooms.

Ø  There are … two bedrooms…. The flat.

30. My bedroom is too small for all my books.

Ø  My bedroom is not …large enough …for all my book.

31. I like detective stories.

Ø  I am … interested in … detective stories.

32. I can’t cook as well as my mother does.

Ø  My mother … can cook better… me.

33. It was such a dull play that he fell asleep.

Ø  The play … was so dull… that he fell asleep.

34. Whose wallet is this?

Ø  Who does …this wallet belong to.

35. They haven’t visited me for five years.

Ø  They …visited me … five years ago.

36. Last year wasn’t as cold as this year.

Ø  This year is … colder than … last year was.

37. James can sing well.

Ø  James is …good at …singing.

38. Learning English isn’t too difficult.

Ø  It isn’t too … difficult to learn … English.

39. They have worked for Cannon for 5 years.

Ø  They started … working for … 5 years ago.

40. This is the first time I have ever in a foreign country.

Ø  I have … never lived … in a foreign country before.

41. Lan went to the party with her boyfriend.

Ø  Lan and her boyfriend …went to the party … together.

42. Our friend Ba was 21 years old that day.

Ø  It was our friend …Ba’s 21st birthday… that day.

43. He spent four hours at the office.

Ø  He was at …at the office for …four hours.

44. Mai likes watching TV mo than Lan does.

Ø  Lan doesn’t  like watching TV …as much as … Mai does.

45. They suggested that Jane should dance with Mike for a while.

Ø  They said, “Why don’t you …dance with Mike …for a while.

46. The earliest clock used the sun’s shadow to tell the time.

Ø  With the earliest clock, people …could tell …the time by using the sun’s shadow.

47. Modern clock are more accurate than old – fashioned ones were.

Ø  Old-fashioned clocks weren’t as … as accurate as … modern ones are.

48. The most famous clocks in the world are made in Switzerland.

Ø  In Switzerland, they … make … the most famous clocks in the world.

49. An alarm clock can make you wake up early.

Ø  An alarm clock is helpful …When/ whenever… you need to wake up early.

50. People without watches are often late for appointment.

Ø  People without watches are often not …on …time for appointment.

51. It can be boring just staying at home.

Ø  You can get … bored with stay … at home.

52. I haven’t seen my aunt for five years.

Ø  It’s been fives years since I last … saw my aunt.

53. Going to the cinema is less popular.

Ø  The cinema isn’t … very popular

54. I asked Mary to come to the cinema with me.

Ø  I asked, “Mary,…. Would you like …to come to the cinema with me”.

55. She was going to the cinema  with Fred.

Ø  Fred and She …were going to …the cinema together.

56. It’s six months since I last went swimming.

Ø  I … haven’t … been swimming for six months.

57. The new pool is near to my home.

Ø  It’s not …far from … the new pool to my home.

58. If you can’t swim, you aren’t allowed in the deep end.

Ø  You aren’t allowed in the deep end, …Unless… you can swim.

59. My friend Sam wanted me to go Swimming with him.

Ø  Why … don’t you… come swimming with me, suggested Sam.

60. I didn’t go swimming with Sam Because I was very busy.

Ø  I was …too …busy to go swimming with Sam.

61. The museum was near the school.=1

Ø  The museum was not … far from … the school.

67. Why don’t you learn at musical instrument?

Ø  If  I were you, …I would… learn at musical instrument.

68. If you don’t practice the piano every day, you won’t improve.

Ø  You won’t improve unless … you practise … the piano every day.

69. There are only a few concerts this month.

Ø  There aren’t very … many …concerts this month

70. This room is too small for us to play music in.

Ø  This room isn’t …big enough …for us to play music in.

71. I’ll only help you if you promise to try harder.

Ø  Unless …you promise to try harder.

72. “you were cheating”, said Carol to June.

Ø  Carol accused …June of cheating.

73. She bought that house in 1973.

Ø  She has … bought that house since 1973.

74. They believe he is mad.

Ø  He …was mad by them

75. Our house’s going to be painted by a local firm.

Ø  We’re … going to have our house painted

76. “I think you should go by train”, he told us.

Ø  He advised …me to go by train

77. She can’t have any more children because of her age.

Ø  She is too… old to have any more children.

78. It isn’t necessary to shout.

Ø  The play … you needn’t shout

79. It was such a dull play he fell asleep.

Ø  She inquired …was so dull that he

81. Probably, no other painting is as famous as La Gioconda.

Ø  La Gioconda is prabaaly …the most famous … painting in the world.

82. Nobody is sure of the identity of the woman in the ppainting.

Ø  Nobody is sure…who… the woman in the painting is.

83. People find the smile of the woman in the painting interesting.

Ø  People are …interested …in the smile of the woman in the painting.

84. It took Leonardo a long time to paint this picture.

Ø  Leonardo spent a long time …painting …this picture.

85. Does anyone know what this picture is worth today?

Ø  Does anyone know how… much money… this picture is worth today.

86. My friend told me that I could stay in this flat.

Ø  My friend said, “You …can stay in …my flat.

96. Last year, Niko was shown how to pay basketball by his older brother.

Ø  Older Niko’s …brother showed… him how to pay basketball last year.

97. Terry started playing football for Chelsea when he was eighteen.

Ø  Terry has …played football fof Chelsea …since he was eighteen.

98. The Park entrance ticket was cheaper than I’d expected.

Ø  The Park entrance ticket wasn’t …as expensive as …I’d expected.

100. She has had to work hard since she was a little girl because her family is poor.

Ø  Because of her …he poor family… She has had to work hard since she was a little girl.

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