Chapter 1 "First Meeting"

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Okey, first chapter's may be a little bit boring but I swear things will get more interesting later!

Slytheryn. This is the house I been chosen to. After profesor Weasley walked me to our common room we had a little but of talk. She wished me luck as I stepped in.

What was easily seen that green and silver or gray was the main colors here. The room looked kind of like catacumbs but it didn't bothered me. First thing that I wanted to do is to introduce myself. I mean, everyone know each other here so why not? About meeting new people I felt pretty confident.

I stepped a few steps as I looked around. There was a few interesting people. I started introducing myself and that's how I meet Imelda and Ominis. The first one felt kinda ego top but Ominis made good impression on me. It must be kind of hard for him being blind in this huge school but it seems that he is doing well.

Is there someone else to introduce to?

I looked around again and like that I spotted some good looking guy reading a book. I decided to approach him.

This guy.. There's something about him.

I immediately went in his way, I had weird feeling about him.

As I approached him he put his book down.

-Can I help you? -he said but after a second as he looked at me and said -Oh! It's you're the new fifth-year. I'm Sebastian Sallow, welcome to Slytherin.

-Thank you -I simply said.

-Not everyone has a ministry escort to school -he smiled, looking in my eyes.

-It was a friend of professor Fig who joined us for the ride.

-Still, impressive but dreadful way to go fellow -his expression changed for a moment at the memory of George.-But I'm glad you and Fig are alright.

-Professor Fig and I were really lucky and as terrifying as it was. It was quite something interesting that we didn't expected.

-Indeed, but how did you escape?

-It's still a little but blur to be honest -Maybe not exactly blur, I remember how we escape but even if this man is charming I don't trust him yet. But I think we would be good friends, still something about him... Interests me.

-I didn't mean to press, you should just get yourself settled. We can talk more later -he smiled again and I returned it. Also other thing I was interested in was the book he was reading, so I asked.

-What were you reading?

-I spell book I picked up, it has a few interesting things but.. Not exactly not I'm looking for. I'm sure you will find out soon enough but not every spell you may need you will find in that.. Assigned textbooks. -as he said this I started being more and more curious about what he is looking for. Maybe I should help him finding it? But not know, I see that he yet don't trust me so I won't press.

-It was good meeting you, good luck today -he laughed as we split in our ways.

Then professor Weasley ask me to meet up with her, so I did.

She gave me some weird book that should help me. She lead me and showed me around a bit, explained how to use the book and she mentioned my adventure with Fig, I didn't say much about it to anyone as he. She also said that I have some class today. Defence of dark magic, this should be interesting.

So like that, I went my new class..

[... ]

I sat with girl named Natsai Onai, natty. We talked for a second before teacher arrived, he started talking about some differences about changing color and heigh. No one seem to remember anything. Like that we started from beginning...


At that lesson I learned "Accio", it was a easy spell for me but I know that Im not the master of it. I also had a little bit of sparing with Natty with I won. It was nice learning new things and I can't wait to spare with more people. Maybe Sebastian or Imelda would agree to spare with me?

As I talked with Natsai a bit she told me about her other school. I didn't think there was a bigger wizards schools than hogwarts and to my surprise - it was. But enough for now, it's time for another lesson - defence of dark magic.


As I walked in the first thing I saw was Sebastian sparing with some (I think) Gryfindor guy. The first used "protego" as the second throw magic at him. I could feel that Slytherin boy felt confident.

-Is that all you got? -he said throwing spell at other man but it rebounced and hit the dragon skull above them.

The skull almost hit the student but professor Hecal quickly grab it with "Levioso". She started to tell us about some thing that happend in 1878. She wanted to teach us today spell named levioso as it helped her many times.

-Levioso? Levitation charm? - some student asked with disgust. Then she spelled it on him and he went flying

-A surprised opponent is week opponent. Can you defent yourself Mr Prewett? No? -professor asked and as he didn't respond she put him down.

And as soon as she did it we started learning the spell. It wasn't the big of a deal for me as I lifted the feather. As others did it to we needed to deal with the bigger thing with was manequine.

-Very good,but the best way to practice is by dueling. Starting with you two -she said looking at me and Sebastian. He smirked at me, I could tell he would be a bigger opponent but I think I can handle him.

-Time for a proper hogwart welcome

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