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At first I wanted to apologize for any mistakes, English isn't my first language and I'm still learning. Anyways Enjoy! <3

Ps. I will skip some of the situations so the chapter won't be too long

Late evening, you were standing in front of Professor Fig next to carriage that you're going to your- soon - new school, Hogwart. You were so excited about it yet so nervous, you were starting late, in fifth year. It was extremely weird for you as in only small amount of time you discovered that wizards are real, magic is real and everything! I mean, all your life sometimes you seen weird things like blue glow or things like that. It seen strange to you but you ignored it all your life, until now.

But returning to original story, we were just about to get in carriage as some man appeared behind Mr. Fig.

-Oh! Elazar! -said man who was going in our way.

-George. Glad my rather cryptic description of our location did not thwart your finging us. -Said Fig shaking hand of Mr. George.

-I've apparted to more vaguely defined destinations than this. -he chunckled. -Though, I confess I may have miscalculated slightly on my first try. Gave quite the fight to some theatre-goers in the West End.

-It's been much to long. When I received your owl, I must say I-george didn't let him finish as he spoke.

-Best not speak here. Elazar, hm?

-Of course. Why don't we speak en route to Hogwarts? We have a start-of-term feast and a Sorting Ceremony to get to.

-Wonderful idea. As long as your young charge here doesn't mind me tagging along -said Mr. George looking directly at me.

-Not at all, sir - I said trying to sound nice.

As they ended conversation we sat in a vehicle. I wondered how this carriage worked but I didn't questioned it. We set off to the sky as two older man starded talking again. I didn't bring much attention to it and just watched the landscape.

In one moment strange box caught my attention. I see that blue glow again.


As dragon attacked us I try to stay focused, but when could I do? As we jumped from carriage, we started falling. Professor Fig told me to catch his hand as he catched the key from the box. We immediately were teleported to weird place which looked like cave.

-Are you alright ?-professor asked me.

-I-I am professor-I only managed to say short sentence in pain.

-It doesn't seems so.. Let me help you, it's Wiggenweld Potion-he handed me small glass.-It will regenerate your health.

As he said this I slowly drunk the potion. In a short time I felt so much better! I get up and looked around. Professor said to hold close to him but little expedition won't be bad huh?

We started moving forward, but we weren't definitely in any familiar place - we were somewhere in Scotland I think? I'm not sure, but it looked wonderful. However no matter how beautiful this place was, cliffs seem dangerous, water under them were full of skipes and other rocks so if we fell - the end.

Two of us decided to explore this place. As we were in this strange destroyed house Fig told me to look around as i did.

As I explored, at one moment i saw a strange wall. Like it was enchanted! I immediately called professor Fig and started to study this wall. However when I touched it I was weird, I wasn't looking just at the wall but also at room behind it.


After the fight with Ranrock we teleported to somewhere close to Hogwart. We just needed to get into it and hopefully be there on time...


I sat at the chair in front of everyone. Of course I was the last one as we were late and almost skipped the ceremony. Fortunately we get there in last moment and now I'm sitting where I sit. Everyone looking at me as hat is putting on my head, by one for the professors.

-Hmm.. What do we have here. - unexpectedly hat spoke.-Oh you're a bit older than others... Fascinating, ah yes.

-Tell me, what are you most excited for in hogwarts?

-Uh.. I think it's lessons, learning spells must be amazing! But exsploring the area is also interesting.

-Oh I understand.. Mhm, yes

He started talking to himself I think analyzing me. I wonder how that hat-

-You're really something. Tell me, what word would you discrape yourself? -he asked me. I was a little confused but I known myself.

-Ambitious. I think I'm ambitious. -I said as hat signed.

-I know perfect place for you... Slytherin!

**✿❀ ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ ❀✿**

Okey! So end of prologue, I'm sorry for any mistakes again. I try to write next chapter as soon as possible but writing in this language is still kinda hard and exhausting. Also thanks for reading, nice day!

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