// C U R S E D C H I L D E R A \\

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It's been a while since the battle at Hogwarts. And now, they have returned. The children of the famous wizards and witches of their age. Who will you be the child of? And how will you make this year work out?

My characters are below, roleplay wherever you wanna start. You can make the form on the form page of just tag me.

// N A M E \\
Nicholas "Nico" Oliver Potter(depending on if his father is married he will have their last name not Potter)

// A G E \\

// G E N D E R \\

// *S E X U A L I T Y \\
He's Pansexual, but doesn't believe in love

// B L O O D S T A T U S \\

// P E R S O N A L I T Y \\
Nico hides it all. At home, he's a sweet child always trying to help out as much as possible. He's friendly and an courageous kid. At school however, he's rude and arrogant. He's not generally a nice person to be around. Unless you break down his walls he put up for reasons he doesn't like to explain.

// A P P E A R A N C E(you may tag) \\
Nico is at an average height. He has curly red hair that he often times straightens it so that he can keep it out of his face. He has chestnut brown eyes that hold much more emotion than you could ever imagine. He's rather pale and has a lot of freckles.

// A T T I R E(casual, winter, Yule ball not needed)(you may tag, links are accepted)\\


// H O U S E \\

// Y E A R \\
Second year

// *B A C K G R O U N D \\
Nico grew up in a small house out in the country side with his father. He knew about his fathers condition and worried constantly about what he would do. It scared him to think one day they would be having a normal day and the next he would be dead. One day, he had tried to commit Suicide, leaving Nico alone for some time. It was about six months later when he returned alive and healthy. Nico lives in constant fear during his school years of him dying while he's away.
Alternate ending;
Nico has lived with his uncle since he was seven. He had been scarred with the image of seeing his father kill himself at such a young age forever. His cousins, his uncle, his aunt, they've all tried to get him to speak up and go back to his cheerful self. But nothing ever worked. He would often wake up in the middle of the night from nightmares of his father's death.

// F A M I L Y \\
Collin Potter- Adopted father
Ben Kingwell- Adopted Dad(depends)
Harry Potter- Uncle
Ginny Potter- Aunt
Albus Severus Potter- Cousin
Lilly Luna Potter- Cousin
James Sirius Potter- Cousin

// *F R I E N D S \\
His cousins

// *E N E M I E S \\
Mostly everyone

// *C R U S H \\
None at the moment, maybe try to convince him that love does exist

// *B O G G A R T \\
His father committing suicide

// *P A T R O N U S \\

// *W A N D \\
Redwood wood, Unicorn hair core, 10" in length, Quite Bendy flexibility

// *P E T \\
Barn Owl named Fester

// S T R E N G T H S \\
Nico is amazing at Quidditch. He's excellent at all his classes, some often wonder why he's in Slytherin and not Ravenclaw.

// W E A K N E S S E S \\
Nico can't stand the cold. He's allergic to dogs and peanuts. Other than that, his background is his main weakness. He had developed the same fear his father has/had of thunder snd lightning storms. He can very rude and arrogant without knowing it.

// *V O I C E C L A I M(basically a theme song that works as their voice) \\

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

// O T H E R \\
He plays Quidditch, the beater position. Being a muggle-born in Slytherin, he tries to hard to make everyone believe he belongs there.


// N A M E \\
Theodore "Theo" Jaxon Sycamore/Malfoy

// A G E \\

// G E N D E R \\

// *S E X U A L I T Y \\

// B L O O D S T A T U S \\

// P E R S O N A L I T Y \\
Theo is often thought to have been in Hufflepuff. He didn't inherited his social butterfly personality like his mother, but he isn't rude and arrogant like his father was. He's a shy person with his own set of problems. The sorting hat went passed his kindness and loyalty and saw that there was courage and the need to show others that he is strong and brave. Added to this personality there's other personality traits he gains from his bipolar disorder.

// A P P E A R A N C E(you may tag) \\
Theo is at an average height for his age, a little on the short side. He has black hair and light freckles like his mother. From his father, he inherited the grey eyes people love about him.

// A T T I R E(casual, winter, Yule ball not needed)(you make tag, links are accepted)\\

(He loves ripped jeans xD)

// H O U S E \\

// Y E A R \\
Second year

// *B A C K G R O U N D \\
Theo grew up in a strict household. Because of his mental condition, his mom always had him under strict supervision. He always had a curfew and when he was out at friends homes, their parents also knew of all the rules he had enforced on him. His mom and dad hated having to do this to him, but his bipolar disorder was something that could be very dangerous if they didn't help him.

// F A M I L Y \\
Mavis Sycamore- Mom
Draco Malfoy- Dad(depends on the roleplay, if Malfoy is your crush then his father is unknown or she may end up with another person)
A baby brother who isn't born yet
Giovanni Sycamore- Uncle
Two muggle cousin- Adopted children of Giovanni(depends)
Sycamore family
Malfoy Family(depends)

// *F R I E N D S \\
Nico's cousins

// *E N E M I E S \\
The bullies of the houses

// *C R U S H \\
None. like Nico, try to convince him that love is possible.

// *B O G G A R T \\
His parents being disappointed in him

// *P A T R O N U S \\
Pine Marten

// *W A N D \\
Hornbeam wood, Dragon heartstring core, 12 ½" in length, Reasonably Supple flexibility

// *P E T \\
Black cat named Pepper

// S T R E N G T H S \\
Theodore like Nico is great at Quidditch. Often times his bipolar disorder hets in the way of him focusing in his classes, but he always managed to get good grades.

// W E A K N E S S E S \\
Theo has Bipolar disorder which doesn't help him much. It often gets in his way when doing things and because of it he's skinny and doesn't weight as much as he should.

// *V O I C E C L A I M(basically a theme song that works as their voice) \\

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

// O T H E R \\
He doesn't see it as a weakness, but he does a phobia of small spaces. When he's having one of his bad days, he always stays all day in his dorm not eating or doing any of his class work.

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