Chapter 13: What one has lost

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd person POV:


Punks: G- Grandpa !!

Kiba: Ohh... My children, what a disaster... M- My precious, cute lil' ones, they... WOUUUUUUUUUUU !!

Woman: Honey... What will happen to us ?

Villager: E... Euh.

Kid: Daaad !

Kiba: You were captured so we can use you as slaves, but... I'm asking you to die here for my poor cute lil' children !

Villager: What ?! What do you mean ?!

Kiba: To make sure our family is not miserable in heaven, you shall be their servants in death !

Villager: What's with this bullshit ?! This is nonsense !

Kiba: You think my children aren't unhappy ? Don't you understand the pain I feel ? Come on, don't you feel the need to give your life ? For their sake ?

Villager: Stop this nonsense ! I won't do a thing to help scum like you !


Woman: DEAR !

Kid: DAD !

Kiba: Go on !

Villagers: GYAAA !!

Kiba: Murf. Rha... This isn't enough to calm me down... It pains my heart that my children were killed in this way. I'm going to make them pay ! Search for them ! These three gorillas must have relatives ! Their family can be easily found using our organization's intelligence network, and they must heed the blood law of the Kiba family !

Your POV:

Lin: Miss Mamiya...

Mamiya: yes ?

Lin: Miss Mamiya, you don't look like you're pleased about having to fight...

Mamiya: What ?

Lin: Uh... Don't you have someone special ? Someone you love ?

Mamiya: No, there's no one. I've long forgotten those kind of feelings. I don't have time for this !

Rei: You won't be fighting !

Mamiya: Why ?

Rei: You're a woman !

Mamiya: A woman ?! Hmph... I gave up being a woman ! What you see in front of you is not a woman, but merely Mamiya, the warrior who must defend her village.

Rei: Hmph.

Mamiya: Ah !

Rei: If you're not a woman, then why are you covering your chest ? Listen ! A woman only has to think about her happiness, and nothing else !

Rei: This fits a woman much better than a weapon. This veil is the one Airi was supposed to wear... If I manage to return, I'll offer you a white one !

"... was that his way to ask for someone's hand... ?"

Kenshiro: It seems like he sees his sister in you.

Mamiya: His sister...

Punks: The Hokuto and Sendo users have no parents ! But the nanto one has a sister !

Kiba: ... I see.

Rei: Is she your little sister ?

Kid: *Nod*

Rei: Mh... here.

Kid: T- Thank you ! Great ! Chocolate ! Let's share. Hmm...

Rei: ...

Rei: That's good.

"I think it's time to go."

Rei: You're coming, too...

Kenshiro: We'll finish this faster if we work together. Besides, the Kiba family members aren't just simple bandits, we don't know what they'll have planned for us.

Rei: Hmph...

Mamiya: I'm coming, too ! No matter what you think, i'm still the one responsible for this village ! It's my duty to help until this is over...

Mamiya: And... I have to tag along so I can keep an eye on you and make sure you don't run away !

"... You'll die."

Mamiya: I don't care !


Rei: Hmph...

Mamiya: This place is creepy.

"We've advanced pretty far... We should be inside their territory by now..."

Rei: We must be careful...

Mamiya: ... How can he fall asleep in a place like this ? Does he have nerves of steel ?

"Pretty much, yes. He's built differently."

Mamiya: What ?! Aah...

Kenshiro: Here they come.

Rei: Finally, they show themselves...

Rei: What ?! AH ! AAH !!

Mamiya: What's wrong ?


"What ?!"

Rei: Wha... What's this ? A dream... ? Ai- Airi, it's me. I've been looking for you... If you're just a dream, please don't disappear...

Airi: Hah ! Wh... Who ? Who's here ?

Rei: AIRI !! Airi, you're alive !!

"Stop ! Don't get any closer ! They're just using her !"

Rei: Noooo ! Get off me !!

Mamiya: Rei, calm down !

"He can't... He completely lost it already..."

Rei: Airi ! It's me !

Airi: Are... Are you my new master ? Where will you take me this time ? I won't try to escape. I'll obey your every word, just be gentle...

Rei: Wh... What ?! Sh- She doesn't recognize me !

Kenshiro: She must have been tortured... She had to shut herself away from everything...

Rei: U... Uun... Let me go ! Let me go, or I'll kill you ! Let me gooo !!

"Even if you go, it's even more dangerous now !"

Rei: Airi ! Look at this ! Remember ! This is the wedding cloth I gave you !

Airi: 'No... Impossible ! Th- This embroidery... It... It can't be... !'

Rei: Airi... !

Airi: Bi... Big brother ! It's really you, big brother !

Rei: Airi ! Yes, it's me ! A... Airi...

Airi: Wh... Why... If only I'd known I'd see you alive again... My eyes... I wouldn't have hurt my eyes...

Rei: What ?!

Airi: I lost everything I had... I felt only misery and despair... I didn't have the courage to kill myself, but I couldn't keep looking at this world... And so I... I put poison in my eyes...

Rei: Wh... Why ?!

Airi: Re- Rei, where... Where are you... Hold me in your arms !

Rei: I... I'm coming to save you right now !

"That idiot ! How can he not see that trap !"

Rei: What do you want, bastard ?! Get the fuck out of here !

Airi: Big brother... AAH !!

Rei: AH ! AILI !! AILIIII !!

Kiba: Har har har ! Your beautiful little sister is now in my hands !

Mamiya: Ahh...

"The Kiba family... I take it he's the leader..."

Rei: Airi...

Kiba: Bastards, because you killed my dear children.. Hu hu hu... I'm going to make you suffer the same way I did !

Rei: Hey ! Stop !!

Rei: AIRI !!

Kiba: Ku ku ku... I understand, I understand how you feel! And it actually console me ! Hu hu hu...

Rei: Son of a bitch !!

Kiba: Don't move ! Ha ha ha ! You can't do a thing ! You can just yell !!


Kiba: Huh ? What's wrong ?

Punk: Gr- Grandpa ! Ma... Madara... He started getting agitated all of a sudden !

Kiba: What ? Why did you bring that beast here ? If he attacks them, we won't have any time to make them suffer !

Punks: Uwa !! We can't hold him any longer !

Kiba: But why is he so agitated ?

Punk: It's because of them ! The moment he saw them, he got frightened !

Kiba: Wha... What, he's scared ?! No way ! He's a bloodthirsty murdering beast who adores carnage ! He's never scared of anything !

Kenshiro: It appears there's a rabid monster on the loose. You should back off, I'll handle this one.

"Is that thing even human at this point ?"

Kiba: Hmm... he manages to easily dodge its attacks...

Kenshiro: AHTAAA !!

Madara: GWAAAK !! Grrrk...

Mamiya: It's coming this way !

"So ? What's it gonna do, bite me ? Go on, try it."

Madara: GRRRRRKK !!

Punk: That's it ! He's tearing him up !

Kiba: Hu... What an idiot !

Madara: Guh... Ga ga...

Kenshiro: It's no use. I pushed the vital pressure point in his cheek. He won't be able to bite anymore people to death !

Punk: Wh... What's going on ?!

Kiba: Grrr... these guys are very strong... But now, Madara only has his claws as weapons...

"Just as planned... But if only they weren't holding Rei's sister hostage..."


"Haven't learned your lesson yet ?! ORAAA !!"


Kiba: What kind of man is he ?! Provoking me in such a situation... And the smell of death is hanging in the air... Madara must have felt it instinctively and got frightened... The Shinigami... !

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