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Stiles had a lot of memories of the Beacon Hills Preserve. They weren't all good.

For some reason, not only werewolves, but also normal, human murdering psychos saw the Preserve as a good dumping ground for bodies.

Hotch, Noah and himself walked onto the crime scene which was still taped off. Spencer had decided to stay back and work up a geographical profile at the station instead and no one had objected.

"Okay, so he keeps them for five days. That means he likes to spend time with them. He rapes them and then he cuts out their eyes?"

Stiles furrowed his eyebrows at where Grace's body had been left. "Were the eyes taken out post-mortem?"

He turned back to his father, who shook his head. "No. Why?"

"What if he cuts them out because he doesn't want them to see him while he rapes them?" Hotch's eyes widened a little as he nodded. "That could mean he's impotent and not confident in bed."

The chief nodded to his colleague. "You could be right. He might need reassurance that he did good but was too embarrassed to have the girls looking at him."

"But he also mutilates them." Stiles voiced. "So he's embarrassed to have them look at him but he gets off on watching them suffer as well." He looked up at Hotchner with a sigh. "Looks like we've got a sexual sadist."

The three men observed and talked among themselves trying to make up new theories. They finally decided to head back to the station with the rest of the team. Derek and Emily soon came back as well as they who BAU team gathered around the map Spencer had marked in the conference room.

"We talked to Grace's father." Derek started as they all sat or stood. "She was a sweet girl apparently. She worked at the local high school as a guidance counselor."

Stiles groaned, bad memories of high school guidance counselors bubbling up to the surface. It kind of leaves a scar when she threatens to kill you by paralyzing your lungs. Everyone looked at him as he waved his hand dismissively. "Sorry, it's all the guidance counselors I had sucked." He slumped back in his seat before shooting up. "What did the others do?"

JJ went through the files. "Megan Miller was a chemistry teacher and Thea Lang was a junior at the high school."

"Why is it always that high school?" The Beacon Hills native shook his head, rubbing his temple.

Morgan smirked a little before turning back to the team. "So he goes to the high school. Another teacher, staff worker, parent, student, former student?"

"That's a large list." Emily sighed.

Everyone hummed in agreement. The silence was broken by Stiles' phone. He took it out of his pocket.


The man frowned a little confused. It would be around nine back in Virginia. He picked it up, placing it to his ear. "Hello?"


"Lori? Sweetie what's wrong?"

"I just wanted to say 'good night'." The girl spoke innocently. "Have you caught the bad guy yet?"

Stiles lips twitched up a little. "No, baby. Not yet."

"Is grandpa there?"

"No, he's in his office. But the team is. Do you want to say 'good night' to them too?"


The man chuckled a little as he put it on speaker. "Okay, you're on speaker."

"Hey Lori." JJ smiled.

"Aunt JJ!" The seven-year-old's voice sounded excited making a smile light up on the whole team's face. Lorraine Stilinski always made them smile no matter what. "Uncle Spencer? Uncle Derek? Aunt Em?"

"We're here kiddo." Derek smiled. "We're all here."

"Uncle Hotch and Uncle Dave too?"

Both older men exchanged a look. Rossi was the one to answer. "We're all here Lori."

"I just wanted to say 'good night'. I'm sure you'll catch the bad guys soon!"

Everyone chuckled, glancing over to Stiles who's face held pride. "We will, Lori." Hotch replied. "Now do you mind giving the phone to your mother?"

"Okay! Bye!"

There were faint voices heard in the background, Lori, Aurora and the BAU's technical analyst, Penelope Garcia's. Finally Aurora came to the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey honey." Stiles spoke. "You're on speaker."

"Guys I am so sorry." The redhead professed. "Garcia and I were talking. I didn't even realize she took my phone."

"It's okay." Hotch reassured. "We were stuck anyways."

"How's the case going?"

Spencer spoke up this time. "We might have the beginning of a profile." The others all hummed in agreement.

"Well you guys all stay safe okay. And say 'hi' to Noah for me again."

The team all told her they'd do it and that her, Garcia and Lori should all rest.

Penelope heading over to the Stilinski house for the night wasn't all that odd. When Stiles and the team were away on a case the blonde woman often stayed with her co-worker's wife and daughter to keep them company. Aurora was close friends with the whole team since she'd consulted for them a couple times. She was a psychologist.

The team all looked at each other again and decided to head back to their hotel and let it simmer for the night and work on it in the morning again.

They put on their jackets and coats, all walking out of the conference room making light chatter. They crossed the sheriff on the way out.

"You guys heading out?"

They all nodded. "We were probably going to get dinner and head back to the hotel." Rossi explained.

"Why don't you all come over for dinner?" Noah suggested. "I haven't seen my boy in a while and you're all like family to him."

They all exchanged a look before finally glancing back at Stiles. "Well, he does make a mean chicken."

A/N: I know that I just began this story but I'm thinking of making a sequel book when I'm finished to explain how Stiles got into the BAU, how he met Aurora and all those details. Tell me what you think.
Also, I know that the characters might be slightly different then in Criminal Minds but please bare in mind that I am only on season 4 of Criminal Minds but couldn't wait to start writing this book. I might come back and change some things after I've finished all 15 seasons.

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