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The conference room was a little more full then it had been earlier in the morning.

After the BAU had talked and sprouted theories at the scene, they found themselves back in the station but not alone.

Every FBI agent there was stunned that Stiles was the one who suggested that his old pack help. He'd informed his team before they reached the station that Scott's was one of the only packs there and if there was anything to do with the supernatural they could normally ask.

The pack stood in the back of the room while the others sat or stood in front of the board.

"Why does he take their eyes?" Spencer suddenly asked. Everyone turned to the seated man, the team waiting for him to elaborate while the pack just looked confused. "I mean we've established that he's not confident in his performance so he takes their eyes so that they can't see him but he cuts them out precisely and surgically so that they aren't damaged and he can keep them. That mean that the eyes have some other important meaning to him."

Morgan leaned back against the table. "Okay sure. So you're the Unsub, what could eyes mean to you?"

Stiles rubbed his face in frustration. "Eyes can have a different meaning for everyone Derek." He voiced. "I mean maybe he just likes the way they look, or because the victims looked at him a certain way."

"So basically you guys don't know anything." Scott McCall's voice sneered making everyone turn to him.

Derek rolled his eyes. "You said you wanted to help." He said. "You're welcome to get out if you're just going to make smug comments, mutt."

The pack stared at the man stunned while Scott's eyes flared red. He turned to Stiles with a glare. "You told them?" He growled.

The profiler rolled his eyes. "We hunt down the country's serial killers. We were bound to run into a werewolf or two at some point."

Hotch turned to the team. "So what do we have for now?"

"Organized white male, in his early twenties to mid-thirties."

"He's got medical experience of some sort."

"He's not very good socially and under confident."

"He's got some connection to that good forsaken high school."

The members of the team to turns listing of what they all already knew. "Well we've got a preliminary profile." Hotch tilted his head. "Let's go tell the cops that."

Lydia never thought she'd see Stiles again.

After he'd been thrown out of the pack she practically forgot about him yet he was standing only a few feet away from her.

After high school ended, Lydia realized that she wasn't going to have it as easy as she did in high school. People weren't begging for her attention or bowing at her feet. She always thought that if Stiles and her ever met again he'd still be in love with her but she was proved wrong when the man wouldn't even spare her a second glance. He seemed more engrossed by bloody crime scene pictures then her.

She didn't seem to get any of the attention she wanted from her former friend's two extremely attractive co-workers, Dr. Reid and Agent Morgan.

A part of her was mad that after the pack had thrown him out, Stiles had put his life together and seemed fine. More then fine actually.

The pack watched as the agents delivered the profile they already had, the blonde woman named JJ stood next to a deputy, her hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you." Agent Hotchner nodded as the BAU team moved towards the conference room again.

They looked over files and crime scene pictures again until Stiles grabbed his phone, putting it on speaker. "This is the magical oracle of all knowledge, Penelope Garcia. Speak mortal."

"Hey, Garcia. You're on speaker, so behave."

"Aw, if it isn't my Batman." The woman on the other end sighed happily. "What can I do for you hot stuff?"

Lydia saw Scott roll his eyes and scoff. "Can you give us a whole background on all the victims?"

"Can you stop being handsome?" She said rhetorically.

Stiles smirked. "Penelope. Careful there, your chocolate love might think your cheating on him."

"Between you and me, you're better then him."

"Hear that Derek!" The Stilinski man smugly turned to his friend. "She says I'm better."

"Just give us the information, babe." Derek said into the phone. "We'll have a long conversation about this when I get back."

"Okay, so other then the fact that all the women have a connection to Beacon Hills High School there isn't much in common. Two of them were students, the other two were staff."

"So maybe something happened to our Unsub at the high school."

"Well, a lot of murders have happened there." Stiles said. "Maybe a family member."

"I'll check to see if anyone who's lost someone in an attack at the high school could be our guy. PG out!"

Everyone -except the pack and Hotch- chuckled. "I really need to get her drug tested." The chief of unit sighed.

A/N: So what do you guys think? I'm going to try and involve the pack a little more next chapter but I hope you guys all liked it.

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