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It's been 2 years. 2 years since I left. 2 years in this damn world. I hate it. 2 years ago I was sucked up into a portal within the Labyrinth and I arrived in this world. A world filled with idiots wearing clown suits, and I hate it. Now I'm here. Running away from the police. It wasn't my fault that the mist doesn't exist here and people see that I have my sword, I was desperate and all I wanted was a simple happy meal, that's all! Why does all the bad luck happen to me!? I HATE MY LIFE! I want to go home! I want food! I want....my sister back. Why did she had to leave me alone?

I run into a alleyway, where it had large shadows to make it easier for me to shadow travel. I run towards the nearest shadow and let myself melt into darkness, the last thing I heard before I completely disappeared was the sirens from the police cars.


-Mount Justice- (5 hours before)

"There has been reports of a thirteen year old boy, carrying what seems to be a black sword. The material of the sword is unknown and we couldn't identify the boy in any of the criminal records. He was last seen within a parking lot in Star City. I need you to investigate." The Dark Night explains to the group of young heroes. A ginger head boy steps forward.

"Why are we investigating a kid? Isn't there like something more important?" He asked, the raven haired boy wearing a black and red caped suit gave the redhead a warning glare. The Dark Night narrowed his eyes.

"Because. According to Wonder Woman, the material of the sword is ancient and might be relating to Ancient Greek. We need to get that sword for inspection and find out who this boy is and how he got his hands on this ancient relic." Batman explained sternly but calm. No one argued after that and nodded in understanding.


-Bruce Wayne's Mansion- (Present)
Bruce Wayne walked down the maze of halls and towards the main entrance of the mansion, when a voice interrupted the man.

"Visiting your parents, Master Bruce?" A old but friendly voice asked from behind, Bruce turned around to see his faithful butler, Alfred. Bruce nodded, the old man held out a black umbrella towards the billionaire. Bruce gladly took it. "Just in case, I heard it would rain this afternoon." The butler says.

"Thank you, Alfred." Bruce said to his butler, he turned back towards the door and exited the mansion. He gets into his car and drove off to the graveyard.

He arrived at the grave sight of his parents, he exited his car and walked towards his father and mother's graves with a sorrowful look. But then he noticed a shadow of a figure behind his mother's tomb. He could hear soft sobs and when he came closer to the figure he saw it was a boy. He had long, messy, pitch black hair, pale ghostly skin and wore a dark brown jacket, black skull shirt and black, dirty jeans. But what caught Bruce's eye was the pitch black sword behind his back.

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