Chapter Thirteen

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The week unfolded with a blend of routine classes, late-night research sessions, and intermittent texts from both Lysander and Connor. Lysander's invitation to meet on Monday lingered in the back of her mind, a pleasant distraction from the routine of university life.

Connor's messages were casual, filled with anecdotes about baseball games, random jokes, and the occasional invitation to join him for a meal. She always declined though. Citing their clashing schedules as the reason for not accepting his offer. That wasn't the case though, ever since the day at the library Ella felt weird around him. Not a good weird though. The memory of Mya rubbing his shoulder and the look on her face made her stomach churn. She just didnt' know why.

On the other hand, Lysander's messages carried a different tone—a subtle undercurrent of humor and genuine banter back in forth regarding communication theory. Their conversations were infused with intellectual curiosity, and Ella found herself drawn to the way Lysander expressed his thoughts.

On Monday, Ella found herself standing in front of the mirror, contemplating her outfit. The nerves began to flutter in her stomach, a mixture of excitement and uncertainty. It was almost like she was going on a date.

She shook her head. No this wasn't a date, it was just two friends grabbing coffee together, thats all.

She stared at her reflection. She opted to put her hair up in a high ponytail, something she didn't do often and brushed on some light makeup.

Her outfit wasn't anything too spectacular. It was November now and most days the temperature dipped below 36 degrees Fahrenheit. She opted for a light fluffy jacket she bought while shopping at the local Target and a pair of leggings. She didn't have the fluffy boots that the girls around campus seemed to sport this time of year so she wore a pair of black suede boots she hoped would provide the same warmth.

Ella sighed and made a mental note to buy warmer clothes.

She checked her phone. It was almost eleven in the morning. It would probably be best if she went ahead and made her way to the coffee shop. The last thing she wanted to do was be late to her first dat—hang out with a friend.

She grabbed her keys off the desk and made her way out the door. The dorm hall was quiet, which was to be expected. Athletes did have to go to class too and it seemed like many of them opted for mid-morning or afternoon classes.

As she walked down the steps she noticed a few students standing outside the dorm chattering away. They were holding some stacks of paper in their hands. She squinted to get a better look.

'Tickets to the last baseball game of the year.'

Ah. That made sense. She briefly recalled Connor texting her about the team getting ready for their last game of the season. Stating that it was important for them to win this game. It would bring them up in the ranks next season.

As Ella zwalked by one of the students they held out a flyer for her. Despite wanting to decline she accepted it with a smile, now clutching it in her hand.

It appeared many of these students were stationed around campus as a few were seen in front of a few buildings as well as the courtyard.

As she made her way to the center of campus. She checked her map on the phone. The coffee shop was only a five-minute walk away. She turned a corner peering around for the familiar sign before a light touch on her shoulder startled her briefly.

'Ah!' She exclaimed.

"Oops," a familiar voice said, "I didn't mean to startle you."

Ella turned to find Lysander standing behind her A sheepish look on his face. in her brief moment of surprise, she took in his appearance.

He was wearing a blue and black plaid button-up with a black hooded Sherpa jacket thrown over it and a pair of dark-wash jeans. His usual mess of dark curly hair sat atop his head but it looked like someone had run their hands through it a few times, leaving a few curls sticking out.

It wasn't anything special, this was how he usually dressed but seeing him in casual clothing outside of the classroom made her face burn.

Yes, she saw him at the party but she was slightly tipsy that night and her mind was on other things. Now her mind was on him. Here right now.

"Sorry," he apologized again. "I really didn't mean to scare you."

She shook her head. "No you didn't scare me, just startled me, but I'm glad you're here. We can walk together."

Lysander smiled and stepped up beside her. They talked pleasantries as they walked toward the coffee shop, as it was only a few blocks away. They mostly landed on topics of class and how their weekend went.

"We're here," Lysander said jerking her head toward a small store across from the college of Business. "Have you been here before?"

Ella looked at the cozy coffee shop with a warm glow emanating from its windows. "No, I haven't been here yet. It looks nice though," she replied, a hint of excitement in her voice.

Lysander held the door open for her, and they stepped into the inviting aroma of freshly brewed coffee. The interior was adorned with eclectic furniture and a chalkboard menu listing various beverages and snacks.

They chose a small corner table by the window, the sunlight streaming in and casting a gentle glow over their surroundings. "Let me order our drinks, want anything in particular?" Lysander said, shedding his jacket and draping on the back of the chair.

"Oh, Just a regular vanilla latte. I can go up there with you," Ella said fumbling for her card.

Lysander chuckled, "No worries, I've got it this time. Consider it a treat for our first official hang out outside of class." He gave her a reassuring smile and headed to the counter to place their orders.

Oh. Oh.

She felt her face run hot, as if someone turned the heat up to 80 degrees. Lysander's just being friendly she reassured herself. He's just a friendly guy. He wants to be friends. Just friends.

As Ella tried to steady her nerves, she watched Lysander approach the counter to place their orders. The rhythmic sounds of the coffee grinder and the hiss of the steam wand provided a comforting backdrop to her racing thoughts. She took a deep breath, reminding herself that this was just a friendly outing, nothing more.

Lysander returned to the table with a tray carrying their drinks. He set a steaming vanilla latte in front of Ella and a cappuccino for himself. "Here you go, one vanilla latte as requested," he said with a grin.

"Thanks, Lysander," Ella replied, a genuine smile breaking through her initial nervousness. She wrapped her hands around the warm cup, appreciating the comforting aroma of the vanilla-infused coffee.

"So," Lysander said, "Are you going to the baseball game?"

"What?" Ella said, confused by the random choice of topic.

Lysander gestured toward the flyer she forgot she had been holding this whole time. It was now crumpled and sat on the table in front of them.

"Oh," She laughed. "I don't think so, a few students were standing outside my dorm hall passing these out."

Lysander nodded. "Not surprised, its a big deal. If they win they go up in the university leagues. I know Alex is super stoked about it."

Ella smiled, at Lysander's fond expression at the mention of his brother. "I imagine you're going then? To support your brother?"

He nodded. "Wouldn't miss it for the world." He paused. "If you're hesitant about going, we could go together? It might make you feel better if you know someone there."

Ella hesitated for a moment, torn between the genuine offer from Lysander and the desire to avoid any potential encounters with Connor. She appreciated Lysander's kindness and the thought of going on another dat–hang out with her close friend did sound appealing. "I'll let you know, it's next week right?"

"Yep," Lysander said, "Right before Thanksgiving break."

Ella nodded. "I'll definitely let you know."

He grinned, and he couldn't help but smile back.

They continued their conversation, the topics flowing seamlessly from class discussions to personal anecdotes. The warmth of the coffee and the comfort of their corner table added to the intimacy of the moment. Intimacy as friends, of course.

The sunlight began to shift, casting longer shadows through the window. Lysander glanced at the time and raised an eyebrow playfully. "It's already 2 in the afternoon. Damn, time went by fast."

Ella nodded in agreement. "Do you have class today?"

"I have a 5 PM, might hit the library before I head that way. Wanna join?"

Ella almost said yes right away, before shiver racked her frame. There was absolutely no way she was going to willingly be at the library outside of work. I guess that's what working grueling overnight shifts do to a person. "I'll have to pass," she said laughing lightly. "I can't stand that place that now."

Lysander looked confused for a moment before chuckling. "I forgot that you work there,"

Ella chuckled along with him, the shared laughter easing any lingering tension. "Yeah, working there tends to make the library lose its charm. But hey, if you need any book recommendations, I'm your go-to person."

Lysander smiled appreciatively. "I'll keep that in mind. Maybe we can find another spot some time, one that doesn't have the scent of old books and late-night cramming."

As they gathered their things, the bell above the door chimed signaling the arrival of a new customer. Or in this case, the arrival of a few new customers. Loud chatter and banter began to fill the coffee shop. Maybe classes had just gotten out? She glanced up at Lysander who stared overhead, an unreadable expression adorned across his face. She turned around, puzzled.

Ella's heart skipped a beat as she recognized the group entering the coffee shop. Among them was Connor, a bright, goofy smile plastered across his face. He had on a light brown sherpa jacket similar to Lysander's, which Ella assumed may just be a normal fashion choice for the men around campus, and a simple university logo t-shirt underneath. His hair was held back with a sports headband, though a few strands of light brown hair peeked through. Tagging along next to him were Lysander's brother Alex, their teammate Marcurio, and twp familiar faces. Rae and Mya. She frowned.

Lysander's gaze remained fixed on the group, and Ella couldn't help but wonder what they were all doing here together. Rae and Mya she understood. She even understood why Connor, Marcurio, and Alex were here together, but all of them? She couldn't wrap her head around it. The presence of both Mya and Connor in the same group stirred a mix of curiosity and a hint of discomfort within her.

As they gathered their things, Ella tried to hide the subtle tension in her shoulders. "Looks like your brother is here," she remarked casually, though her gaze lingered on Connor and Mya.

Lysander nodded, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Yeah, he is. Those are your friends too, no? We should probably say hi."

As they approached the group, Ella couldn't shake the feeling of being an outsider to their close-knit circle. Mya noticed her first and gave a friendly wave. "Hey, Ella! Long time no see. How've you been?

Ella returned the greeting, offering a smile. "Hey, Mya. I've been good. Keeping busy with school."

Connor, who was engaged in a conversation with Alex and Marcurio, glanced over and caught sight of Ella. A warm smile spread across his face. He bounced over to her, thrumming with excitement. "Tucker! It's been ages."

"It's not even been a week."

"Like I said, ages." He ran a hand over his hair. His cheeks were flushed red, probably from the biting cold outside. "What have you been up to?" Before Ella could answer, Lysander stepped up beside her.

Lysander offered a friendly nod to Connor. "Hey, man. We were just grabbing some coffee. Ella and I were hanging out for a bit." He moved over to greet his brother, who was now standing in line with Marcurio. Ella watched as he clapped him on the back in greeting.

"–Ucker? Tucker?" Connor said, drawing her attention back to the man in front of her.

"Huh?" she said, gathering her bearings.

Connor looked slightly perturbed. "I said, you had time to get coffee with him?"

Ella blinked in surprise. "Yeah, i mean I usually have free time on Mondays and Tuesdays."

Connor eyed her with a blank expression. It was slightly off-putting, she was used to seeing him all smiley and energetic, and he looked almost...sad?

Ella couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease at Connor's unexpected reaction. His usual vibrant and friendly demeanor had shifted, leaving her to wonder if something was amiss. The sudden change in his expression didn't go unnoticed.

Mya, as if sensing a subtle tension, glanced between Connor and Ella before stepping in, attempting to lighten the mood. "So Ella, Katie told me you were going to the baseball game next week."

He glanced at Mya in surprise, who sent her a sharp look.

Connor's eyes widened, his expression softening. "You are?"

She glanced at her friend, then back at Connor, trying to gauge the source of the sudden tension in the air.

"Oh, uh, I was thinking about it," Ella replied cautiously, unsure of how to navigate the delicate balance between them.

Mya shot her a knowing look, and it was clear that she sensed the underlying currents of emotion. "Yeah, Ella here was considering going to support the team. It's a big game, right, Connor?"

Connor's eyes remained on Ella, and he nodded slowly. "It's the last game of the season, It would be great to see you there."

Ella shifted uncomfortably under his gaze, feeling a mix of emotions. It seemed there was more to this conversation than just talk of a baseball game. The unspoken tension lingered, and the atmosphere became palpably charged.

Mya, sensing the need to diffuse the tension, chimed in with a cheerful tone. "Well, it'll be fun! We should all go together. What do you say, Ella?"

Ella hesitated, glancing between Mya and Connor. "Sure, why not? It sounds like it could be a good time."

Connor's expression lit up. a hint of his usual warmth returning. "Great, looking forward to it."

Ella nodded and turned to call for Lysander before a hand on her wrist stopped her. She glanced up.

Her gaze met his, and at that moment, the unspoken words seemed to hang heavily between them.

"Can I walk you back?" Connor asked, his tone carrying a mixture of earnestness and vulnerability.

Ella hesitated, aware of the eyes on them. "Sure," she replied quietly. "Let me say bye to Lysander."

He reluctantly let go of her wrist, his hand brushing across her palm before retracting.

Ella turned back to Lysander, who had been animately talking to Alex and Marcurio about something. "Hey, Lysander, I'll catch up with you later, okay?" she said.

Lysander paused glazing behind her before nodding. "Sure, I'll text you?"

Ella smiled appreciatively. "Sounds good. Looking forward to it.

She made her way back over to Connor who stood by the door, his gaze never leaving her frame.

She sighed. This was about to be one long walk. 

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