Da Rules/Info

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You're parenthood can be stronger than the gods.
Like Uronos or someone
But if your parent is like that
You can't fly for ever
And bend air. No. You can only have power.
{I know this is strict but you can't be to op.}
But if you're mother/father is a god, you can have 1-3.

Please keep the "Love" PG. like kissing. There might be tinier kids here, so please keep it PG.

I don't/didn't {and never has} swear/swore. So, I won't swear in this book.
{and the rest of my books}

This is more of warning than a rule
There will be PG-13 violence. As swords, and blood. Cuts, and that stuff that I don't want to get into
So, a little bit of gore. Not to much like ripping out organs {I gagged. And cringed while writing THAT.}
But, ya, blood.

Pets can't really be op.
I mean, you have a FLIPPING DRAGON. {besides Leo. BUT THATS DIFFRENT.}
But you can have specific pegsasi if you want. My character is actually gonna have a puppy.

If I get the the 2 characters that I need soon,
The Maximum time for the next chapter will be 2 weeks.
{ 12AllGoodThings12   CELESTE_SADE , I'm looking at u ;))}

This book will be deleted if I do not get the characters amount that I need to start next month.or {since I'm lazy as}
I'll discontinue it.{tho I'll probably change the cover when I'm bored.}

So ya, that's the rules, and if you have anything that triggers you, pm me. And I will add that to this list

Triggers warnings to NOT Use

So yes. Please pm me you're triggers {trigger exmpale:animal abuse. {that triggers me to}}
And also tell me if anything shall be added.

Baii! peace!!


Word count: 317

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