Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

After Fort Rozz, I was flying back home, I was going to accept Bruce's offer. I saw him in the distant still waiting for me, and that made me smile to myself. He knew that I was going to accept this offer no matter what. He also knew that I was going to accept this offer because of what was in this letter, or it could've been that he had hoped that I would come. Either way, I was happy that he waited for me

I landed right in front of Bruce, startling him for the second time ever since we've met. He looked up at all and I saw I was wearing some pretty normal clothes. I want to look as normal as possible, and this is how Clark it. So I should do it as well.

"Well, it seems as if you were expecting me," I spoke up. He smiled and I spoke up. He and I both knew that I was agreeing but Bruce asked anyway,

"So, is this a yes?" he questioned. I rolled my eyes in mock annoyance, and I replied,

"Yes, I will join your little team," I finished. Now both of us got on the plane. I looked at all the technology that was there, I knew what it was, I was just astonished that this point had so many cool things. Started to walk towards the center of the airplane, and then he turned around and spoke to me once more,

"We need just one more stop, then we will meet the rest of the team, and get your suit in order," spoke up Bruce.

"Where are we going?"

"Iceland," finished Bruce. Now, it was just both of us waiting to get there.

We had made it to Iceland. I know that it seems that Clark and I do not get cold, but that statement isn't completely untrue. I occasionally get cold, and since I haven't' been in the cold for a while, it was taking a toll on me.

I didn't want anyone to know how I was unless I had to reveal myself, so I kept my hood up.

Bruce and I started to walk to this shed, and there were people lined up, looking towards us. They looked unhappy that we were here, and from what I've heard, which isn't much, these people don't like outsiders.

Once Bruce got inside the shed, I stayed with my head down, and Bruce started speaking.

"I'm asking for your help,"

"I believe there is a stranger who comes to this village from the sea. He comes in the winter when the people are hungry and brings fish. He comes on the king tide," Bruce paused and continued,

"That was last night," he finished.

The man speaks in a language that I do not understand, and the stranger next to him translates for us.

"Icebergs in the harbor, four months since the last ship got through," spoke up the man.

"Well this stranger doesn't come by ship," Bruce replied.

"There are enemies coming from far away. I need warriors, I'm building an alliance to defend ourselves," Bruce sounded desperate by now.

"Look, I'll give you $25,000 to talk to this man right now," Bruce spoke. I decided that I should save Bruce from embarrassing himself even further. So, I took off my hood and I saw people gasp while looking at me. I heard a beer bottle drop in shock and I still stood my ground. I spoke up,

"We won't be needing that, the man we're looking for has been here this whole time," I told Bruce. I pointed at the stranger who translated for us, and his eyes widened in shock. I smiled to myself, and that was when the chaos started.

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