Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"I'm here," replied Arthur. I am happy that he is here, and I am happy that I get to finally talk to him privately. I needed to get to work so that I could help the rest of the team out as soon as possible. For that reason only, did I go straight to the point,

"We are in desperate need of your help Arthur," I spoke up. He looked towards me with his eyebrows raised, not in shock, but in curiosity. Then he replied with something which made my heart stutter for a moment,

"Have you ever pet a shark before?" he asked me with a smirk on his face. I was in shock of what he had asked, and how he asked it at such a random time. Though maybe for him, it wasn't random, he felt this was the right time to ask. Maybe he wanted me to derive from the topic, and distract me. For some reason, I understood that so I responded with a,

"I have pet a dolphin before, played with them. But I have never pet a shark before. Why?" I both replied and questioned. I was confused as to why he asked me that kind of question unless he actually had a shark with him, which I found ridiculous.

"Actually, a shark followed me here and is waiting for me by the shore. Join me?" he asked me. He put his hand out towards me and this was not what I was supposed to be doing, not at all, but just looking at his pleading eyes compelled me to join our hand together.

When I did that he smiled one of the widest smiles that I have seen in a while. He looked happy, and from a man like him, I never expected that. Then, he started dragging me towards the ocean, going deeper with every step that we took. When we got to a point where I was standing at the tips of my toes, did we finally stop? I looked around to see if I could see the shark coming, and next thing I know, I feel something rub up against my leg.

I jumped up in shock and saw that it was the shark that Arthur was talking about. I smiled a little as it started to circle both me and Arthur, somewhat pushing me and him closer together. It got to the point where he and I were chests to chest. I could feel his breathing against my chest, I could feel his breath against my cheek. Then, I decided to pull away from him, and I cleared my throat and spoke,

"So are we going to pet this shark or what?" I spoke. He cleared his throat right after I said that, and he started to make a hand motion in the water, indicating for the shark to come closer. As the shark came closer to us, my heart started to beat faster in fear of what could happen. Even if I am more than capable of handling it, as is Arthur, I lived most of my life without my powers, that's the reason why I am so scared.

Suddenly, I felt Arthur's chest against my back, and him grabbing a hold of my hand. Now my heart was beating faster for an entirely other reason. I felt his breath against my ear and I heard him tell me,

"Calm down Autumn. I'm here, nothing will happen," he told me softly. The shark was almost here, and I should've been even more fearful, but it was as if his words were magic. I started to get a calm feeling inside me, and I calmed down right before the shark came. The shark was right in front of me, and Arthur was right behind me. Holding on to my waist tightly, as if it was a reassurance that he would always be there for me.

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