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Chapter twelve
The First Order Ship
Nephle's POV:
We snuck onto the large ship that inhabited the First Order. Finn looked at the stormtroopers walking by and he said "we can't let them see us." "You used to be a stormtrooper?" I asked. Finn looked at me and I said "I heard from Ryssa. I'm assuming Leia told her." Finn nodded and said "yeah. I did. Coral did too." "Coral? Who's Coral?" Orell said. "Coral was the only friend I had when I was a stormtrooper." Finn replied. "She's the girl who stayed back with Poe? I didn't really get to talk to her." Rose said. Finn nodded and said "yes. Coral stayed behind with Poe. When Coral and I defected, we broke Poe out of here, escaping in a Tie Fighter. There was barley any room in that thing, it was crazy. Anyway, when we crashed on Jakku, I figured the both of them had died. Turns out Coral and Poe were together the whole time. They made it back to the Resistance while I found Rey and met Han Solo. And Poe was the one who gave us both our names. Cause when you're a stormtrooper, all you have is a number." "How did Poe come up with Coral? Like her name?" Rose asked. Finn smiled a little and said "you'll have to ask him. Now, let's go shut this their tracker down. First we'll need a disguise." Orell and Finn saw some First Order personnel walking by and quickly knocked them out. I pulled on the First Order uniform. Finn adjusted the hat on Rose's head, fixing her hair. "Are we almost ready?" Sebastian said. Finn nodded and said "yeah." Rose looked up at Finn and said "what if I can't shut their tracker down?" "You will. You said it yourself when we were with Poe. You can do this."

She nodded and I said "let's go. Before they find out we're here." We walked the halls of the ship, making sure we somewhat blended in. We reached the room where Sebastian could work his magic. He began working on it and Finn stood guard. Rose bit her lip nervously and I said "hey, we got this." She nodded and Orell looked down the hall, making sure nobody was coming. "Rose, do your thing." Sebastian said. She walked over to the panel and started to work on it. Sebastian smirked at me and I said "are you proud of yourself?" He nodded and said "I am. I figured you'd be impressed." I rolled my eyes and Finn said "did you guys have a thing?" Orell and Sebastian answered yes while I answered no. Rose looked over her shoulder and said "you guys should probably work that out." Orell sniggered and said "they were madly in love." Sebastian nodded and said "it's true." Rose turned back to the panel and I said "we don't have time to talk about this. If they find out we're here because you guys want to talk about whatever relationship we had, we'll be screwed." "They ain't gonna find out." Sebastian said. Rose huffed and said "I'm trying to concentrate." "Just chill. We're fine." Sebastian replied. "I don't think so." A female voice said. I turned around to be met with a chrome stormtrooper. "Phasma." Finn said. "FN-2187." She said. Rose looked over at the group of Stormtroopers that had gathered around us now. "I'm sure Hux would love to see what you've all done here." She said. Rose was grabbed by the arm and Finn said "don't touch her." Orell went to step in as well and he was grabbed. As soon as I got grabbed I tried to yank my arm away from the trooper. Phasma grabbed Finn and he said "afraid to kill us yourself?" Phasma said "I will kill you all. I just want Hux to see it." Rose thrashed in the trooper's arms and I tried to elbow the trooper holding me. He roughed me up and Orell said "leave her alone." Phasma looked at Orell and said "don't worry. You'll all be dead soon." "No! No!" Rose said as she was walked away from us. I looked behind a panel and saw BB-8 hiding. "Stay." I mouthed. He nodded and stayed hidden. We were all walked into the bay of the ship. Rose was forced to her knees as was I. Finn eyed Phasma and Kylo Ren walked over. My eyes widened as him and Hux stood over us. Orell looked between the two of them. "Do what you want with them. I have business to attend to." Kylo said. Hux nodded and said "as you wish." Kylo turned around and walked over to a ship that had just arrived. Rey was in shackles and brought over to where we were.

"Rey?" Finn said. "Ben." Rey said as he dropped her where we were. She stared up at him. Kylo leaned down to her level and said "don't. Don't call me that." Hux looked at Rey and said "do you want me to kill her as well?" Kylo nodded and said "get rid of her. I don't need two female Jedi's trying to take me down." Rey's eyes widened and she said "Ben, don't do this." "I don't answer to Ben! Especially not from you!" Kylo yelled at her. Rose was staring in shock at the whole situation. "You having girl troubles?" Sebastian asked him. Kylo looked at him and then at Hux. "Kill him first. Then Rey." Kylo said her name with such disgust. Another ship docked in the bay and my eyes widened as Ryssa stepped off of it. "Oh my god." I said. Her curly hair laid on her shoulders, not in a tight royal bun. "Who's that?" Rose said. "It's my best friend. Ryssa." I replied. She's the queen of Naboo." Finn told Rose. Kylo looked at us and said "shut up." Ryssa walked over and Kylo looked down at her. "You came." He said. "I did. I came for you." Ryssa said she stared up at him.

Hux rolled his eyes so hard I thought they were going to roll into the back of his head. Kylo held out his gloved hand to Ryssa. She looked at it and took it. Her eyes widened and Kylo stared at their hands. "Hux, you have your orders." He said, not even looking at him. As Kylo stepped towards an elevator and Ryssa followed I told her to stop. "Ryssa! Don't!" She looked at me and said "Nephle, I have to to." I shook my head and said "you don't! I swear if you hurt her!" Kylo smirked and said "what're you going to do?" I eyed him and he said "kill them all." "'No!" Rose screamed. Finn looked down and Rey stared at Kylo in shock.

I didn't expect this chapter to be this long but the next chapter will be a lot longer. And I fixed some of the other chapters, adding some of the songs to the chapters so y'all can check those out if you want. And I know this chapter isn't entirely accurate so please don't be mad

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