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Chapter thirteen
Once Upon a Dream
Ryssa's POV:
I got news from Nephle that everything went good on Canto Bight and they were on their way to deal with the First Order. It seemed like Kylo and I's force bond was getting stronger. I couldn't see him but I could hear his voice.

"Ryssa, can you hear me?"


"Would you be willing to come here? To the Finalizer. I think it's the right time for us to."

"I can be there. I can get on my ship right away. Can I ask the reason why?"

"Why what?"

"Why now? Why should I come now?"

"Because I want you to."

Then his voice disappeared. And I had a vision. It was so vivid like it was happening at the moment. Kylo and I stood next to one another, my green lightsaber in my hand and a blue one in his. We stood before a being or person I could not see. It was dark and they were sitting on a throne. Then the vision ended. Kylo must turn to that light side. And I need to go to him. I must go to him. I'm the one who turns him.


I didn't even tell my family of my departure. I just left. For some reason I didn't even change into a different outfit. I went in the full royal gown. When I arrived on the Finalizer, I saw Nephle being held hostage by General Hux and Captain Phasma. Rey was there was well. Nephle pleaded for me not to go with Kylo. "Ryssa! Don't!" I looked at her and said "Nephle, I have to." She shook her head and said "you don't! I swear if you hurt her!" Kylo smirked at her and said "what're you going to do?" Nephle eyed him and Kylo said "kill them all." "No!" Rose screamed. Kylo pulled me to the elevator and I said "spare them." "Why?" He said. "They're my friends. Please don't hurt them." Kylo looked at them and said "it's not my decision anymore. It's Hux's. Also we're meeting supreme leader Snoke." My eyes widened as the two of us got into the elevator. I didn't say anything. Maybe Rey would get them out of the jam they were currently in. Kylo stared at the doors in front of us, not saying a word. He had let go of my hand. I slowly reached for it, our fingertips brushing against one another. He didn't dare look at me. He intertwined his fingers with mine. I half smiled at our hands. "Do you have to wear the gloves?" I asked softly. "Yes." He replied. I let go of his hand and reached up to where the glove began on his wrist. I slowly began to pull it off his hand. He didn't stop me, in fact he pulled it off himself. Then he held my hand with no hesitation. I looked up at him and said "Ben." He looked at me, his hand gripping mine a little tighter.

"I saw your future. You turned. To the light side. We were fighting side by side. The both of us. Together." I said. "I saw your future as well. You turned and joined me. I became supreme leader of the First Order and you were my empress. You and I ruled everything." He said. I moved closer to him and I watched his eyes flicker to my lips. We stared at one another for a few seconds. "Are you going to kiss me?" I whispered.

"Do you want me to?" He asked. I nodded and he let go of my hand, his arm wrapping around me. I gasped as he swiftly pulled me closer to him, our chests touching. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to my lips. Kylo pulled away and said "when the moment comes, you'll be the one to turn." I furrowed my eyebrows and then the elevator beeped, signaling we were at our destination. Kylo let go of me and the two of us walked into this large throne room. "Ah, you've arrived." Snoke said. Kylo gripped my arm and walked me into the room. Snoke looked at me and said "Ryssa Dartsen. Never thought I'd see you here." "I didn't know I'd be meeting you." I replied. Kylo looked down as he let go of my arm, getting down on one knee in front of Snoke. "Rey isn't here. Where is she?" Snoke said. "Hux has her. She'll be dead soon." Kylo said. Snoke chuckled and said "Ryssa, do you know the true intentions of you being here?" "Yes. Kylo asked me to come." "You fell for it. I knew you would. You're weak." Snoke spat. "You underestimate me and Ben Solo. And that will be your downfall." I said. Snoke used the force and pulled me over to him. "Oh. Have you seen something? A weakness in my apprentice? Is that why you came?" He laughed in my face. "Fool! It was I who bridged your minds. I stopped Ren's conflicted soul. I knew he was not strong enough to hide it from you and you were wise enough to resist the bait." Snoke said. "Conflicted?" I asked. "Looks like he didn't tell you how he really felt. He was so conflicted about you and his father, it was going to kill him. So I had to do something. I thought Rey was the key. But it's you. It's always been you." Snoke replied. I reached for my lightsaber and Snoke noticed, taking it from me. "You have the heart of a Jedi. Always trying to do good." I used the force and grabbed Kylo's lightsaber. I ignited it and the soldiers in the room took out their weapons. "Ah, the queen's so strong! Isn't she? Well now she must fall." Snoke disarmed me again and Kylo's lightsaber went sliding across the floor. I was put in front of Kylo by the hands of Snoke. I looked up at him as Snoke spoke. "My worthy apprentice, son of darkness, heir apparent to Lord Vader, where there was conflict I now sense resolved, where weakness, strength. Complete your training and fulfill your destiny." Kylo picked up his lightsaber and said "I know what I have to do." "Ben..." I said in disbelief. "You think you can turn him. Pathetic child. I cannot be betrayed. I cannot be beaten. I see his mind. I see his every intent. Yes. I see him turning the lightsaber to strike true! And now foolish child, he ignites it and kills he's true enemy!" The sound of a lightsaber igniting filled the air but it wasn't Kylo's. I turned my head to look at Snoke and it was mine. The green saber pierced into Snoke's torso. My eyes widened and I looked back at Kylo, who had a shaky breath leave his lips. I stood up and used the force, taking my lightsaber back. Then the soldiers began to surround us. I turned to face the ones behind me as Kylo faced the ones on his side. The two of us were back to back, fighting these soldiers. I had never fought this many people in my life with my saber. I had only ever done one on one. I was getting by. Up until one of them hit me in the arm. I yelped in pain. Kylo immediately turned around, walking over to where I stood. More like stomped, he was such a big guy. Kylo swiftly brought his lightsaber down on the soldier and pulled me away from harms way. My green saber met someone going for Kylo. I killed them and the curtains in the room had caught fire. Yellow orange embers we're now floating around us. Kylo was then disarmed by one of the soldiers. I threw my lightsaber to him and he caught it, igniting it. The soldier dropped to the ground and I looked at the destruction around us. I looked out to the rebellion ships that were being shot at. Kylo grabbed my arm and I jumped. "Is your arm ok?" He said as he brought my arm up to look at it. "I-I think so." I stuttered. It hurt but it wasn't that bad. "You can go to the infirmary here. They'll wrap your arm." Kylo said as he handed me my lightsaber. I took it from him and put it back on my holster. He looked at the royal gown up and down and tried not to smile. "What?" I said. "You actually fought all these guys in a dress. In a royal gown no less." He tried not to laugh. I shook my head at him and said "I did. And I successfully did it." He nodded while laughing. His laugh. I hadn't heard him laugh in so long. "We can still save the fleet." I said as I gestured to the window. Kylo looked at them and then back at me. "I can't do that. You know I can't." He replied. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the window. "Help them. Please." "Why do you care about them? You live in a castle on Naboo. You're not meant to be with the rebellion. You're meant to be part of something much bigger than that." Kylo said as he looked at the fleet. "And what's that?" He looked at me and said "the First Order. I am now the Supreme Leader. You're my empress. The girl who will rule the galaxy alongside me." I stared at him and said "Ben, I can't stay here." He looked down and said "you will. You turn." "So do you. You turned to the light." He shook his head and said "no. I can never go back." "Yes you can." I said, wishing he would come back with me. "No. I can't. I can't ever go back. They'll never forgive me. All of them. The Rebellion. I've caused so much pain. There was a girl, much like you. I'm assuming she's with the Rebellion. I favored her over everyone here. And I don't know why. But I hurt her. And I shouldn't of. But I was angry, angry that she defected. Do you think I could go back after what I did to Poe Dameron? My mother would never forgive me. She'll never forgive me for what I did to..." He didn't finish but I knew who he was talking about. "Ben, all Leia wants is for you to be back with her. I want you to come back with me. Ben, you have no idea how much I missed you. I missed you more than anything." I cupped his cheek and he leaned into my touch. He held my hand to his cheek and I said "come back with me." He shook his head and I let go of his cheek, turning away from him. "It's time to let old things die. Snoke, Skywalker, the Sith, the Jedi, the rebels. Ryssa, I want you to join me. We can rule together and bring a new order to the galaxy." Kylo said.

I turned around to look at him. "Please don't go this way. I need you come with me. I want you to." I replied. Kylo huffed and said "no. You're still holding on! Let go! Nothing will be like it was. Bury the past. Kill it if you have to." Tears ran down my cheeks and I wanted to say it. I wanted to tell him how I felt. I wanted him to know. But it wouldn't change anything. It wouldn't even help. "Stop telling yourself that." He said. "I thought I told you to stay out of my head." "You did. But don't tell yourself that. Tell me how you feel." I shook my head and he said "I already know but I want to hear you say it." I shook my head again and he sighed. I had backed away from him at this point. "Say it. Say how you feel. I want to hear it." I cried and he said "say it." "Ben, I love you." His eyes widened but there was no emotion on his face. Neither one of us said a word. He just stared at me. "Join me. Join me, Ryssa. We'll be together. Both of us. Side by side." He held out his hand and I looked down at it. I sniffled and he awaited for me to take it. "Just take my hand."

I stepped closer to him, my feet seemed to take me to him. I looked at his hand again. "Take my hand and be free of your conflict." I reached up, almost taking his hand. Then I pulled my hand away. Kylo furrowed his eyebrows and I said "I can't. I can't do it. I have to go. I have to help the fleet." Kylo shook his head. I nodded while backing away from him. "Ryssa, please. Please don't go." Kylo begged. My lip quivered and I said "I can't stand with you. It's not the right thing to do." I watched Kylo turn away from me. When he turned around, a single tear went down his cheek. "Please. D-don't leave me again." He stuttered.

I cried and said "Ben, I have to." He shook his head again and said "you don't. Stay with me. Please." I went to answer when Nephle entered the room. "We have to go!" She said. She noticed the room and it's destruction, looking at Kylo. "What'd he do to you?" She asked. "He didn't do anything. I was leaving." I replied to her. Nephle walked up to Kylo who stared at her. "What are you-" He was cut off as she kneed him in his groin. "Nephle! What are you doing?" I said as I pulled her away from him. "That's for trying to kill me." She said. Kylo looked up at her and went to force push her. "No!" I said as I stepped in front of her. I was pushed back. His eyes widened and Nephle said "Ryssa." She rushed over to me and Kylo stood up. "Why would you do that? Why would you do that?!" He yelled at me. I stood up and said "she's my friend. You were going to hurt her." He looked between the two of us and Nephle dragged me out of the room before he could reply. Hux entered the room just as we were leaving. "Our supreme leader is dead! We have no ruler!" Hux yelled as we got into the elevator. The tears continued to run down my cheeks and Nephle said "what happened up there?" "Nothing. It didn't work. I failed."

Here's the update and I apologize that it's so long. And the reads went past 200. Wow that's crazy! Thanks for that. A few more chapters and I get to write Rise of Skywalker. I'm not ready tbh🙃

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