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Chapter fourteen
Chrome Dome
Nephle's POV:
General Hux stood in front of us. "Looks like you all have to die. And I get to decide how." He said. Rose stared at him with hatred and said "even if you kill us, they'll still take you down." Orell nodded and said "she's right. There always hope." "Hope can't save you!" Hux said. In the corner of my eye, I could see Rey slowly breaking through the restraints. Hux leaned down to my level. He caressed my cheek with his thumb. "I could keep you around. Couldn't I?" Phasma sighed deeply and said "can we get on with it?" Sebastian looked at Hux and said "she'd never go for a guy like you. You're too uptight." Hux looked at him and said "who are you?" "Sebastian. Her ex. And I'm the guy who's gonna win her back." He said. "We're all gonna die." Finn said quietly. Hux stood up and said "I can give her things you can't. In fact, you are going to die." He smirked down at Sebastian who would never ever back down from a challenge. "Oh, yeah?" Sebastian taunted.

A blaster shot was heard. It barely missed Hux cause he moved. Phasma aimed at the balcony's. Another gunshot came, then another. "There is a sniper up there and I demand you to kill them!" Hux yelled as he quickly scurried off. Rey broke free from the restraints, breaking us free. "Hey." A stormtrooper said. Sebastian kicked him to the ground and Rose managed to tackle one. The sniper came down from the balcony. There were two of them. And from their attire, they looked like bounty hunters. Well, one did. The other looked like a Mandalorian. A stormtrooper grabbed me by the arm and I said "no thanks." I shot him with my blaster and Sebastian said "that's hot." "Sebastian, grow up." I said. Finn began to fight Phasma and one of the bounty hunters walked over to me. "Are you ok?" His voice asked through a modulator. "Yes. I'm fine. Help them." I gestured to Finn and Rose. The both of them went over to help them. "I'm gonna get us off this ship. So stick close to me." Sebastian said. I nodded and the two of us began killing stormtroopers. "We gotta get a ship." He said. "Those tie fighters. Get one ready. I'll be back." I said as I ran to the elevator that Ryssa went into with Kylo. When I reached the throne room, the curtains were on fire. Kylo and Ryssa looked like they had both been crying. "We have to go!" The both of them looked at me and I said "what'd he do to you?" "He didn't do anything. I was leaving." Ryssa replied to me. I walked up to Kylo and he said "what are you-" I brought my knee up to his groin and he doubled over in pain. "Nephle! What are you doing?!" Ryssa said as she pulled me away from him. "That's for trying to kill me." I spat. Kylo looked up at me and went to force push me but Ryssa blocked it. He pushed her instead. Kylo's eyes widened and he said "Ryssa." I rushed over to Ryssa and Kylo stood up. "Why would you do that? Why would you do that?!" He yelled at her. Ryssa then stood up and said "she's my friend. You were going to hurt her." I pulled on her arm and said "we have to go." The two of us got into the elevator. "What happened up there?" I asked as we began to descend. "I failed." Ryssa said. "Failed?" "I thought I could make Ben turn. To the light side. There was this vision I had. It was so real. Ben and I stood next to one another, fighting something evil." I saw the cut on her arm and I said "did he do that to you?" She looked at her arm and shook her head. "No. One of the soldiers did. He protected me from them. Made sure I was ok." I sighed and said "I'm sorry that he didn't turn." Ryssa had a tear go down her cheek. "I love him. Maybe one day he'll turn." The elevator doors opened and the ship bay looked like a whole war went through it. "Ryssa, you're ok." One of the bounty hunters said. "Gage. What are you doing here?" Ryssa said. His helmet was taken off to reveal a boy around our age, if not a little bit younger. "So, did you finally become queen? Or are you still a princess?" He smirked at Ryssa who said "I became queen. And whatever happened to you living on Naboo?"

"Dad didn't want to. Too populated and everything." "I never said that." The Mandalorian said. Now that I could see him up close, he was a Mandalorian.  "Din, long time no see. How's Ada?" Ryssa asked. "Ada's fine. She's helping Leia. She's with Leia." "Mom has been helping the Resistance kick ass." Gage said. I chuckled and Sebastian said "I got a tie fighter. Nephle, come on." Finn and Rose were getting into one with BB-8. Orell ran over and stood next to me. And I didn't know where Rey was. I had lost track of her. "Do you know where the fleet is going?" I said. Din nodded and said "they're going to Crait." Ryssa nodded and said "I'll help with this fight, then you'll take me back to Naboo." Gage nodded and said "deal."

once again I'm not ready to write Rise of Skywalker. So there might be some filler chapters in between Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker.

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