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Chapter twenty two
Ryssa's POV:
Leia informed us that we needed to go to Pasaana. Rey had figured out that a wayfinder would be there. To get to Exegol. "The team lineup will be, Rey, Finn, Poe, Chewbacca, Ryssa, Remus, Nephle, Sebastian, Coral, and Grover. You can take two droids with you. The rest of you will stay here." Leia said. "Who's Grover? If you don't mind me asking?" I asked. "Grover Calrissian. At your service." He said as he stepped towards me, kissing my hand. Leia shook his head at him and said "you're just like you're father." Grover smirked and said "I am my father's son, Leia." "If you see your father, tell him we could use his help." Jade said as she stood next to Ada. Grover nodded and said "will do, Jade. Gage, looks like you're stuck here." "Won't be so bad. Rose is staying." Gage said. Rose nodded and said "as much as I love an adventure, I should probably stay." We all began saying our goodbyes. "Get Ben back." Leia told me. I nodded to her and said "I will." We all boarded the falcon and began the trip to Pasaana. Coral set her bag on the ground and Poe came up behind her, grabbing her. She gasped and said "Poe!" He kissed Coral's cheek and then went back to the cockpit. I quirked an eyebrow at her and said "you and Poe?" "Yes. It was very unexpected. I would've never expected we'd get together." Coral said. Grover scoffed and said "I knew from the minute you stepped onto base. The way Poe carried you off his X-Wing after Takodona. You're like his anchor." Coral blushed and said "I know." "You mean a lot to him." Finn said. "So do you. You're his best friend, Finn. And I think in another life, you'd be lovers." Coral said as she smiled. I nodded and said "I agree. You and Poe have some crazy chemistry." Finn shrugged and said "in another life." Rey chuckled at that and then looked at me. "Your lightsaber. It's green right?" She asked. "Yes. Yours is blue? Like Luke's?" Rey nodded and said "yours is like Luke's too. He had a green one as well." I half smiled and said "yeah." "He trained you?" "Yes. It hurts me that I had to leave the temple. I ended up hurting Ben. It could be my fault he turned." I said as I looked down. "No. That's not your fault. Don't say that. Ben was tricked by Snoke. Leia told me herself." Rey said. "I forgive him. If he comes back, to this side. I'd like to tell him that I forgive him. And that we could be friends. If he'd like." Coral said as she looked at me. "He regrets what he did to you. He told me so. Ben absolutely hates what he did to you." I replied. "He does?" Poe asked. Everyone in the room looked up at him. I nodded and said "he wants to change. But everyone needs to give him a chance. Please don't be cruel to him. If he comes back." "When. Have hope." Rey said with a smile. Coral nodded in agreement. "Have hope, Ryssa. Hope is all you can do sometimes." Remus said to me. He'd been quiet during the whole conversation. "I'm not gonna apologize for kneeing him in the balls." Nephle said. I shook my head while laughing. "Nephle!"


We arrived on the desert planet. A vibrant festival was going on. It looked so nice. I was grateful I had changed out of my royal gown, it'd have sand all over it. A native of the planet began asking us our names. It was nice to have a normal conversation with someone. "That's an excellent name. I'm Rey."

"She'd be honored to know your family name as well." C3-PO said to Rey. "I don't have one. I'm just Rey." Rey told the native with a smile. "Just Rey. I like it. Rey Nobody." Remus told her. Rey chuckled and said "I guess you could say that." I looked at the necklace around my neck that the native had given me. It was pretty.


I looked around. It was Kylo's voice. But I wasn't sure where it was coming from.

"Kylo?" I asked softly.

"Yes. It's me. Where are you?"

He said the first part in an obviously it's me tone. The festival seemed to disappear in some way. I knew he couldn't know where we were. I couldn't endanger the lives of our team.

"I'm on Naboo."

"I think you're lying." He said.

"What good would it do me to lie?"

"Working for the resistance."

"If I was, I couldn't endanger their lives. Some of them are my friends."

"Then tell the truth and none of them will die."

"I'm telling you the truth."

Then I felt the necklace around my neck get snatched. I gasped as I realized Kylo could see me. But he couldn't see where I was.

"I'll find you, Ryssa."

And with that he was gone. I was transported back to the festival and I looked around, trying to find my brother. "Remus?" I called. I pushed through the crowd and found the team. "They know where we are. Kylo knows where we are." I said. Poe narrowed his eyes and said "how?" "The force bond we share. He used it and took my necklace. I'm sure he'll figure it out quickly." "We gotta move quick. Come on." Grover said as he led us into a building. We all hurried in and a man took off his mask. It was revealed that under the mask was Lando Calrissian, whom I had never met. "It's an honor to meet you, sir." Finn said to him. Grover hugged his dad and Lando said "long time no see." "You could say that. How's mom?" Grover asked. "Being queen of Bespin. Living life. She does miss you though. And she hates you're in this fight." Lando said as his son pulled away. Rey then stepped up and told him about the wayfinder. "I accompanied Luke here many years ago. We came here to find a man named Ochi. He'll have the location of the wayfinder. That's where you all need to go. His ship is in the desert. You need to find it." Lando said. The sound of first order ships entering the atmosphere erupted into the air. Everyone began to leave the building and Rey said "come with us." Lando shook his head and said "my fighting days are over. You be careful, Grover. I can afford to tell your mother that you got hurt." Grover shook his head and said "I'm a lot like you, dad. Trust me when I say, I won't get hurt." Lando rolled his eyes and we all began to make a beeline for the desert.

This chapter was eh I guess! THE OG LANDO! Yes, Grover is being introduced into this book now but when I write my Poe fanfic he'll be in that one a lot more. There's characters in this book that will be appearing in my other ones

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