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Chapter twenty six
Ryssa's POV:
The plan was to rescue Chewbacca. Remus stayed by my side. "What're we going to do?" He said. "Help them. I assume." I replied. "You're not going to go look for him?" "Ben?" "Yes." "I'm not sure if the group wants me to find him. I'm pretty sure he'll find me." I told my brother. "Is that good or bad?" "Good for him. Bad for us. If he were to tell the knights of Ren our location, it'd be bad." Remus furrowed his eyebrows and said "hasn't he already done that?" I nodded. "Of course. He has to. But I block him out. I block him from finding me. And it hurts me to do that. I want to be with him so badly but with everything that's going on, it isn't safe." Remus sighed and said "hopefully the two of you can run away and be together somewhere cause you're meant for each other." I nodded. Coral looked at me and said "are you coming? With us?" Finn and Poe stood next to her. Along with Sebastian and Nephle. I shook my head. "I'll stay with the falcon. My presence might endanger the mission." I told her. Coral furrowed her eyebrows and said "just come with us. You won't endanger anything." "Have Rey go with you. I'm staying back." Grover looked at me and said "you sure?" I nodded and Grover said "I'm gonna go with them. You ok with getting the falcon on you're own?" "Yes. I know how to fly a ship." "Don't damage the ship." Poe said to me. Coral rolled her eyes at him and said "shut up, Poe." She walked towards the imperials and Finn followed while smirking.


Remus and I were back at the falcon, awaiting Poe's signal to come and get them. "Ryssa?" I looked at Remus and said "yeah?" "What if we lose?" "Lose?" "The war. What if the first order wins. What if Palpatine wipes us all out. Would you stand by Kylo's side?" He asked. "I've never stood by him. I'd stand with Ben. Not Kylo. When he accepts that he is Ben Solo, the galaxy will be saved. I know it's hard for you to understand but he used to be a good guy. He was my best friend. We were best friends that happened to fall in love. When I had to become queen, I left him behind. Mom forced me. She didn't allow me to speak to Ben. Without me and the right guidance he was easily seduced to the dark side. I'd sacrifice myself if it meant Ben would come back." Remus' eyes widened and said "you can't do that!" "Why?" "You're my big sister! You're just going to leave?! I'd be alone. Please don't leave me, Ryssa." He said, tears welling up in his eyes. I bit my lip as my younger brother began to cry. "Remus.." I quickly hugged him and he wrapped his arms around me. "Don't leave. Please. You were at the temple for so long and I missed out on growing up with you. By the time you got back you became queen and was too busy for me." I sniffled and said "I'm sorry, Remus. I wish things could've been different. I wish for it everyday." I pulled away from Remus who walked away from me. A tear ran down my cheek as I looked down, a sob leaving my lips. A hand brushed the tear away from my cheek and when I looked up there stood Kylo. I gasped softly and he said "you're crying. Why?" "I just want everything to get better. We're at war. I want you to come back to me. Ben, please. I'd sacrifice myself if it meant you came back." Kylo shook his head and said "I won't let you do that. You'd kill the dyad." "Dyad?" I asked. "You and I, we're a dyad in the force. Connected. Unseen for generations. You've always felt it haven't you?" I didn't say anything. He chuckled. I stared at his mask that was reconstructed. "If I died I'd kill the dyad?" Kylo didn't answer. He just seemed to stare at me. The two of us didn't say a word. I wasn't even sure if he knew where I was. And I had no idea where he was. "Are you on your ship?" He shook his head. "No. I'm out looking for you." I nodded. "I hate that mask." I mumbled. "Why? Why do you hate it?" "You're hiding your true self. Ben Solo. That's who you are." He scoffed. "Let that go. Ben is in the past and you're still clinging to him." I began to walk away from him and he grabbed my arm. He pulled me to where he stood. My eyes widened and I said "let me go." "Where are you?" "You think I'm going to tell you?" "You will!" He said. I shook my head and said "I won't!" Kylo reached for his lightsaber and I did the same, trying to get it from him. He succeeded. He let go of me and I quickly ignited mine. The sound of his crackling lightsaber entered the air. Kylo twirled it by his side. "Are you going to fight me?" I asked. "Possibly, depends if you want to tell me where you are or not." He replied. I shook my head and said "well, I'm not." "Very well." He swung his lightsaber at me, I dodged him. Kylo swung at me again and missed. I smirked to myself and decided to take a swing. He blocked me with his saber. We clashed. I took a step back and he began swinging. I blocked every hit with my saber, taking a step back as I did so. Kylo was going to corner me. Right before he could, I got around him and stepped into another room on the falcon. Kylo stopped. "So, that's where you are." He said while chuckling. "I'll be gone before you could get here." I threatened. "We'll see." "Remus, we gotta go!" I said as the force bond broke. Remus came running down the hall and the two of us went to the cockpit. I started up the falcon, BB-8 beeping at me. "We're going to get them!" I told him. "Uh oh. Uh oh." D-O said. Remus panted as we made our way to the imperial ships. I landed in the landing bay and Coral was running towards the ship. "Come on!" I said as I ran out onto the platform. Coral shot a stormtrooper with a blaster and Finn did the same. "Go!" Nephle said. Sebastian swiftly killed a stormtrooper. "I'm not dying on this imperial ship! I'm just not!" Grover yelled. Everything in the room seemed to freeze when I saw Kylo. He removed his mask and used the force to communicate. "Join me." I shook my head and said "no. You know why I can't." He just stared. Chewbacca held his powerful bowcaster in his hand, eliminating stormtroopers left and right. "Let's go!" Poe said as he ushered everyone on the ship. Coral turned around and looked at Kylo. He noticed her and his lips parted. "FN-1982?" "It's Coral now." She said. Poe stood next to her and said "we have to go." Coral nodded and walked onto the ship, Poe following her. I slowly backed onto the ship, leaving Kylo once again.

The end is wack but here's another long chapter!!!

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