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Chapter twenty seven
Death Star Wreckage
Ryssa's POV:

"Ben! Slow down! I can't keep up!"

"Catch me if you can, Ryssa!"

I began to run faster, determined to catch up to Ben. He disappeared over the hill and I finally made it to the top. I went to say "got you!" But he wasn't there. I looked around. "Ben?" The field seemed to be empty and it looked like I was the only one there. "Gotcha!" Ben yelled as he grabbed me. I squealed as I felt his arms around my waist. "Ben, you scared me!" He chuckled and said "you're so easy to scare." "I hate it when you do that." I said as I turned around to look at him. He looked down at me, smiling. I noticed a piece of grass in his hair. I pulled it out of his hair and he pulled me closer to him, his arms still around my waist. Ben seemed to shine as the sun was on him. You could see all his features and see how beautiful he was. I was only thirteen years old but I could see how attractive Ben would be as he got older. "You do think I'm attractive." He said with a smirk. "What'd I tell you about peering into my mind?" I asked. Ben shrugged and said "there was no way you were keeping me from it right now. You looked at me like you were in a trance." He laughed and my heart fluttered as he did so. "What about you, Solo? You seem to like the new dress I'm wearing today." I replied. "Suppose I do?" Ben said. Admit it. You also like the way I've been doing my hair. It's how I'm going to do it when I become queen. I've caught you staring." Ben shook his head, not looking at me. "It's hard not to stare at you, Ryssa. You're very beautiful and I can't be with you. I'm too old for you at the moment. But maybe one day." Before I could reply I heard a snarky voice say "master Luke wants us all back at the temple." It was James. Ben immediately removed himself from me and I said "how'd you find us out here?" "Everyone knows you and Ben come out here to suck face." James retorted. I rolled my eyes. James was around Ben's age, a little bit older than me. "James, did your dad really send you out here?" Ben said. James nodded and said "yes! He's too lazy to come out here himself! And he couldn't even send Milla to do it!" "Whatever. Let's go." Ben said.

"Ryssa, wake up." It was Nephle's voice. I opened my eyes and said "I fell asleep. Why did you guys let me fall asleep?" "You looked like you needed it. You said Ben's name in your sleep." I sat up and sighed, putting my head in my hands. "I was dreaming about him. It was when we were kids. At the temple." I said. "So it was a good dream?" I nodded and looked at her. "Yeah. It was a memory. I really miss him. It seems like the longer I'm away from him, the more I miss him." "You'll be reunited with him again soon I'm sure. But we made it to the Death Star wreckage. Poe says we should all go to investigate it." Nephle said. I nodded and said "sounds good."


Rey decided to make the bold move and go across the treacherous waters to the wreckage. I wasn't going to accompany her. I stayed back with my brother who pleaded for her not to go. Finn did the same. We met a new ally, Jannah. She was a former stormtrooper like Finn and Coral. "You should've went with her." Remus told me. I looked at him and said "for what?" "To help her. You're both Jedi's. You should help one another." "Rey's strong. I'd probably just get in the way." I told him. "She looks up to you. You're like an older sister to her." "Does she?" Remus nodded. "She told me. She thinks you're amazing. Not only are you a female Jedi like her but you're a queen. You're the queen of Naboo. Rey is amazed by that." "Seems like you two have bonded." I said. Remus shrugged and said "a little bit. She's pretty." I quirked an eyebrow and said "you like Rey?" "Maybe." I chuckled and he did the same. "Do you really want me to go after her?" I asked. Remus nodded and said "please." I sighed and said "fine." Jannah was able to find another skimmer and Finn accompanied me. More like just hopped on. The two us went across the waves that were terrifying to be around. As we got closer I felt him. "Kylo." I said. Finn looked at me, his eyes wide. "He's here?!" "He's with Rey." As soon as we reached the wreckage, Finn and I quickly stepped off. I ran as fast as I could, leaving Finn alone. "Ryssa!" He called out. I made it to where Rey and Kylo were. She stabbed him with her lightsaber. "No!" I screamed. Rey looked over in shock. Kylo dropped to his knees and she disengaged her lightsaber. She knelt down in front of him. "Rey! Don't!" I said as I began to run. Waves crashed on either side of me, making it almost impossible for me to run. Rey then stood up, rushing off. Kylo weakly stood up. As I stopped, I slid. Kylo stopped me and I said "she got you." He shook his head and said "no." "Kylo, I watched her." He gulped and pointed to where his wound was. I looked to see a hole in his clothing, his skin exposed. I furrowed my eyebrows and said "Kylo, where's the wound?" "It's gone. She healed it." I shook my head and said "what? She healed it?" Then I remembered what happened in the cave with the serpent creature. "Kylo-" I began but he cut me off, pressing a kiss to my lips. I pulled away and then hugged him. "I thought I lost you, Kylo." I mumbled into his chest. "Ben." I looked up at him, removing my arms from his body. "Ben is who I am. That's who I need to be. Kylo is a facade." "You want me to call you Ben?" He nodded, taking a deep breath. "Son." Han Solo's voice said. I gasped and Ben turned around, to be met with his father. The two of them began to talk. I distanced myself so they could speak. Ben then threw his lightsaber. I assumed Han was gone and I approached him. "What do we do now?" I asked. "Get out of here. Will you come with me?" He said. "Where?" "We'd better leave before you're friends show up. Now that Rey's gone, they'll be quick to get rid of me." "I can't leave Remus." I said. "He'll be fine." Ben and I went back to his ship. I sat down on one of the chairs inside. His ship was a little fancy. "Is there a bed in here?" I said. He shook his head. "Just these chairs. And the pilot seat. Plus the other seat in the cockpit." I nodded and Ben pulled me up to my feet. "What is it?" I said. He then kissed me passionately. I kissed him back, our lips moving in sync. I pulled away and the two of us stared at each other. "What happens now?" "We just need to get away from here. Once we're away, we'll be safe." He replied.

Thanks for getting this book to 4K reads!! That's crazy. And for some reason I've been trying to add a song to this chapter and when I go to type in the search bar, no videos come up. I don't know if it's just me having this problem or if anyone else is having it. But I really wanted to post this chapter with the song in it. Worst case is I'll add it in later on and you guys can re read it with the song or something.

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