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Chapter twenty nine
Ben & Leia
Ryssa's POV:
We got on a ship that was destined for Ajan Kloss. As we arrived, the resistance celebrated. Ben took a deep breath before stepping off the ship. Rey rushed over to Finn and Poe, who engulfed her in a hug. I saw Leia in the crowd and she walked over. Ben stood next to me, his eyes darting around to everyone he could see. "Ben." Leia's voice said. A sob left his lips and he said "mom." He broke down in her arms and I smiled while tears ran down my cheeks. I let the two of them have their reunion, walking away. "Ryssa!" Coral said as she ran over, hugging me. I hugged her and said "hi, Coral." "I was so worried you wouldn't make it. I consider you one of my friends." She said as she pulled away. "That's really sweet of you. Thank you. I consider you a friend as well." "Is that Ben?" She asked. I nodded. She slowly went to approach him. "FN-1982?" "My name is Coral. That's the name Poe gave me. Cause of my hair." She said. Ben chuckled and said "you always had the coolest hair." Coral smiled and said "thank you. I wanted to tell you that I forgive you for what you've done. Leia and Ryssa explained that you had went down the wrong path. And that you could change. I always had hope. I knew that Ben Solo could come back to us." Ben sniffled and said "I can't believe you'd hope for something like that. After what I did to you." "It's no biggie. I healed up just fine. It's barely a scar now." "I'm sorry. For everything." Coral then gave him a hug. She gasped as he put his arms around her. "You give really good hugs." Coral said, making Ben laugh. "Not better than me, I hope." Poe said from behind me. Coral pulled away and said "of course not." She walked to where Poe stood and Poe then took a step to Ben. He held out his hand and Ben shook it. "Glad to have you back." Coral stared at her boyfriend in admiration. "Didn't expect you to be happy I was back." Ben said. Poe shrugged and said "well, I totally wouldn't. If I didn't have her. She's always been able to change my perspective on things." Coral blushed and Poe then took her hand, the two of them walking away. "The two of you can stay in the tent next to mine." Leia said, leading us away from the crowd. Ben and I sat in the tent, Leia sitting across from us. "Did Palpatine hurt you?" Leia asked. "Yes. Both of us were dead at one point." I said like it was no big deal. Leia's eyes widened and I said "not at the same time. I died first. Then Ben." Ben looked at me and said "you keep talking like we didn't just go through a near death experience." "How were you able to come back?" Leia said. "Rey brought Ben back. But I was dead first. It was the force. It honestly gave us the power what we needed to do but not in a bad way." "Well, I'm relieved that you're both here. I'll leave you two to settle in." Leia left the tent and I said "how are you feeling?" "I'm glad it's over. And I'm glad I get to be here with you. I don't want to be without you." Ben said. I hugged him, holding him tightly. Ben wrapped his arms around me, burying his face into the crook of my neck. "I'm so glad you're ok." I said. Ben pulled away to look at me and said "you deserved to live more than me. I've done awful things, Ryssa." "Ben, you don't understand. The pain I felt, I never want to feel it again. It shattered my heart to think I'd have to live without you. I just, couldn't bring myself to leave you." Ben cupped my cheek and said "Ryssa, you would've been ok. If I would've died. You would've went on and been happy with someone else-" "No. I wouldn't of. That's what I'm telling you. I love you too much to do that, Ben. And I'm just so so glad I have you here with me. I'm so glad the two of us can live together. And be happy." I interrupted him. Ben nodded went to lay down on the bed. I followed suit, Ben holding me against him again. "I love you." He whispered. "And I love you." I replied.


"Ryssa." It was Leia's voice. "Yes?" I said as I began to wake up. "You didn't tell me how much you love my son." I looked at her weirdly and she said "the force. I just know. The feelings you have for him are strong." Ben chuckled softly and said "they are, aren't they?" I shook my head at Ben who kissed my cheek. "I'm very lucky to have her." "That you are, Ben. That you are." Leia smiled at the both of us and I leaned my head on Ben's shoulder. "You look like hell." Leia told Ben. "I feel like it." He replied. Leia took her son out of the tent and towards the showers. Probably the male ones. I'm sure I could find the female ones. Rey and Coral helped me find one and gave me some clothes since all my clothes were on Naboo. I finished getting dressed and Ben picked me up. I gasped as he spun us around. I smiled and he set me down. All the blood and dirt was removed from his body. He looked beautiful. I cupped his cheek and said "Ben, you look..." "You look stunning." He interrupted me. I chuckled and looked at him in awe. Ben smiled and said "I want to live on Naboo." My heart fluttered and I said "really?" "Of course. It's your home. And it's going to be mine." "So, looks like Ben's going to be moving into the royal family." My brother said. I chuckled and said "yes. Yes he is." "So, would that make me a king?" Ben asked. I nodded and said "technically, yes. But, it's only if we get married." "I want to marry you. Ryssa Solo. I like it." I bit my lip and looked down to hide my pink cheeks. "Ben, there isn't a rush. You don't have to marry me anytime soon." "I want to. I've always loved you. You've always been the one thing on my mind. Even in the dark. My mind always drifted back to you. You were the one thing that kept me going. I don't know where I'd be without you." I hugged him and said "me neither. But, we're together now. And we'll be ok." Ben kissed the top of my head, holding me close to him.

This chapter is kinda short but I have like two more chapters to write before I end this book!!

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