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Chapter three
Torn Apart
Ryssa's POV:
I was strong enough to get out of these restraints. I knew I was. I used the force and broke myself free. The group wasn't far from me and we regrouped. Han went to confront his son. "Ben!" He said. Kylo turned around and took his mask off, facing his father. I stood a few feet behind him, keeping my distance. "Your son is gone. He was weak and foolish like his father." Kylo said. Han told his son he could come back and that Leia and him wanted him to be back with them so badly. "I'm being torn apart." I stood next to Han now. Kylo took a step back and I reached for his hand. He pulled his arm back, so I couldn't touch him. "Ben." I said softly. I watched his face fall, he looked at me and then at Han. Han said "don't you miss Ryssa? You were heartbroken when she left." Kylo didn't say anything. He looked down at the ground and said "I need you to help me with something." "Anything." Han said as he stepped closer to him. "I know what I have to do but I don't know if I have the strength to do it." Kylo said. And then he did it. I gasped as the red lightsaber went through Han Solo's body. Chewie growled in agony and Rey said "no!" "Han!" I said. He fell off the catwalk we were standing on and Chewie shot Kylo. He fell to his knees, looking up at the wookie. Then he looked at me. I left him there and went with Rey and Finn.

We stood in the woods of Starkiller Base, snow falling as we ran. Then Kylo showed up. "You're a monster." Rey said. Finn stood next to her, ready to protect her. "I'm going to destroy you." Kylo said to me. "Come on then. Let's fight." He beat on his blaster wound that Chewie gave him. I looked down at the ground, watching the blood fall onto the snow. I took out my lightsaber from my holster, a green glow emitting from it. Kylo then took out his red one. Rey charged at him and he force pushed her away from him. "Rey!" Finn said. "I want him first." Kylo said. "No. Fight me." I replied as I swung at him. He swiftly dodged every swing I took at him. Then we clashed. "I will take you down." "Oh yeah? Let's see how strong you really are." I moved away from him and Kylo swung at me. I dodged him and then took a heavy strike at him. He barely blocked it and stared at me in shock.

Then he pushed me away with the force. I landed away from him and I watched him look at Finn. "Traitor!" He yelled. Finn picked up the blue lightsaber and Kylo said "that lightsaber, it belongs to me." "Come get it." Finn said. The two of them began to fight, lightsabers clashing. Kylo beat on his blaster wound again, wincing as he turned away from Finn. I bit my lip as I watched him hurt himself. He looked over at me, curiosity written on his face. Finn swung at him, making his attention go back on Finn. Kylo quickly took Finn down. I stood up and walked over to him. The more I swung, the more he dodged. He cornered me near a cliff and I was blocking him and trying not to fall. "Ryssa, I can show you things you didn't learn. I can show you the ways of the force." "I don't need your help." I said. "Yes you do. I saw it in your head. You need me." I shook my head and said  "I don't!" I pushed him away from me and Rey came over with the blue lightsaber, bringing it down on his. I jabbed him in the shoulder with the lightsaber. He stumbled back and fell onto the ground. He struggled to stand up and him and I clashed once again, my lightsaber in the air and his digging into the ground. "Ryssa, I'll teach you everything." He said. "I know everything I need to know." I said, trying to take him down. I pulled away from him, bringing my lightsaber down. He screamed as he fell onto his back. He gasped softly and then sat up. A bloody slash was across his face. He stared at me in shock. Another slash went across his chest. I looked at Rey who looked at him like he was the most horrible person in the world.

We have to get out of here." Rey said. I nodded and the ground began to crumble and quake, separating us from Kylo. She ran off to find Finn and I looked at him from across the gap in between us. I had done that to his face. He stood up weakly, clutching his chest. I immediately wished it didn't have to be this way and a tear went down my cheek. "I'm sorry." I said as I rushed off with Rey.

Kylo's POV:
I watched Ryssa run off with Rey. I brought my hand up to my face, feeling the blood rush from my cheek. She was here. Ryssa was here with me. The girl who just wanted to be my friend. The girl who I let myself fall for all those years ago. No. No. She's the enemy. She got lucky this time. Next time, I will destroy her. I have to. I absolutely have to. I made my way to the ships that were leaving Starkiller Base. "My lord, what happened to your face?" Hux asked. "She struck me." "Who?" "A girl. Who should've listened to me. Now she'll meet her fate." I replied as I walked to the infirmary. "Ren, do you realize that the resistance has destroyed Starkiller Base?" Hux said as he followed me. "Do you think I'm stupid? I'm well aware!" And with that Hux stopped following me. As I sat in the chair as they patched up my face and chest. One of the droid's applied a bandage to my shoulder, where Ryssa had jabbed me. Another one worked on my blaster wound that I got from the Wookiee. I felt Ryssa through the force. She was going back to Naboo. I couldn't go there because of the resistance but maybe I could find another way to relieve her of her duties. I winced as the droid who was working on my face made a mistake. It apologized and I nodded in response. "It's fine. Just hurry up." The droid did as it was told and I began to try something. "Ryssa? Can you hear me?" I said in my head, hoping the force would allow her to hear me. I waited a few seconds and then nothing. "Ryssa? I need to speak to you." I tried again. Nothing. A huff left my lips and I stood up. The droid in front of me told me I wasn't done. I grabbed my lightsaber and smashed a panel in the room. The droids scattered except one, who demanded I sit down. I rolled my eyes and he finished his work, then sent me away. I walked to my chambers and was beyond annoyed that I couldn't communicate with her using the force. I saw her hairpiece on the table. It shined as the stars in space reflected off of it. I walked over to it and picked it up in my hands. A pang of sadness ran through my body and I quickly put it down. I would not let myself cry. I regained myself and grabbed my helmet, going to the bridge.

These chapters are so long I apologize

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