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The Rebel Fleet was currently trying to evade the treacherous First Order. Snoke knew of the conflict Kylo Ren was having, he didn't know whether to stray to the light or stay on the dark side. Ryssa Dartsen was also having conflict. She hadn't seen him in years and everything came back. She mourned him when she thought he had died. And she had moved on. Now she was that sixteen year old girl again, whose parents were disappointed in her. Snoke knew of both of their issues. He knew they'd be stronger together. If only he could get them together. And he could. By using a force connection. To make them confront one another about everything. Kylo had tried to do it on his own. He wasn't strong enough. Snoke had a new threat to worry about. Rey. She was much powerful than his apprentice. But Ryssa could lead Kylo either way. She would be the one to break him from the dark. Or she'd be the one to keep him there. Ryssa arrived on Naboo, her people asking her many questions. Remus couldn't handle it on his own. He was trying very hard to keep the people calm but Ryssa knew she had to address news. She had to do something. She quickly put her makeup on and walked up to the stand as her royal guards stood on either side. "Everyone, do not be alarmed. We are safe. I had to deal with some off planet matters. They're sorted. I shouldn't be leaving again. But for now, I need all of you to stay on planet. You'll be safer this way. The First Order is closing in on the Resistance. And I have to help them from here. If anyone would like to help them in any way, talk to the royal guards. They'll set you up. That is all." She walked away from the crowd and into her castle. She sat inside her bedroom, her mother's words playing in her head.

"You must not love that boy. You're already betrothed to another."

Ryssa bit her lip as all the memories of when she was younger came up to the surface.

"You will not see that boy again. He's not like you. You're a princess soon to be queen."

"Mother, Ben is my friend. My only friend who's a boy. I care for him."

"Ryssa, your father and I won't tell you this again. You told the both of us you would give that up when you became queen."

"I'm sixteen and I've earned my lightsaber. I've done everything you've asked. I'm the queen. The people love me and I love them. I'm loyal to my kingdom. But you must allow me to see Ben. It's been years."

"Didn't anyone tell you that Jedi can't fall in love?"

"That's not true."

"It is. A long time ago, in the days of the Sith, Jedi's couldn't fall in love and have relationships. It was forbidden. Sure, times are different now but the only way for you to be a strong Jedi, is to have nobody you're attached to."

"You expect me to be lonely?"

"No. You'll marry a boy from another kingdom. And unite the royals once again."

Ryssa hated those memories. She had kept Kylo out of them. She never did marry any of those royal boys her parents wanted her to marry. Eventually they knew she wasn't going to do what they wanted. And it didn't matter what she did, they were always disappointed in her. A tear slid down her cheek. She wished her parents hadn't been so cruel to her. They did love her. In some way. When she was a girl, her life was easy. As she got older, her life got harder. As did her brother's. Anna, their mother, hated that Remus wasn't force sensitive. He couldn't do the things she could.

"Remus, just go to your room!"

"Why? I haven't done anything."

"This doesn't concern you. This only concerns your sister! Now go!"

Remus left the room, hiding behind the wall to hear what his parents were saying. His sister was being ridiculed.

"Ryssa, you have once again disappointed me. You'll never become a Jedi if you do the things that you do."

"I'm trying, mom. I am trying."

"Try harder."

Everything seemed to come back. Ryssa felt all the memories coming back and it hurt her. It hurt so much. Kylo could feel her feelings. He could feel it even though they were miles away. The sadness made a shuddering breath leave his lips. "You're so sad." He whispered. Kylo was split in two. He had a good side and a bad side. And he didn't know which was better. His good side told him he needed to reconnect with Ryssa, they could remove Snoke once and for all. But his bad side told him that if him and Ryssa came together, they could destroy the Resistance. And rule the galaxy.

The gleaming headpiece that once sat upon Ryssa's head reminded Kylo of everything they shared. Snoke told him to throw it away. But he didn't. He did try. Kylo stood above the trash compacter, holding the one thing that reminded him of before the dark side. He held his hand out over the drop, where the trash would fall. His hand shook as he went to let go. He pulled his hand back and held the headpiece in both his hands. "I can't." He said. Kylo huffed at the memory and picked up the headpiece. He put it inside a cabinet, where it couldn't be seen. Sleep. He wanted to sleep. He decided he'd sleep for a few minutes. And as he slept, he dreamed about Ryssa. It was a memory. "Ben, wait! I can't keep up!" The younger girl said. Ben turned around and looked at Ryssa who was trying to follow him up the hill. She had always been slower than him. Ben walked to where she was and put her on his back. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he said "we'll go together from now on. I'll just carry you up the hill every day." "You will?" Ryssa asked. "I will." Ben said. Ryssa laid her head on his shoulder, using one of her hands to touch his hair. "Your hair is soft." She said. Ben smiled to himself. When they reached the top of the hill, Ben set her down gently. She looked up at him and he said "what?" "I like being on your back. I can see everything from up there." Ryssa said. Ben chuckled and she said "it must be nice to be tall." Ben shook his head at her. Then the memory faded away. Ryssa striking him down entered his mind, making him awake with a jolt. He looked around the room and reached up to his face, feeling the bandage. A knock made him look at the door. "Ren, you're needed on the bridge." Hux said. "I'll be right there. Give me a few minutes." He heard Hux's footsteps go down the hall. Kylo didn't even bother to put his helmet on. He held it in his hand as he walked towards the bridge. Some of the technicians eyes widened as they saw his face. The majority of them had never seen him unmasked. He didn't pay attention to them, when he arrived on the bridge, he was listening to the plan that was being explained. He barely said anything. He didn't have anything to contribute like he normally did. He just stayed silent. "We'll blow up a few of their ships. To slow them down." Hux said. Kylo nodded. He didn't mind blowing up Resistance ships. But through the force he could feel his mother. Leia. She was on one of the ships. He knew he wouldn't be able to destroy the ship she was on. And meanwhile, Snoke was planning something for Kylo and Ryssa.

This chapter is a bit different but I had a lot of fun writing it.

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