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The FIRST ORDER reigns. Having decimated the peaceful Republic, Supreme Leader Snoke now deploys his merciless legions to seize military control of the galaxy. Only General Leia Organa's band of RESISTANCE fighters stand against the rising tyranny, certain that Jedi Master Luke Skywalker will return and restore a spark of hope to the fight. But the Resistance has been exposed. As the First Order speeds towards the rebel base, the brave heroes mount a desperate escape...

Chapter five
"What do you want?"
Ryssa's POV:
The sound of an incoming hologram filled my ears. I pushed a button to receive it and there stood Leia Organa. "Queen Dartsen, we need your help." She said. "What do you need?" I asked. "Fuel. We've been trying to jump to light speed but can't because we don't have any few. Also, the first order is tracking us. Anywhere we jump, they follow." Leia said. I furrowed my eyebrows and said "they have a tracker? They're tracking you?" "Yes. Is there anything you can do to help? I understand you have to protect the people of Naboo. And I won't get in the way of that, but if there's anything you can do." I sighed and said "I can send a few ships with fuel. To help you. It's not much but maybe you'll have some fuel to get away somehow." "That would help tremendously. We'll figure something out about that tracker. I have some of my best people on it." "I'll send that fuel right away. Is there anything else you need?" "Yes actually. I'm curious about something. Did you see him?" Leia asked. I immediately knew who she was talking about but acted like I didn't. "Who?" "You know who. Did you see my son?" I looked down at my hands and said "yes." "Did he see you?" "Yes. We fought. I wounded him. I hurt him. I hurt Ben." I bit my lip to keep from crying and Leia said "can you feel him?" "Yes. I wasn't able to before." "Ryssa, I have to go. There's tie fighters approaching. And I think one of them might be Ben." "Be careful, general." I said. "You be careful as well. Hopefully I can get back to you soon." The hologram disappeared and I walked out onto my balcony, looking down at the kingdom. "Milady, your mother and father are here to see you." A handmaiden said. "I'll be there shortly." I heard them leave the room and I looked out towards the meadows of Naboo. Ben would've loved it here. I know he would've. I quickly shook the thought from my head and walked to where my mother and father were. Remus was already there, waiting for me. "Ryssa." My father said, hugging me. "Hello father." I pulled away from him and my mother stood in front of me. "Queen." She said. "Mother." I replied. Then the both of them hugged Remus. "What's this I hear about the resistance? I heard they're having some trouble." My father said as he began to walk. "The first order. They're trying to eliminate them. I'm sending some troops to give them fuel. They're desperately low on it and I'll do whatever I need to help them." I said. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" My mother said. "Yes. I do. I'm the queen and what I say goes. You're not the queen anymore. Why are you here?" My parents looked at each other before looking at me. "We were worried. We haven't spoken to you in so long. Ryssa, you're distancing yourself from us." My father said. "I'm doing that on purpose. Now if you'll excuse me, I must retire." A handmaiden immediately took my side and the two of us walked away from my parents.


I was awakened by a feeling. A strong feeling. "Is this you? Are you doing this?" Kylo's voice said. I went to open my mouth and he said "there's no way this is you. You're not strong enough." "And how do you know that?" I replied. "Cause you're just as confused as I am." "Quit using the force to feel how I'm feeling." I said. "I always have. Have you been able to do the same for me?" "Sometimes." "Where are you? It looks like you're in a palace bedroom." "Did you forget I'm the queen of Naboo?" "You went back so soon? Huh. I thought you'd run to the resistance for sure." He replied as he leaned on the wall. I gulped as I could see him now. "Where are you?" I asked, ignoring his comment. I tried to see where he was. It looked like a ship. "On one of my ships. Actually I'm on the Finalizer. The resistance is close by. Can you feel them?" "Yes." I watched Kylo's eyes scan the bedroom, he looked around at everything inside. I saw the wound on his face. I regretted it but at the same time he might've killed me.

"You have everything don't you? There's nothing you could possibly want." He said. "You're wrong." "What do you want?" He asked as he walked to the bed. I stood up out of fear, not wanting him to sit down. His eyes slightly widened at how quick I had stood up. "I want you to come back. Ben, it's been so long and to see you again...brought everything back." I said. He looked down and then looked up at me. "Ben, please. I thought you were dead all those years. I didn't hear anything about you. And I couldn't feel you. I couldn't feel you using the force. Ben, what happened?" "Don't call me Ben! That's not my name! Ben Solo is dead and has been dead for years." He said as he stepped closer to me. I instinctively held my hand out and my lightsaber flew into my hand. I ignited it and Kylo stared at the humming saber. He went to open his mouth when we heard my father's voice. "Ryssa? Ryssa are you alright?" Kylo turned to the door and my father walked in. "What's wrong?" He said. I looked in front of me and Kylo was gone. "N-nothing." I replied. "Are you sure?" "I'm fine." I deactivated the lightsaber and sat back down on my bed. "I need to rest." I said as I rolled over, facing the balcony. I heard my father leave the room and I tried to figure out what just happened.

Kylo's POV:
"Don't call me Ben! That's not my name! Ben Solo is dead and has been dead for years." I yelled at Ryssa. I watched her reach for her lightsaber, igniting it. I began to say something but her father came into the room. I hadn't seen him in years. "Ryssa? Ryssa are you alright?" I watched the palace of Naboo begin to disappear. Along with Ryssa. I blinked a few times and saw that I was back on my ship. "Ryssa?" I said. Nothing. I balled my hands up into fists on either side of my body and huffed. I then reached for my lightsaber, igniting it. I looked at the table in the room. I raised my lightsaber, swinging it at the table, slicing it into pieces. I smashed another table that sat in the corner and then I reached the armoire. I slashed a line into it, making the wood splinter and crack. I took my anger out on everything in the room and I didn't know why. Maybe it was cause she called me Ben. Or maybe it was cause I didn't get to say what I wanted to say. I watched the armoire sizzle from having my lightsaber dug into it. I had destroyed the majority of it except one cabinet. I opened it to see that stupid headpiece. I deactivated my lightsaber, throwing it on the couch. A heavy sigh left my lips as I looked at it. "God, Ryssa." I said as I took it in my hands. I sat down on the floor, in the midst of the destruction. "Ren, are you in there? Snoke demands your presence." Hux said. "I'm on my way. And have someone clean up this room. And don't touch the headpiece." I replied. Hux's eyes widened at the destruction of the room and he said "what happened?" "Nothing. Just clean it up." Hux looked at the headpiece in my hands and said "weren't you supposed to throw that away?" I looked at him and went inside my bedroom that was untouched. I closed the door behind me and Hux said "Ren." I put the headpiece in a spot where nobody would find it and then I came out of the bedroom, slamming it shut with the force. "Clean this up. Now." I spat as I left the room. Hux nodded and then went to get someone to clean the room.

Oooooh stuff is going down

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