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Chapter six
Ryssa's POV:
After my encounter with Ben I decided I wouldn't call him Ben anymore. I'd just call him Kylo. It took me a while to get back to sleep. And I could feel him. He talked to Snoke about things. I didn't know what they discussed but whatever it was, it wasn't good. A hologram came through and it was a man. He looked like a resistance fighter. "Ryssa Dartsen?" He said. "Yes?" I asked. His eyes slightly widened and he said "I hope I didn't wake you." "You didn't. Are you with the resistance?" "Yes. I'm Poe. Poe Dameron. The first order is on our tails. I'm assuming you know already." "General Organa informed me earlier. I sent some fuel out to you." I said. Poe nodded and said "we thank you for that. Although we only got a portion of it. The first order made sure we didn't get much. And they've destroyed some of our ships. They injured General Organa in the process." I gasped and said "is she ok?" "She'll be fine. She's being taken care of. She wasn't able to get back to you so I made sure one of us did." I nodded and didn't say anything. I got a feeling in my stomach. Did Ben destroy the ship his mother was on? Like he killed his father? Did he attempt Leia's life? "Queen Dartsen, are you ok?" Poe asked. I looked back at the hologram and said "yes. Thank you for the information. If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to ask." Poe nodded and said "will do." The hologram disappeared and I decided I'd try to sleep.


The next morning was difficult. I sat at the table with my parents and brother. "So, have you found a husband?" My mother said. "No. I've been too busy." "That's a lie." She mumbled. "If you seem to have forgotten, you're not queen anymore. You can't force me to do anything. There's nothing you can do." I said. "Are you still hung up on that boy?" I bit my lip as she mentioned Ben. I lied to her. "No. Ben is gone." "What happened to him?" My father said. "Kylo Ren murdered him." "How do you know that?" My mother said. "Because he told me. I was on Starkiller Base. When it was destroyed." Both of my parents stared at me in shock. Remus looked over at me as well, I hadn't told him why I had left. "Why were you on Starkiller Base?" "I was helping the resistance. They needed my help." Neither of them said a word. "If you'll excuse me, I'm expecting a hologram." I lied once again. "Ryssa." Remus said as I left the table. I went back to my bedroom, assigning a guard outside of it so no one could come in. I didn't even bother to change into my royal gown. "You're still in your pajamas?" Kylo's voice said. I rolled my eyes and huffed. "Yes, Kylo." He smirked and said "so, you've decided to acknowledge me for who I am?" "If you're to keep visiting me like this, yes." "I don't know how this is happening. It's not me. I've tried." I watched his eyes go up and down my body. "Why are you still in that nightgown?" He said. "Because I don't feel like changing into a royal gown. That's why." His eyes went to my chest, to the necklace he gave me. "It looks nice on you. It always has." "Thank you." It was silent for a few seconds, I looked away from him. And I could feel his eyes staring at me. "I'm curious about something." "What?" "Did you keep my headpiece? The one I gave you at the temple?" I walked towards him and he took a step back. "Yes. I did." He said in a soft voice. He continued to stare at my nightgown and the necklace on my chest. "What is it?" I asked. He opened his mouth to say something and then closed it. Kylo looked down and shook his head. "It's nothing. It probably couldn't happen anyway." "What?" "I said it was nothing." He said sternly. I nodded and he reached for the necklace on my neck, holding it in his hand. He half smiled at it and then looked at me. "There's so much I want to tell you." I said as I reached for his hand. He pulled his hand back quickly, a soft shudder leaving his lips. "I can't." He said. "You can't what?" He stepped back from me again. "Tell me." I pleaded. He shook his head and said "Ryssa, I can't." Then he disappeared. "Kylo? Kylo!" I yelled. I realized the force bond or whatever happened was gone. Wanting to push it aside, I quickly got into my royal gown and went about my duties.

Kylo's POV:
She reached for me. She actually reached for me. Despite what I did to my father, she reached for me. I should've took her hand. I wanted to take her hand. If Snoke senses the way I feel about her, he'd be unbelievably angry. I knew what I had to do. I had to convince Ryssa to join me. It'd be perfect. The two of us could run the galaxy. And I was pretty sure I could convince her. I just had to get to her without Snoke knowing. The question was, was it possible for me to do that? Could it be possible for her and I to meet again?

Ryssa's POV:
"Milady, there's someone here to see you." A handmaiden said. I walked out of my bedroom and my best friend stood in the grand room. "Nephle?" I asked. She looked at me and said "Ryssa, it's been too long." I hugged her and said "what're you doing here?" "I heard about you too after Ben. So Orell and I decided to come here and try and talk some sense into you." "Well I've already seen him. I was on Starkiller Base when it was being destroyed." I said. "Ben was there? On Starkiller?" "Ben is Kylo Ren." Orell's eyes widened and he said "what?" I nodded and said "yes. And I need to turn him back to the light side." Nephle shook her head and said "he's too far gone. You can't." "I have a feeling that I might be able to. I have hope." I said. Nephle frowned slightly and Remus said "you always did have hope." I turned around and he stepped into the room. "Remus." He hugged me and said "if you think you can turn him back, I believe you. You have a good heart." I hugged my brother and Orell said "he's right. You've always been so hopeful." I pulled away from Remus and said "thank you. I believe Ben would be able to help us. If he let go of the dark side, the first order would fall." Orell nodded and Remus said "do what you have to do. Get him back." I half smiled and Nephle said "be careful though. I don't want anything happening to my best friend." "I'll defend myself if I need to." I replied.

There's probably going to be a lot of force bond type chapters in this book so just bare with me

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