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Chapter seven
Ryssa's POV:
Orell and Nephle got settled in the guest rooms while Remus dealt with my parents. I decided I should see how the people of Naboo were doing. The royal makeup was applied to my face and I walked outside of the castle. "My queen." Someone said, giving me a bow. I shook my head at them and said "there's no need to bow." They half smiled at me and Remus appeared at my side. "I'll walk with you. Since you feel like you don't need to have bodyguards." He said. I nodded and the two of us walked. "Queen Dartsen." A male voice said. I turned to looked at him. He had beautiful brown hair and his eyes were as blue as the sea. "Yes?" I said. "Ben Solo. You know him?" Remus stepped forward and I said "yes." "Have you seen him recently?" "Yes." The man chuckled. "And who are you?" Remus said. "James. James Skywalker." My eyes widened and I said "James?" "Hello, Princess. Or should I say queen now." I rolled my eyes playfully and he covered his mouth, stifling a laugh.

A girl with shoulder length green hair walked up. "James, what are we-" She stopped as she looked at me. "Ryssa?" She asked. "Milla?" Her lips curled up into a smirk and she said "I didn't think I'd see you again. You're all grown up."

The intimidation she gave me as a child was still there. Milla had always looked intimidating and I think she got it from her mother. Remus furrowed his eyebrows and said "who are they?" "They were at the temple with me. When I was training. They're Luke Skywalker's children." Remus nodded to them and Milla looked at him. "So, you're prince Dartsen?" She said. Remus nodded and said "if Ryssa ever dies I become king. But at the same time, that would be a stressful job. Ryssa does a great job." James hugged me and said "we came to see you about our cousin." "What's wrong?" I said. "Well, aunt Leia got injured. I think Poe told you. He was supposed to. Anyway, Milla could feel him as he circled the resistance ships. He didn't shoot at Leia. Someone else did. He couldn't kill her." James said. "And he couldn't kill you. You're the one who gave him that scar." "Scar? You've seen him recently?" It had been a few days since the last time he appeared in my room. "I saw him in a vision. I didn't actually see him physically or anything. But yes. He has a scar on his face." Milla said. "I didn't mean to. I didn't want to hurt him." I said softly. Milla put her hand on my shoulder and said "I know." "We came to tell you that if you ever need us, we'll help you. Anything with the resistance. Or anything here." James said. I nodded and said "thank you. There's some lodging that way. The sun is setting. I need to get back to the palace. But you're more than welcome to visit me anytime." James nodded and Milla did the same. The two of them walked away. Remus and I went back to the palace. I quickly avoided my parents and went to my room, beginning to take off the makeup. "Where are you?" Kylo's voice said a slight echo following it. "What?" I said. "I can't see your surroundings. Just you. I can only see you." He said. I turned around and he was looking at me.

He took a step and the light in the room shined on his face. I could see his scar. I stood up and walked over to him. "Can I try something?" I asked. He nodded. I reached for his arm and he pulled it away. "I won't hurt you." "I know. But.." "But what?" "This isn't real. This is a dream." "I think it's a force bond of some sort." I said. He furrowed his eyebrows. He was genuinely confused. "How would we have that? We haven't talked to one another for years. We're just now being reunited." Kylo said. "I don't know. It's the only logical thing I can think of." I said. "You're not doing it. It would kill you." He said the last part with a shudder. "You're not doing it either." I said. He nodded and then shook his head. "Why can't I see where you are?" "I'm in the same place. Nowhere different." "Can you see where I am?" I then realized that I couldn't. I hadn't even noticed it until now. "No." Kylo looked at my hair and then the gown. I took this opportunity to reach for his gloved hand. I gasped as my hand came into contact with his. He looked down at our hands and went to pull away. "Don't." I said. He yanked his arm from me, pulling me with him as he stepped back. "Stop." I told him. Kylo stared at our hands and said "how is that possible?" "I don't know. I'm not going to hurt you." I said. He rolled his eyes and said "I know." He looked at me, his hair falling into his face. With my other hand I reached up to his cheek. He grabbed my wrist with his other hand, stopping me. "It's ok." I whispered. He shook his head and I said "it's ok." Kylo let go of my hand and I touched his cheek. He gasped softly and I brushed his hair out of his face. I laughed in amazement. Kylo let go my hand he was holding. He went to hug me but then hesitated. I ran my thumb over his scar and said "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I did that you. I didn't want to hurt you." He nodded and said "I-I know. I should've visited you." "Why didn't you?" I asked. He removed my hand from his face and didn't say anything. "Ryssa, mom and dad want to have dinner with us. And your friends." Remus said as he opened the door. I turned to look at him and said "I'll be there in a few minutes." He nodded and closed the door. I turned back around to look at Kylo but he was gone. "You always seem to leave if someone comes in." I said to myself. I sighed and turned around to follow my brother.

Kylo's POV:
Remus opened her bedroom door. I was surprised I was able to see him since I couldn't see anything in the room. He used to be so small. I remembered him being the little boy who wanted to always tag along with Ryssa. She turned around to respond to him. But when she turned back around. "You always seem to leave if someone comes in." "Ryssa, I'm still here." I said. A sigh left her lips and I reached for her but she turned around, leaving the room. "Ryssa." I went to follow her, walking forward. I followed blindly, not being able to see the surroundings in the room. I ran into something hard, which I quickly figured out was a wall. But it was a wall in my quarters, not hers. The force bond or whatever was happen must've broke for now. I walked to the elevator, the elevator moving up as I stood inside. I figured it was taking me to the bridge but to be honest, I wasn't sure. The pull to the light. It ran through my body. I shook my head and said "no." I would not let myself be persuaded by Ryssa. She will join me. I will not join her. Memories of my father and mother flashed through my mind. I looked down at the mask in my hand, did I need it? No. I didn't. I immediately smashed it against the wall of the elevator, pieces of it going everywhere.

The elevator doors opened and a stormtrooper stood there. "Clean this up." I said. The trooper nodded and I walked away.

The ending is weird but hopefully this book will get better

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