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The Jedi Temple. It was where Luke Skywalker was training a whole new generation of Jedi. Ryssa Dartsen was amongst them. She was nine years old and Luke could already tell she had potential and would be powerful. He could sense that she was full of light. It was almost as if there wasn't an ounce of hate in her body. But that could easily change. Luke's children, James and Milla trained at the temple. Luke's nephew, Ben Solo was also being trained by Luke. Luke trained them all together so they would have strong bonds with one another. Ben was thirteen. Having the heritage that he did, he was very powerful. When he grows up and learns how to fully use his powers, he would be very powerful. He already had knowledge on some things that other padawans did not. Ryssa was born into the royal family of Naboo. When she would turn thirteen, she would become queen of Naboo. She had a younger brother, Remus. He was five years younger than her. He was not force sensitive like his sister. Which their mother was very disappointed in. Remus didn't understand why Ryssa had to go to the temple. All he understood was that, he wasn't allowed to go. Since Remus wasn't the first born, he would not be king. It was in Ryssa's birthright to become queen. She looked up to Padmé Amidala who was an exceptional queen at her young age. She hoped to be like her one day. Ryssa only had a friend or two at the temple. But she always wanted to be near Ben. She knew he knew things that the other kids didn't. She'd always beg him to teach her. Ben was a moody teenager and didn't want to be around a child so he'd always brush her off. "Ben, will you teach me what you know?" Ryssa asked him. "Get lost, Ryssa." Ben replied. The girl frowned and said "please?" "No." He walked away from her and she sighed sadly. Han saw the whole encounter and asked his son why he didn't want to be associated with the girl. "She's younger than me. She's a little kid." "Ben, you should be nicer to her. Has she ever done anything to you?" "No. But she's always following me around." Ben grumbled. "Maybe let her hang out with you for a day. I'm sure she's not all bad." "Dad, she's the worst." Han chuckled while ruffling his son's hair. The next day Ben decided he'd not go to lunch with the other kids anymore. He'd go somewhere to be alone. And Ryssa noticed. She began to see less and less of him. So one day she caught him after training. "Hi, Ben." Ryssa said as she ran up to him. A sigh left Ben's lips as he walked. "Hello, Ryssa." "How's your day going?" "Fine. Nothing too exciting." Ryssa looked over at Luke who was talking to Ben's father. "Where do you go during the day? You're never at lunch with everyone else." Ben noticed his father and uncle talking. Presumably about him. He didn't want to approach them and hear of their conversation. Ryssa wasn't in class today when Ben messed up in front of everyone. He couldn't lift the rocks. He had failed. And he knew his father now knew about it. Han Solo didn't know much about the force until he married Leia Organa and met Luke Skywalker. "Hey, wanna come with me to my secret spot?" Ben asked Ryssa. She looked up at him and said "your secret spot? I can come with you?" He chuckled and said "yes." "Oh, boy!" Ryssa said. Ben smiled and turned the opposite direction. The two of them walked until they reached the meadows. There was a large hill that they were climbing up. A large tree sat on the top of it and the two of them sat down under it. "This is your secret spot?" She said. "Yes. I come here to meditate sometimes. It's quiet and it's away from everything and everyone. Sometimes I just get so stressed out and need to come here. To clear my mind." "I try to keep my mind as clear as possible. But it's hard. I think I'm getting better at it though. Maybe I could help you." Ryssa said. Ben looked at her and said "I appreciate the offer but you need to focus on your teachings. Don't worry about me." After that day, a bond was forged between the two. They'd always go to that tree and just talk. They'd laugh with one another and it seemed like it was the two of them against the galaxy. As they got older, Ben noticed Ryssa began to get prettier. Since she was in line to become queen, her hair would be pulled back precisely. Her parents were very strict about her hair. Ben remembered how curly it was when she was younger and he always wondered how they'd pull it back into the buns that laid on her head. "How do they do it?" "Do what?" "Your hair. How do they get it to be in those buns. It's so curly." Ben said while laughing. "It takes time. You should see it when I let it down." She said. "Can I?" He asked. Ryssa was twelve and Ben was sixteen. In a year, she'd be leaving to become queen of Naboo. And Ben would never admit it, but he was going to miss her. She had become his closest friend that he told nobody about. "I guess I could show you." Ryssa said. She reached up to the crown she wore on her head and set in the grass. She removed the headpiece that kept her hair in place and her hair fell to her shoulders. The curls sprung out everywhere and Ben stared. He reached out and touched her hair. "Is it like when I was younger?" She asked. "Yes. Very much." He said. He pulled his hand back and she began fixing her hair. And it took her a few minutes. Ben placed her crown on top of her head. "Do you have to become queen?" He said as he picked a flower from the grass. "Yes. I'm expected to. And I want to. But I don't want to leave the temple. Master Luke has been training me much harder now because I am to be leaving. He's taught me how to feel things in the force. I'm excited to become queen. I just don't want to leave you." Ryssa said. Ben placed the flower he picked behind her ear and said "I don't want you to leave either. You're my best friend." Ryssa smiled and Ben was thankful she couldn't feel his feelings. Ben hated that he let himself fall for this girl over the years. Of course he wouldn't be with her at her age but he was willing to wait. But now she was leaving in a year. And he didn't know what he was going to do when she did. That day came as quick as they had spoke about it. And before she had to say goodbye. Ben gave her something. "I made this for you." He held out a necklace with a beautiful stone attached to it. "Ben, this is beautiful." Ryssa said as she looked at it. "Can I?" He asked. She nodded and allowed him to put the necklace around her neck. "Now, whenever you wear this necklace you'll think of me." Ryssa smiled and said "I love it." Ben looked at the necklace that rested on her chest. "It looks good on you." "I don't have anything for you." Ryssa said. Ben waved his hand and said "it's fine." The younger girl shook her head and said "no it's not. I have to give you something. As a matter a fact, I do have something." Ben quirked an eyebrow and said "what is it?" "One of my hairpieces. You can keep it. And you'll have a piece of me I guess. Plus I don't like this one." Ben chuckled and said "I like it. I'll keep it safe." Ryssa removed the hairpiece from her head and her hair fell onto her shoulders. Later that afternoon, Ryssa would be leaving. Luke stood with Ryssa, telling the padawans that she wouldn't be back and that her training was finished. He had given her parents a lightsaber that she wouldn't be able to use until she was sixteen. Ben watched as she went down the line, shaking everyone's hand. James nodded to her and said "goodbye, princess." "Goodbye, Skywalker." Ryssa said. Milla looked down at Ryssa. She was a couple of years older than her. Two to be exact. "Goodbye, Milla." Ryssa said in a small voice. She had always been intimidated by the older girl. "Goodbye, Ryssa. Have fun on Naboo." Ben was the last one. She looked up at him and said "I hope to see you again." "I do as well." Ryssa held out her hand which Ben shook. The small crowd dispersed and she said "goodbye." Ben gulped and said "goodbye." Her parents called for her so she began to walk away. "Ryssa." He said. She turned around and said "yes?" Ben walked over to her and hugged her. Ryssa was taken aback. He had never hugged her. The most physical contact he ever shared with her was him holding her hand or putting her on his back when she was younger. She wrapped her arms around him and said "I'll miss you, Ben." He shuddered and said "I'll miss you too, Ryssa." "Ryssa! We have to go!" Her mother, Anna said. She pulled away and Ben bit his lip. He leaned down and kissed the top of her head. Ryssa looked up at him and he smiled. Ryssa did the same and said "come and visit me on Naboo. When you're finished with your training." He nodded and said "I will." "Ryssa! Come on!" Remus said as he ran over to his big sister. Ryssa smiled down at him and the two of them walked away. But Ben never did. After Ryssa left, he was hurt. He became sad all the time and wouldn't explain it to his parents. Until one day his mother caught him crying. He didn't even have to say anything. Leia could feel his heartbreak and she said "you can always go visit her. Don't be upset. You'll see her again." "I miss her." Ben said. She hugged her son and said "I know." Han also noticed his son being sad all the time. "What's got you down?" He asked. Ben frowned and said "Ryssa." "You miss her?" Ben nodded and Han said "that's how I felt about your mom. I needed to leave the Rebellion but at the same time, I was in love with your mom. When you're done with your training, go after her." Ben half smiled. One day after training he sat at his secret spot, wishing Ryssa was there with him. A growl made him jump and he looked up to see Chewbacca standing there. "Hey, Chewie." The Wookiee growled at him and he said "I miss her. I miss her a lot." Chewbacca sat down next to Ben, hugging him. Ben buried his face into Chewie's fur, tears forming in his eyes. As time went on, Ben was being pulled to the dark. He didn't know how to stray from it. It was Snoke's doing. Luke knew Ben would become so powerful so he went to kill him one night. He stood over him as he slept. The ignition of the lightsaber awoke Ben. He stared in shock as his uncle stood over him, the green lightsaber emitting a green hue in the room. Ben could feel it. His uncle was there to kill him. He grabbed his lightsaber and shielded himself from his uncle, knocking him unconscious. Ben felt betrayed. He felt as if there was no place for him. So he let himself be seduced by the dark side. He destroyed the Jedi temple, killing the padawans who wouldn't stand with him. His cousins, James and Milla barely escaped. When Ryssa heard about the temple, her heart was broken. She didn't know who had done it. And she hadn't heard from Ben in years. She feared the worst, that he had been killed. James and Milla reached out to her, letting her know that they had indeed survived. Shortly after, a new threat arose. The First Order. Much more ruthless than the Empire. Leia Organa then formed the Resistance and Luke Skywalker went into hiding after the temple was destroyed. Then the name of the most feared man in the entire galaxy was revealed. Kylo Ren. The First Order was terrifying and Kylo Ren was on a mission. He needed to find the map to Luke Skywalker. Ryssa helped the Resistance with whatever she could. She was a strong ally that they had. She could provide troops and supplies but that was about it. But when Han Solo shows up at her castle, begging her to help, she can't say no. She had to accept. Ryssa was twenty six years old now and a fully developed Jedi. What she didn't know was, she was going to be reunited with an old friend who was much different than he used to be.

Nephle Rodan was raised on Canto Bight by her father. Her brother, Orell was a few years older than her. Their family was considered royalty and Nephle is Ryssa's closest friend besides Ben Solo. Nephle's life was simple and easy compared to Ryssa's. The two of them always kept contact and told each other everything. But when Nephle hears about Ryssa going after Ben Solo, she decides she'll accompany her, if she can get to her before she gets to Ben.

This chapter is so long and I apologize but I wanted to explain stuff.

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