Chapter 19 - The Despair Disease?

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As Stevie and Ray walked down the stairs, they spotted Jay and Terishi talking at the bottom... Holding hands?

"What's going on down here then?" Ray asked.

"Well, Jay she.. Uhm.." Terishi fumbled her words, blushing.

"I believe I can explain." Monoyagi appeared.

"Please do." Stevie sighed.

"Jay Young... Has been the Despair Disease!" Monoyagi announced,"More specifically, the Obsession Disease!"

"Excuse me... The what?" Ray blinked.

"Well, I think it's pretty self-explanatory." Monoyagi shrugged,"Jay Young has become infatuated with our local shining star and until a murder happens, her symptoms will become more extreme and... She's gonna die."

Stevie looked between Teri and Jay,"How is her being in love... Going to kill her?"

"There are other symptoms Stevie, be quiet." Monoyagi huffed,"For example, a rise in temperature, dizzy spells and uh... Wow, I forgot."

"You forgot the symptoms of the deadly disease?" Terishi crossed her arms.

Monoyagi looked around before quickly disappearing.

"That's it." Terishi sighed, scooping Jay into her arms.

"Woah- What are you doing?" Jay stammered, her face flushing.

"Taking you back to your room, you need rest. You're sick." Terishi sighed.

"Cute." Stevie hummed.

"I don't wanna rest!" Jay huffed as Terishi began walking.

"Tough luck, honey." Terishi sighed, walking into her room, carrying Jay.

"What.. The fuck is going on?" Ray looked around.

"Well, my best guess is that this 'Despair Disease' is a motive." Stevie sighed,"Come on, let's go hang out."

"Hang out where?" Ray raised a brow.

"The library, you like it there." Stevie smiled as she took Ray's hand, leading him away.

The rest of that day was surprisingly uneventful. Stevie spent time with Ray in the library, eventually joined by Daiko and Akira before they all went their separate ways.


The next morning, Stevie woke up to.. Noise coming from the hallway. She quickly pulled on some clothes and walked out to see Daiko on the ground, pulling himself up. Monoyagi was stood nearby and Ray had his arms crossed.

"Hey, Comedian." Ray called to Daiko,"You alright?"

Although, Daiko stayed quiet, staring off into the distance. Thinking.

"Daiko?" Ray raised a brow.

Still, no response. He didn't even acknowledge Ray.

"What did you do, furball?" Ray looked over at Monoyagi.

"He's the second motive victim." Monoyagi hummed,"Daiko Makori has the Forgetfulness Disease!"

"Daiko too..?" Terishi asked quietly.

Stevie jumped slightly, not realizing Teri had joined her outisde of their rooms,"Yeah.."

"Daiko!" Ray shouted at Daiko, snapping his fingers as Terishi and Stevie approached.

Daiko still didn't respond, he didn't even turn around.

"Dai!" Terishi smiled, running up to Daiko and taking his hand.

Daiko smiled slightly as he turned around, finally noticing them.

"Kid can't even remember his own name." Ray muttered.

Terishi looked down, biting her cheek before she spoke,"..Daiya?"

"Teri!" Daiko grinned, finally responding,"That Daiko guy must be popular, am I right? Fedora guy has been calling on him for ages."

Stevie furrowed her brow. Daiko hadn't responded to his own name, he didn't know his name.. But he responded to that.

Daiko seemed to notice the uneasy atmosphere as he looked around at them,"What are those looks for? Was it something I said?"

It took a few moments before Daiko gasped quietly, covering his mouth. Did he... Remember now?

"Well, Daiko is going to have random bouts of forgetfulness where he only remembers things from before the killing game." Monoyagi explained before disappearing.

Terishi pulled Daiko into a hug, rubbing his back as he began to cry into her shoulder. Stevie's expression softened as she walked over, hugging Daiko as well. She didn't fully understand what was going on, but she hated seeing her friend upset.

"Stevie, can you take Daiko to his room? I need to go get some things sorted for Jay." Terishi looked over at her as she pulled away from the hug.

"Of course I can." Stevie nodded as Terishi walked off,"Come on, kid."

Stevie lead Daiko back to his room, sitting beside him on his bed.

"Thanks.." Daiko rubbed his eyes.

"I just want to make sure you're okay." Stevie told him,"If there's anything you need, I'm here for you."

Daiko was quiet as he hugged Stevie's side,"I... Want to tell you something. It'll make everything else make.. More sense."

"What is it?" Stevie asked.

"I'm... I'm trans." Daiko told her,"I hadn't.. Transitioned before the killing game so-"

"Shh, it's okay." Stevie rubbed his back,"You don't have to explain yourself. You're my friend, I'll love you regardless."

Daiko smiled softly,"Thank you, Stevie."

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