Chapter 12 - Cold

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After a hard day of classwork, all the students must return to their dorms to sleep. Of course, you don't need to sleep if you don't want to, or if you can't but teachers will give you a detention if they catch you sneaking out without a good reason. The dorms are strangely cold tonight, I wonder why...


Abigail was cold. VERY cold. She was in the kitchen area making hot cocoa, looking for marshmallows. As the cold was ideal for Alessandra, she slept soundly. Calypso simply submerged himself underneath the surface of the water and fell asleep.


Circe shivered and frowned, she hated the cold. Ivy wrapped her tail around herself and dozed off. Kai had gone through four gallons of lava and was warm and ready to sleep. Cloud was fast asleep and E.P.R, not feeling the cold at all, simply plugged itself in and began charging.


Alexa HAD ended up leaving flowers at Fern's door. After that, she was out like a light, though they were cold. Renée tossed and turned, trying to sleep. Jeremiah stayed up, not invisible, but invisible, reading. Jay was once again drawing and Fern was using her tail as a second blanket they slept, unaware of her little gift.


Charlotte and Shelby were in Shelby's room with hot cocoa and warm cookies. Blankets were everywhere in an attempt to keep themselves warm and they were watching a movie. Ryland was wide awake and contemplating what to do as he grabbed a Rice Krispy treat. Valkyrie was using her large wings to keep her warm as she slept.


Hades was training by the lake, swinging his sword, trying combos, learning how to get level 30 strength enchantments and brew strength 2 potions.

"Sure you don't want any help?" Principal Celeste asked.

"Confident." Hades sighed.

"What's this is hear about me beating your ass?" She smirked.

"It's called the art of bullshitery. You should try it, as long as you have no dignity whatsoever, like myself."

"Well, it appears everyone bought it."

"There is someone who didn't. There's this kid named Valkyrie and I think she knows something." Hades explained.

"Valkyrie, huh? The Elytrian? Yeah, they're all like that. Always watching." Principal Celeste sighed,"Like right now."

"Curious. As long as they can't hear us, I would assume we're fine. But if they can, that's just not ideal. In case they can, can you bitch slap me so it seems like I'm in trouble and being disciplined?"

"I wish I could but it's fine, I set something up for her in the forest." Principal Celeste hummed as a female scream was heard.

"Oh, shit, what is it?" Hades asked, excited.

"A bear trap."

"Damn, guess she'll be staying here all night in pain unless you want to make E.P.R a hero." Hades chuckled.

"Eh, I'll fix her up. She should be used to this sort of thing by now." Principal Celeste shrugged.

"Speaking of which, do you have any spare gold ingots? I have a ton of apples and there doesn't seem to be an accessible ender chest anywhere so I can't use my gold." Hades asked her.

"Not on me, no." Principal Celeste shook her head,"However, there is an ender chest in my office."

"Alright, thanks boss. I'mma make some gapples and head back to my dorm." Hades told her,"Is there anything else I am needed for?"

"Not really. Just know that Miss Valeska probably won't be in class tomorrow."

"And why's that?" Hades raised a brow.

"Because that's who got trapped by the bear trap." Principal Celeste pointed,"Wait, did you think it was bird girl?"

"I wished it was." Hades sighed,"Night, boss."

"Night, Hades." She nodded.

"One last thing. Can we kill Ronan?" Hades asked,"I despise that guy."

"Maybe one day, but... Not today."

"Hey, that's better than a no!" Hades chuckled as he walked away.

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