American Nightmare part 3-Travis Hackett x Reader

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Summary: A plan to escape is finally in action, meanwhile also being careful with Officer Hackett who will either believe in your lies or not. After a transformation from your friend it will set your goals on getting out.

I moved my head slightly to the beat listening to the song Evil Woman by Black Sabbath, when officer Hackett wasn't looking I caught sight of a mixtape player with a casette inside, luckily some headphones were also close. I had hidden them with the towel I was given.

"I've seen a look of evil in your eyes

You've been filling me all full of lies

Sorrow will not change your shameful deeds

Do well best, someone else has better seen

Evil woman, don't you play your games with me."

The door creaked open making me quickly stop the mixtape and hide it under my pillow. "Morning Officer!" I smiled and waved when he started passing through my cell.

The man stopped and suspiciously turned to look at me. He kept staring at me weirdly until he nodded his head once.

"Mornin'." Officer Hackett went over to Max's cell with something in his hands and a tray.

He went back and got two more trays, went to hand one to Laura then stopped in front of my cell. "Here's your meal."

I stood up and walked towards the small open space, I looked down and hummed when I saw the contents on the tray and plate.

A small bowl of what seems oatmeal, orange juice, two eggs and three stripes of bacon.

D-Did he? Did he give me another slice of bacon?? I noticed that's Max's plate and Laura's only had two.

I eagerly reached out and grabbed the tray from his hands and started eating. "This food is so delicious, thank you for cooking it."

"I didn't cook it someone else did." He said turning away and noticed him taking another look at me. "Eat up. I'll bring you to the office for questioning after your done."

"Wait-" Officer Hackett quickly walked away, not wanting to talk again. He definitely cooked this meal.

My cheeks and entire face started warming up making me also feel a bit weird. I'm gonna get in so much trouble for involving myself with older men, though now that I think about it, I've always had a thing for older men than my age.

"Uhh is anyone's bacon undercooked?" I heard Max ask being the first to talk.

"Not mine."

"Neither are mine."

The room was in silent before Max decided to speak again. "Did anyone receive just one slice of bacon?"

"Nope!" I said with Laura and silently continued to eat.


I was now sitting in Officer Hackett's office with the window next to me wide open. He kept on glancing back and forth towards it, are there officers outside? I can hear the sound of people talking outside.

"Do you have any idea on what's happening here?" I remained silent curiously looking at the officer then back at the window where it seems there are two officers?

This must've caught officer Hackett's attention since he stood up from his seat and came over to sit on the edge of the table to distract me by looking outside.

I focused my attention back on him, "Are these still necessary?" I raise my wrists and show him the handcuffs he still continues to use.

"I asked you a question." He calmly said trying to not lash out again.

"What I said is true isn't it? Werewolves are real, right?"

He hummed and simply crossed his arms. "You said it not me. Things are going to get..hairy soon. You better stay in your cell and not make any noise now so you understand?"

And he went back to being his angry usual self. "Y-Yes. I understand."

"Hey, Travis!" I furrowed my eyebrows together confused when someone called out that name. Umm who's Travis?

"We're gonna be late man!" We heard quick footsteps nearing the office.

Oh, so that's his name!

I quickly stood up to hide myself. Officer Hackett grabbed my shoulders and made me stay still on the wall next to the door, he leaned in and we opened the door covering my body with his while he leaned out a bit.

The footsteps stopped as soon as he opened the door to greet the other officer. "What's the problem?"

"We're waiting for you outsider, we're going drinking right?" The cop on the other side chuckled.

I glanced over to where I assumed the other cop was. Officer Hackett seemed to grow nervous when he noticed that he hadn't covered my mouth, I can shout for help and tell the other officer that my friends are trapped.

Now's is not the time to be dramatic and put on a show. The few times I've been nice should mean something to him, this will only break the small trust we are building. I felt his gaze on me for a split second before he looked back outside.

"Can't do, Sam. Maybe next time I have files to fill out and hand." He sighed.

"Alrighty then? We'll see each other tomorrow then."

I patiently waited by the wall, making sure no other cops were around. I blushed just a bit when I noticed how close Officer Hackett was towards me. I looked away and held my breathe until he slowly moved away and walked over to the open window to make sure everyone left.

"It's alright to move now." He said using his usual cold tone. I moved away from the wall and finally started to breath normally.

Officer Hackett of should I say Travis closed the window and turned to me again. "Your buddy back there, he's gonna have it rough."

"Then I should look after him?"

Travis shrugged his shoulders, "Whatever you feel like doin' kid."

"I'm not that young you know? I'm almost twenty five." I said and looked at me cuffed hands.

"Still seems young to me." Travis sighed and reached down the handcuffs and took them off of me.

His sudden action surprised me a lot. "Let's go." He said after a moment of silence. It felt like he wanted to say something else.

Soon enough I was back into my cell and didn't dare to say anything to Travis, I didn't tell anything to Laura or Max either.

When full moon comes I have to be prepared, but is Max truly going to become a werewolf?


The next day was rather peaceful and very boring but that didn't last long when all of the sudden Officer Hackett began to walk past us with an angered expression on his face, full of desperation when an argument escalated between him and Max.

"I said take your fucking your clothes off."

"Fuck off!"

Laura ran over to the bars calling out for her boyfriend. I ran over to the front of mine and held my hands on the bars, "It can't be today." I whispered and ran over the top of my bed and looked outside the window.

The sky was completely dark with a clear sky and an almost full moon.

"Laura?!" I shouted when she screamed. Her cell door was open and I heard her footsteps disappearing.

"Let me go! (Y/N)!" Is she in trouble?!

"You're not going to believe it until you see it for yourself." Oh shit it's real. I tried to take a look but she is too far.

"What's gonna happen?" Laura asked when he finished talking to an officer.

"Well, it's not going to be pretty. I'll be back soon."

"Are you really going to leave me here?!"

"You'll be fine. Just don't get too close."

"Hey!" I stopped Officer Hackett from leaving. Slowly he turned to me. "What are you doing?"

His dark eyes looked back to check at Laura. "What needs to be done for her to believe." He looked around and reached over to unlock my cell, opening it but I stayed inside.

"You gonna be back until dawn?"

The man smirked and turned to walk off, "Don't let her get close."

The second he left I ran to the back and looked at Laura handcuffed close to Max who was still in his cell but started to act strange.

"Are you both okay?!" I looked at them both. Laura nodded her head, fear in her eyes. It took Max a couple of seconds to respond.

"I don't know. I feel sick.."

Max started to get on his knees and pant heavily. This made Laura and I take a step back and look at him scared, he seems to be in pain. I screamed when blood splattered all over us and what we saw inside the cell wasn't Max anymore, but a hideous creature.

A god damn werewolf.

The werewolf turned to look at us, hunger in his eyes. I heard a scream and saw Laura missing an eye, "Laura!" I reached inside my pockets for one of my bobby pins and I raced towards her.

I began to pull on the handcuffs and as I did I screamed when I felt a sharp pain on my chest, I quickly unlocked the handcuffs and pushed Laura away so we could get away from Max.

Laura ran out while blood spilled out of her eye and I got paralyzed, I stared at the werewolf looking back at me, his large claws ripped my shirt and made three large slashes on my chest. I finally started to run away to chase Laura and help her with her bloody eye.

"Fuck! Hold s-still." Laura finally stopped squirming and let me handle her wound. "I thought losing an eye was going to hurt more." I joked trying to lighten up the mood.

Laura said nothing and glared up ahead when she saw her reflection in the mirror. "Fuck..Thanks."

The two of us walked out to where all the officers must spend their time. "You uhh want to look around?"

I shook my head feeling my head dizzy and feeling weak. "I feel sick, the sight of all that blood got to me. I'm gonna lay down."

Slowly I made it back to my cell and winced when my head hit the pillow. I got rid of my torn shirt and winced again at the large slashes the wolf did on me. I slowly closed my eyes and passed out.


The werewolf left me feeling afraid. Who would've thought since usually I'm into reading and learning of these types of things, though I also thought they were just fictional creatures until recently finding out they are indeed real.

I felt something touching my shoulder. Being too tired I slowly opened them and saw that it was Officer Hackett, he was back, his blood also covered in blood.

"What happened to you?" I ask not daring to move from my spot since I still feeling sleepy. Laura stood behind him inside my cell

Officer Hackett looked away then back at us both, "Why didn't you run?"

I chuckled slowly sitting up and holding onto the side of my head, "Guess I'm an idiot for actually thinking you're cool to hang out." I half joked.

He hummed and I noticed his eyes landing on the large cuts. "We have some unfinished business." Laura quickly said too.

"Like what?" He asked standing up to look at Laura.

"Like how you're gonna tell me exactly what the fuck is going on."

"Why would I do that?"

"Because I could be halfway home right by now. But I'm not..because I have to save Max. We have to..maybe we can help you too."

Laura said while I remained quiet and listened to them both. "Turn around, hands on the wall." He told Laura, she had nothing so he walked her over to her cell and I listened to them both continue talking.

Before Officer Hackett appeared again outside of my cell. "Can I shower right now?" I weakly asked turning to look up at him.

He let out a short tired sigh and repeated what he said to Laura. I slowly rose up from the bed and placed my hands on the wall, I have nothing to hide, not to mention I'm just in my bloody jeans.

I felt my breath hitch when I felt his hands on my exposed skin until he went further down to the sides of my jean and my ankle, his hands stopped before he could touch further up and he retreated.

"Follow me."

The both of us silently walked until we reached the showers and I was handed a towel and tiredly I rested my back against the wall before opening the door to enter to clean myself

"Make sure to not take long this time-" I reached out to grab his dark bloody uniform shirt, I held it tight and slowly moved my eyes to look back at him.

"My Dad was killed..." I whispered wanting to tell him the truth now.

"A police officer shot him dead, it's why I hate cops, it's why I was so cold towards you and didn't hesitate to speak my mind." I opened myself up to him, it feels weird saying his first name too.

Travis remained silent just for a few seconds until he spoke back, "You're all in trouble as much as I am. My family...we didn't mean to hurt anyone. We're just trying to survive like everybody else. Do you understand?"

He's starting to ease up.

He took something out of his pocket and handed it to me. "Read it." He said turning his back to me.

I quickly unfolded the paper and started to read it, "When full the moon above shines first, the beast internal shall outward burst, one by one, leads lambs to slaughter or stalks your breath but shuns clear water. And should you yourself be cursed, armed with silver, end the first, when moon is full before it's wane. Rend the beast that cursed you slain, no longer shall you face your blight or fear the dread of the full moons light.."

I checked down and saw that his gun is right at my reach. I can grab it or leave it but that would ruin our building trust. I tap his shoulder to which he turned around, in a way I feel that he was testing me.

"Here. I understand what you mean by this." I handled him the sheet of paper.

We looked at each other and now I could see what he meant by everything, the precautions, why he acted so suspicious at first. How come I didn't figure this out?

His family are werewolves too.

"We're gonna end this thing, once and for all."

I forced a smile on my face and started to open the door to enter the showers, I stopped to look back at him again.

"Now I know that you're not bad at all. You aren't a bad cop, Travis..I'm sorry for everything I said earlier." I spoke quickly and closed the door behind me.

I raced over down the tiles to turn on the shower. The small room already fogging itself up, I winced and began to cry when I ripped the remaining of my clothes off leaving me exposed for the wold to see.

I limped over to the large mirror and I bit my lip and fought back a cry when I saw a large bite on my leg, a deep wound that I could no longer hide the pain.

Laura and Travis must've thought it was just blood that had splattered over me. "I'm going to turn w-what Max is, huh?" I stuttered looking at myself.

Silver. That's the only thing that can kill werewolves. I don't know how much time I have left, I need to hide this from everyone and leave this place.

I don't want to hurt anyone if I were to suddenly changes into a murderous beast. I would rather get shot and killed than kill anyone I know...

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