Das Experiment- Josef Heiter x Reader

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(Based on fhe movie: The Human Centipede first sequence from 2009)

Summary: You along with your friends fly off to Germany hoping to spend a good time, but soon you're all kidnapped by a mad German Doctor who wants to make a cruel experiment but soon enough he starts to take a liking to you.


Lindsay and Jenny continued to dress themselves up nicely, walking around back in forth in the hotel room and calling up to know if there were any bars or discos to visit. They were so desperate to find any men to sleep with tonight. "I don't quite understand what you just said." One of them said.

I sat far back on my bed and sighed to myself. Why did I even agree to this, my sister was supposed to come but she was extremely sick so she pressured me to come along with her friends.

It was a bit awkward for us since we don't exactly know each other that well to call each other friends. "So, you coming with us?"

"I don't want to but I need to go. My stupid sister despite being sick is getting on my nerves, she keeps asking for pictures."

"Alright then, let's go." Jenny said and grabbed her purse. We walked out of the hotel room and into a car she rented.

I sat in the back and stayed silent for most of the ride, until I noticed she was aimlessly driving around without knowing where she was going. "Maybe we should ask for directions."

"No, we have it right here.." Lindsay unfolded the paper which had a direction she wrote.

This made me laugh at them. "Are you serious? Who even goes to a foreign without knowing a bit of the language. Have you ever seen Hostel?" I ask them and they shrug their shoulders.

Soon enough it started to rain and the car was our of gas, we had to wait to get out because a perverted guy wouldn't leave and get on making disgusting comments. I only know a bit of Germany and what he was was sick.

"I knew I shouldn't have come."

"Will you quit being so pessimistic and come with us." Lindsay said as she exited the car. Jenny followed and I stayed inside for a minute, it was extremely dark and being along was getting scary.

Though staying in a car is a much better idea, there's nothing wrong with waiting until morning.

"(Y/N)! Get your ass out here and bring that damn flashlight you have." Jenny shouted. I huffed out angrily and started to run into the woods where they were going, I turned the flashlight on and we started walking in deeper.

"I think I spot a house." I said squinting my eyes to see a couple of lights on far ahead of us.

"We need to go! Ask for help."

"Hold on." I grab their clothes before they would run off. "Don't you think we gotta be careful? For all we know a lunatic can be living there."

Jenny and Lindsay's makeup were running down their faces and still like that, they kept on acting bitchy. So they began to run off and I had no choice but to follow them

Both of them began to harshly knock on the door. "Hello?! Please help us!" The door soon opened and a tall man with dark eyes and hard expression looked at us.

"Umm our car broke down, can we maybe come in and use the phone?" Jenny asked him. The man stayed quiet and looked at each of us. Does he understand English?

"Come in." So he does. The three of us walked inside and we're handed a towel, I sat far away from them on a small couch near a window and kept to myself again.

"Can we use the phone?"

"I'll call them for you." He said. I heard him inside the kitchen talking in German. "My name is doctor Josef Heiter.." I tried to hear some more but the rain made it impossible.

He came in with three glass of water, they each began to drink from it, but I wasn't feeling thirsty.

"..You have a nice home sir, do you live with your wife?" Lindsay asked when I caught her looking at at odd painting, of siamese people?

I remained silent and looked at the three of them do most of the talking. It was getting extremely uncomfortable, no one was talking, the fireplace was burning the woof but that was the only noise coming from the room.

The man was creepy to say the least. "Are you relatives?" We all shook our heads. I heard glass hit the floor and one of the girls freaked out when the doctor shouted something in German of course.

"We need to leave, he's freaking me out."

"I agree with you on that." I nodded my head and I looked at them concerned when they began to cough and hold onto their necks.

"Did you drink the water?" I whisper and saw their faces turn to shock when they knew what I meant when I asked them that.

"Did you make the call?" Lindsay asked when the doctor quickly came back in.


"Well? Can I make it?"


"What did you do to her?!" She asked when Jenny closed her eyes. Lindsay began to stand up until she hit the floor and tried to crawl away, the man grabbed a syringe and placed the needle in her neck.

I began to shake but it wasn't because of the cold. The German man looks at me intently and I can feel myself getting nervous, my palms got all sweaty and my throat was getting tighter. "You look like a woman I once knew back then."

I try my best to force a smile on my face, just try to relax. I have to try and not freak out. "O-Oh? She must've been lovely.."

His eyes darken when I said that. "She left me for another man so I sliced her up. She was one of my first failed experiment."

My eyes look over to see my friends laying on the floor unconscious. "What will you do to them...us?"

The German swiftly stood up and held another syringe in his hands. Screw this! I grabbed the nearest thing which was a lamp and threw it at his feet, I began to run across the house and found a room. It must be his.

"Someone help!" I shouted when I reached a glass door and tried to slide it open. I knew this was a bad idea! I slid the door open and when I started to run the man came from behind me and did the same, he pressed the needle on my neck and slowly my eyes started to close.


I was woken up by Lindsay and Jenny crying and screaming for help. I realized we were tied up to a bed. "Where is he?"


"I said where the fuck is he?! If he's not here then maybe we can escape." I whisper looking at them who continued to freak out.

"How come you're so calm?!"

"Shut up!" I angrily shouted back being tired if them. "Freaking out will get us nowhere, we need to get out of these and use anything as a weapon."

I stopped talking when I heard footsteps coming down, it was him again and he had brought in a man. He was tied up like us. The doctor or Josef came back in wearing a doctor's white coat and put on a projector with some drawings.

"My name is Josef Heiter. I was a doctor known for separating Siamese twins. Six months ago I made an experiment with my Rottweilers, instead of separating I created. We start with cutting the ligaments of the kneecaps. Pulling from B to C. The lips from B and C and the anus of B and C."

"What the fuck."

I stared horrified at the disturbing drawings he was showing us, this is what he'll do to us. Holy fuck.

"Creating Siamese triplets. A human centipede." My blood ran cold and I knew we'd be fucked if we weren't to do something. Doctor Josef began coming to us, one by one to sleep us.

The Asian guy being first, then Jenny and I watched Lindsay beginning to get rid of the restraints. I watched her run away and the doctor angrily telling at her.

I heard the doctor pounding on a door and beginning to say some disturbing things, on what he would do to Jenny. As quickly as I could I also got out of being tied up and ran to try and find Jenny.

"(Y/N)! Run!!" Lindsay shouted when I was about to search for her. She ran past me so I quickly ran opposite of her and saw the doctor walking past with a gun in hand. I hid inside a closet and covered my mouth.

"Scheiße. Scheisse! Das passiert immer." I heard Josef say and walk past me.

Everything was silent when he left. The lights were out inside the house and I heard nothing but silence and the rain still from outside. I quietly opened the door and stepped out, being aware of my surroundings just in case.

I quietly started walking faster to where Lindsay was first hiding and found glass shattered on the floor. I didn't pay mind to that and ran across it and made it out. The pain was unbearable but this is nothing, he'll do us something even worse.

I heard grunting and I saw Lindsay bringing Jenny who was unconscious. "Are you crazy?! Leave her! We need to find the police, they'll come for her!" I shouted.

A loud bang was heard. I jumped when it was the sound of the gun, "Shit." I turned around and continued to run. I made it into the woods again and tripped over a few branches but got back up quick and continued.

I see the road up ahead! I felt a sharp pain on my back. I fell down to the floor and winced in pain. Someone turned me around with their feet and I spotted the doctor above me with a wicked smile on his face.

He knelt down and smiled. "I like you. Your actions are always so unexpected." He grabbed my face and made me look into his dark eyes.

"You'll be the last one." I closed my eyes and felt him lifting me up on pulling me back into his house.

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