Funny Games-Paul x Reader

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  (Based on the movie: Funny Games remake from 2007)  

I finished blow drying my hair and smiled at myself in the mirror when I finished getting dressed from taking a show. I looked decent enough so I left the bathroom and heard a slight knock on our back door which leads to a lake. "Can you get that for me dear?" my aunt said from the other side of the house. I annoyingly sighed and slowly walked to the door. I stopped for a second and saw through the glass door there were two young guys. I blushed and thanked myself for dressing up decent enough for unknown visitors.

Quickly I open the door and the young man in front spoke, "Sorry to bother you but we came by to ask if you have some eggs? Your neighbors the Farbers didn't have some and asked us if we could come." I eye him then the man behind him.

"This is my friend Peter and I'm Paul. Sorry for not introducing us to you, especially since there can be creeps around." Paul says and I smile. "I'm (Y/N), Please take a seat in the mean time. I'm sure the Farber's can wait a bit." .

I sat down on the couch with both Paul and Peter following me, "You have a nice home. Do you live here on your own?"Paul asks and I notice Peter looking around the room. "My aunt lives here with her husband, I'm just here for vacations. Are you two from around here? I'm sure I would've remembered seeing you with my neighbors."

"Oh no we just came to visit them. You see they are friends of us."

"We planned on doing some bbq later and play golf, that's why we're dressed like this." Peter said and smiling over at Paul. "Yeah. We don't want to get ourselves dirty." Paul muttered and I caught him staring at me. I blushed and looked down at my knees. He is very handsome. Has bright blue eyes and his perfect almost blonde hair swept to the side. "Who do we have here?" I jumped when I heard my aunts voice come into the room.

"There are friends with the Farbers." I explained right after they introduced themselves to her. "Well you two came a long way just to ask for some eggs. But why didn't Ann just call me." My aunt wonders to which Peter quickly replied.

"She's been busy playing with the kid, they've been running around the house-" "Yeah. That kid ran so fast he nearly smashed his head against the floor." Paul said interrupting Peter and saw them look at each other.

"Well (Y/N) will be right back with a cardboard of eggs." I slowly get up from my spot before I felt Paul's hand slide down me and felt shivers. I stopped but didn't say anything so I continued and took a glance to see him smirking. I opened the fridge and took the eggs out, I paused and reached for the phone. I dialed the Farber's phone number and waited for them to answer. One ring then two and three. Nothing. I resumed what I was doing and when I reached the living room I saw my aunt on the ground and my uncle with a bashed head. I stepped back letting the box of eggs fall, I screamed but before I could run someone stopped me from behind and placed their hands over my mouth.

"Shh be a good girl and don't make a sound or Peter over there will make you stay quiet. Hey Peter, he alright?" Paul asks holding me tight so I wouldn't escape. Peter shook my uncle so he would react but it didn't work. I cried and began to squirm which only made him annoyed. Paul pushed me on the couch and took some ducktape and placed my hands behind my back. 

"You assholes! I knew you two were lying, you killed them didn't you?!" my aunt shouted as Peter got her up and taped her hands and legs together.

"Bingo. You're smart aren't you?" Paul chuckled and turned his head to look at me and touched my cheeks. "Are you sure you two are relatives? Cause she isn't as beautiful as you are ma'm." Paul as blunt as ever told my aunt.

"Keep your hands off of her."

"Keep my hands off? Me? You mrs Thompson should be the one keeping your hands off her. Right before we killed the Farber's they mentioned you and how disgusting you have treated (Y/N)." I started shaking when Paul began to mention the thing's I never wanted to hear out loud. "You should be thankful we haven't killed you first in our funny game." Paul said and Peter chuckled and held a golf stick next to my aunt.

"If this is what you came for then fine, punish me but make sure to kill her first."

"Oh no no. We can't do that, we're all in this game together but you two are the ones to participte. Mrs Thompson kill (Y/N). If you do you'll be free." The room fell silent and I looked over to see her eyes darken.

"Peter untie her." Peter did as told and Paul began to untie me as well. Paul quickly handed me a small kitchen knife and I took off running, hiding so she wouldn't find me. "Change of plans!" I heard. "Peter and I will join your game. Whoever gets killed first loses." I stood silent and hid inside the small closet which was hidden behind a desk. About half an hour later I heard footsteps around the room, throwing things to try and scare me. I held my breathe when the person got closer, the person stopped for a second then began leaving the room. Right when I thought I was safe the desk moved and someone opened the closet.

I was about to scream when I came face to face with Paul. I furrowed my eyebrows together and was about to ask him when he pressed his finger to his mouth telling me to stay silent. From behind him Paul took out a hatchet and handed it to me. I didn't question him, knowing what I had to do. My breathing quickened but this had to be done. With firm hands I held the hatchet, sneaked against my aunt and watched her fall of the floor. The carpet below us slowly covering up in blood.

I heard clapping from behind and saw both guys. "We have a winner. Now on to the next round."My heart dropped. "Next round?" they both laughed. "We're still alive." Peter remembered me and held a gun in his hands.

"Not now tubby. (Y/N), here deserves a small break." Paul's eyes were glued to me making me feel smaller. "You're getting way too attached to her." I heard him whisper. Paul ignored his friend and stood in front of me. I shivered when I felt his touch but soon relaxed. "Take the bodies to the boat so we can dump them in the lake." Paul said not taking his blue eyes off me and smirking when he rested both his hands on my shoulder and lead us to the couch.

The sky was getting darker and slowly it began to rain. I stayed silent and still since Paul was next to me, "It's getting dark soon..we'll be leaving soon." "Aren't you gonna kill me?" I slowly ask him. I glance back to see him shaking his head and rolling the sleeves to his white shirt up a bit to his elbows. "You won the game didn't you? Couldn't leave that miserable bitch along so she could continue harming you. You scared of me?"

Paul questioned which made me again look up at him. He killed her and my uncle, still he saved me from her so she couldn't do those awful things to me. I shivered and hugged myself, "I'm not...I'm glad they won't be able to torture me any longer." I confessed and saw a small smile on his lips. Paul got closer to me and leaned down to fully kiss my lips. He kissed me again and wrapped his arms around me so I would stop shivering.

"The boat's all ready." Peter said appearing behind Paul. Good thing we parted our lips before he came in. Paul smirked over at him. "Good job, Peter." He stood up and looked down at me. "Now make sure to have some space, she's coming with us." he eagerly said and stuck his hand out for me to grab. I smiled and held onto his and stood up.

Peter looked at us and our hands together, "You sure?"

Paul rolled his eyes at his friend's question, "The more the merrier. Now let's wait till the storm passes, besides (Y/N) is covered in blood." Paul tugged onto my sleeve and made me follow him to the shower. "Wait I can-"

"No excuses. I'm going in too. The storm will last for a while so let's make the best of it." I blushed when I noticed him lustfully staring at me. "Okay." was all I could manage to say before we got ourselves undressed and got under the shower and felt his lips on my neck and his fingers trailing down my stomach. I woke up and found myself in my room covered in my sheets with Paul beside me. "It's almost time to leave." he whispered into my ear.

"Let's get dressed then." I stood up and began to change into some clean clothes, got my backpack filled it with enough money and clothes. I felt his arms wrap around my waist and kissed me one last time before we stepped out of my room and found Peter fast asleep on the couch. Slowly he opened his eyes and yawned, "About time you showed up."

With that he stood up and we began to follow him outside to the boat, the bodies weren't there anyone which means Peter got rid of them. Peter stepped in, then Paul and then me with some help from him. I felt the small drops of rain falling down from the sky but we couldn't stay a while longer. Paul and I exchanged looks, smiled at each other and held hands. 

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