Ghosts Pt 2-Thomas Sharpe x Reader

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(Based on the movie: Crimson Peak from 2015)

The moment we started walking away from the mansion we saw horses and people up ahead in the heavy snow, they each tried to assist us and asking if we were okay. They kept on asking me questions and all I could do was stare behind to where I just saw Thomas seconds ago, Lucille why did you kill him..

"Let her be..the poor girl needs rest, both of them." Alan said to the men.

They led us to a carriage and with that we were off to the post office meanwhile the snow storm calms down. "Aye hurry up we have them all injured!" someone shouted from the outside. Everyone got inside the other carriages and we started getting away from the mansion, the last thing I heard before leaving was a piano..the song Lucille once played.

Alan started to treat Edith's injuries and I only glanced over to them without speaking, i was quiet the entire time we arrived at the post office and the doctor treated my wounds. He examined me and told me it was a miracle i was alive and that the huge cut didn't pierce my stomach. All I wanted was to go away and take care of my baby and that I did.


That was years ago and now I was living away from my sister and the rest of the people I once knew. The last thing I knew about Edith is she became a writer, published her first book titled Crimson Peak and tells the story about the mansion, she and Alan are living together and have three boys now six years old.

Those months I was lonely i swore to have seen Thomas's ghost, lingering everywhere I went. At first I wanted to forget but the more I saw him around i figure he was trying to guide me, to become better and look after myself and the baby.

If Thomas were alive he would've been following me around and giving me a lecture to eat more for our baby or ask how the baby is doing and if it's moving. He would've loved to be here and hold me in his arms...i miss his sweet smile,the way he looked at me with those beautiful green eyes, the way he touched me,how he would sing me to sleep.

I still regret the way I treated and spoke to him when I knew of his plan and how he tried for me to forgive him at first and I wouldn't listen till it was too late.

Everyday I would arrive from my job or the hospital I would see a shadow and smile to myself knowing he was always there to look after me. The day I was about to have my baby was long and exhausting, i was shivering and having a slight fever that I almost fell to the ground but something kept me from hitting the floor..and it was Thomas helping me.

Somehow my maid rushed over and helped me with a few employees to carry me to the hospital, I arrived and held my baby in my arms, it was a boy..I was expecting one but then I felt more pain and minutes later I was holding another baby in my arms.

I had twins and I was. a single mother trying to figure out what to do.

That was six years ago and now i'm happy with my twins Thomas and Katelyn. They both have dark hair like their father and his eyes. The more the kids started to grow, the less I started to see Thomas. I can't see him anymore...

Every time before bedtime I would tell my twins how much their father was a bright,charming and kind man and how much he would've loved to hug and kiss them every night, how much he would've stayed in their bedrooms until they fell asleep.

"And they lived happily ever after." I smiled down and closed the book in my hands.

"Read us some mother." Thomas said sitting up in his bed.

"Yes please do!" Katelyn cheerfully said next to her brother.

"It's late for another bedtime story, now get some rest you two." i placed the book on the shelf and tucked the kids in, "I love you both very much." i whispered kissing them each.

"We love you too mother,goodnight." they both replied before I left the room. I went back to my room and waited around ten minutes to head back and see if they were really asleep, without making any noise I started heading to their room and heard them giggling and talking.


"I bet mother really loved you." I heard Thomas's voice

"Mommy always talks about you and reminds us how much you love us!" Katelyn says this time. I pressed my ear against the door and they continued talking. Curiosity got the best of me and I opened up the door.

Both of them jumped up a little startled, "M-Mother! we w-were about to go to sleep." Thomas tells me and his sister nods her head.

I stared at them confused and saw that they were facing the wall but still sitting on their beds "...Who were you both talking about?" i ask them and they stayed silent before Thomas spoke.

"We were talking to-"

"Daddy!" Katelyn says smiling and Thomas glared at her for not letting him finish.

"Thomas?" I whisper fully entering the room and shutting the door behind me. "Father always visits us and we talk to him." my son says smiling and walked over to where I was,taking my hand he led me to their bed and made me sit down.

"He says he'll keep on guiding us." little Thomas says about his father. Is this why I haven't been able to see him? he's been watching over our kids instead. I close my eyes and open them again now seeing him after all these months, half of his body is pale white like a ghost should look like and his other half looks the way he looked like he was alive.

"Thomas.." i smile and began to cry without realizing it.

"Hello (Y/N)" Thomas warmly says smiling sadly at me, hearing his voice after all this time makes me happy yet sad. I reach my hand toward his and he does the same, but our hands can't touch each other, mine will just pas through his. So we placed our palms almost together as if we could touch each other.

"Mommy." Katelyn says smiling and leaning closer to me. "Daddy misses you a lot." i smile at her and Thomas.

"It's incredible how much our kids have grown." i tell him smiling wide and he smiles at them both. "I apologize for not being there to help you..but i promise i'll keep on guiding you..the three of you." Thomas says and rests his eyes on our son who looks exactly like him.

"Keep taking care of your mother, she has done a lot for us." Thomas says straightly and tried to not smile at the young boy.

"Yes sir."

Thomas smiles this time and we both make eye contact again, "I'll always love you (Y/N)." he says lovingly and I can't help but feel flustered. "And i'll always keep loving you Thomas Sharpe."

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