Ghosts-Thomas Sharpe x Reader

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(Based on the movie:Crimson Peak)

"Edith Cushing, my dear sister do you look wonderful." I smiled at the sight of her finally using that new dress she wanted to wear for a while. 

"Thank you sister,you look wonderful as well." she replied. She neatly did her hair and wore a light colored dress complementing her pale skin. I decided to dress otherwise, in a dark purple fancy dress with black lacings around it and left my hair down.

Today our father decided to hold a dance and Edith was excited when she said she met a nice young man who came here a couple of days ago. I wasn't interested in her whole story telling since I don't have time for men.

I walked down stairs and when I did the first thing my eyes laid on was on a tall pale handsome man,perfectly dressed,his bright eyes staring back at me and his dark hair complementing his skin. The man excused himself from the group he was chatting with and when he did he was in front of me, breath taken from this man I couldn't utter a word. 

"What is a lovely girl like you doing here all by herself?"


"Are you waiting for someone?" he asked curious to know which man. I shyly smile up at the man and spoke "Actually I was waiting for a man like you to show up." i was surprised by my sudden courage in saying such things. This is the first man who has ever caught my attention, he must meet my father after this.

The man smiled and took a hold of my hand and kissed it, "What's your name?" "(Y/N)." i quickly responded wishing he would've kissed my lips instead.

"Nice to meet you (Y/N) my name is Thomas Sharpe." bloody hell. I cursed inside my head and realized this is the man my sister is in love with. Edith quickly came down the stairs and saw that we already met each other which was uncomfortable for me, they shared a dance and Thomas presented me his sister.

I felt a strange yet dark presence coming from her, the way she would just look at me or my sister. Everything my sister excused herself I would run to where Thomas was talk to him about everything we could, he found out I am Edith's oldest sister but not once did he stop with the flirting. I didn't dare to stop him and didnt want to, i want him all to myself...

I woke up that morning and saw a hand written letter next to me, i opened it up and it was from Thomas,claiming that he would be leaving back to his home. I didn't even finish reading the letter cause I ran out of my house and went to the train station. I began to cry once i began to think that I wouldn't ever see him again until.


I turned around and saw Thomas, "Thomas!" i yelled and smiled wide. I ran over and wrapped my arms around him, he did the same and we both leaned into each other and kissed. "I'm sorry I left you without saying a word last night, but i just couldn't leave, marry me (Y/N)?" he asked and pulled out a beautiful red ring.

"Yes i'll marry you." I kissed him again and we both headed back to my place. The same day I did my luggage and was ready to leave with Thomas, till my father died and we planned the have his funeral first. Thomas told me to hide the ring from anyone especially Edith so she wouldnt see it. I asked him why but he simply told me to save it for a surprise later on.


Over the next couple of days here in his house weird thing's started to happen, ghosts appeared,his sister was acting weirder than before and the house was still in ruins with strange red liquid coming from the floors. The fireplace had to be on at all time because of a giant hole on the house and snow would come in. Thomas would occasionally come into my room at the nights to spend our time together as an engaged couple, i really wanted to tell my sister that i'm marrying Thomas.

"Thomas, will you stay with me and sleep in my room?" i asked when he was about to leave when he thought I fell asleep.

"But there's still so much work to be done darling."

"Please..I don't want to be alone." i said sitting up and he agreed to stay. I hugged him from behind then i started to kiss his neck and started to quickly unbutton his jacket when his fingers ran down my thighs and one thing led to another.

A day later I began to feel sick and dizzy then I started to search for some books about the symptoms and there was one thing..pregnancy.


"Sister something excited has happened." i smiled and entered her room, "What is it?" she asked smiling and placed the book she was reading down.

"I promised to not tell him but Thomas proposed to me and I said yes! and i am also careying his child" i smiled wide and stared down at my stomach and then looked back to see her surprised face. "Aren't you happy for me sister?"

"T-That's impossible.." she said when she saw my ring and slowly she stood up and walked closer, "He did the same." i looked at her hand and saw my exact ring. I felt my heart break to pieces,the only man i've ever loved is engaged to my sister and faked his love for me?! Enraged I ran out of the room and into his.

"Thomas we have to talk-"

When I stepped inside his room I held onto my chest and began to cry, Thomas and his sister Lucille were kissing and touching each other. Edith came next and stayed silent like me, "T-Thomas?" they both looked back, Thomas's face held regret and sadness unlike his sister who was smiling.

"You two are simply pathetic. Thomas would never love any of you we only wanted you're fortune to get us out of this hell." his sister said walking towards Edith and I. "I hate both of you! How could you do this to me Thomas?!" i yelled.

"What happened to our father?" Edith asked when she held onto my sisters shoulder tightly. "I killed him.."

"You bitch."

"It was easy and nobody suspected it.Now it's time to kill you both."

"No!" I heard Thomas shout when he tried to reach me but his sister was quicker. I screamed when she pushed Edith off the stairs and head a bone crack when her back collided against the floor. "Now's your turn." she grinned making her way towards me. She pushed me back i was knocked against the wall and closed my eyes.


I woke up and saw Edith already awake with Malcom who arrived and was by her side,Thomas was right in front of me treating me my wound. I refused to meet his eyes and felt my heart beat faster and tears started to escape from my eyes. "(Y/N) i am so sorry. I never thought my sister would take this so far. I love you..'

"You let your sister slowly poison me and my sister..what if it killed my baby." his eyes widened a bit and he stopped cleaning my wounds. "Baby? y-your pregnant?" slowly i nodded my head and i saw a faint smile on his lips

"You wouldn't understand her..i'll help you get out of here, I won't let my sister hurt the only woman i've loved-" i scoffed and tried to not laugh. "You don't love me never did, you used used my sister just for our fortune. I never want to see you again." Thomas looked down at the ground and without saying another word he left to where his sister was.

"Malcolm grab Edith and let's get going!"

Malcolm carried Edith and we began to walk down the stairs when we heard her sister shouting,screaming,crying. I hide behind a door and saw her hands covered in blood. No. "You made me do this." she kept on saying and began to chase my sister and Malcolm. I looked back to them but raced over the room she left and saw Thomas on the ground.

"No no Thomas stay with me! I'm sorry what I said to you none of it is true I need you..Thomas!" i looked down as I held onto his body but he was already dead. "No..Thomas.." i cried even louder and held onto him.

"I need you Thomas,why did you do this to me or to yourself?" i kissed his forehead and gently let him down and with one last glance I looked at him and exited the room. It was snowing and I saw Edith with Malcolm hiding from Lucille.I grabbed a shovel and hid behind a rock and saw her up ahead, she ran towards Edith and was about to kill when till I ran over to them and hit her with the shovel.

"You bitch you ruined everything."

She laughed and began to stand up again,blood pouring out of her mouth "You ruined it yourself by agreeing with my brother."

"(Y/N) look." Edith spoke and pointed behind this bitch. Thomas was standing there, but as a ghost. "Thomas..turn around look at him, he's behind you." slowly she turned around and started to cry. I raised my shovel and hit her once, and twice making sure to bash her brains. I threw the shovel away and fell to my knees crying, my dress and hands entirely covered in blood now.

I looked back up and stared at Thomas, i smiled and wiped my eyes, slowly i reached my hands to touch his but once we did he disappeared. Edith came rushing to my side with Malcolm as I could only stare where Thomas once was.

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