Guard You-Last Boss/Samura Takatora x Reader

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A/N:So I watched Alice in Borderland about a week ago and decided to write something. I guess you can consider the show as horror too by the many deaths and deadly games people are forced to play. So here I decided to write on Samura since I found his character interesting.


I stared down at the phone in my hands, the bright screen announcing the end of todays game. I couldn't help but continue to shake my hands nervously and staring across the room, full of dead bodies. I never wanted this to happen, but now I am trapped here.

Back in the real world I was a Japanese idol, just another girl group trying to make it big by entertaining a crowd, something big happened to me just before everyone disappeared around me. Everyone but my friends who were now laying on a pool of their own blood.

Asumi is the only one decided to go on he own because of a fight we had a few days ago. Asumi was the leader of the group and hated me, she hated me because I was getting more popular than her, the fans wanted me to see me, or so she would say.

We each agreed to not become jealous of each other but that clearly didn't last. Kaito our boss saw the success of our group and wanted us to get more popular, he wanted to make me more than an idol. He requested me to sign a contract where I would entertain fans in other ways,men and women in a sexual way.

I feel helpless here as I did back then. Asumi quickly agreed in doing such things while I didn't. I ran away with her chasing me and my friends, that's when we all made it here to the Borderlands, where we are forced to play gruesome games in order to survive.

Everyone was now dead but Asumi, my rival. All of our visas expired and I told everyone to come here, it's my fault they died.

It began to rain when I made it out and the blood stains I had on me began to wash away. I quickly made it to where we were sleeping and kept on hoping that this was a bad dream and that I would wake up soon.


I went out hunting for food on my own and tried to not get more depressed then I already was. The group I was were in invited to many reality shows,one was out in the wild and how to hunt for food. Many thought it was all staged but I learned a few things based on it, how to be silent and take the opportunity to kill when a creature or nearby.

There is no electricity here from where I'm staying so I had to make the food myself. After preparing some food I began wandering the empty and quiet streets of Shibuya and I could've sworn I felt someone watching me.

Night quickly came and I headed to another building, another game to will more visa points for me to survive. I'm afraid of death and I swore I would love go my friends who couldnt.

I have to change who I am.

I felt some eyes land on me when I made it inside th building and took one of the many phones laying on a table. My breath hitched when I saw some rough looking guys with heavy weapons, I got even more nervous when I noticed a guy with a katana,dressed completely in black with matching tattoos all ive his body and face.

He kept his hard cold stare on me so I quickly looked away trying to not stare back. "Six of Hearts" the game announced and we listened to the rules.

We're to be devided into three groups and whoever kills one of the entire group wins the game, we can use anything as weapons. "Shit."

As soon as the game started I began running down the halls and trying to find somewhere to find, shouting came from where I was and I heard the sound of bullets being fired.

It's those weird looking guys who are doing the killings already,I have to run and hide before they find and kill me. There's no way I'm dying by their hands.

There were weapons on a table when we entered the building and the only thing I manage to grab before running was a small pocket knife. "Hey!" I turned around quick and saw a man holding up a gun to me. I quickly ran back and tripped on my feet when I reached the bottom of the stairs.

I cried out in pain and before I could stand up someone grabbed me from behind and rushed me into a room. Are they saving me?

"(Y/N).I knew we'd see each other sooner."

I glanced back and recognized the voice, Asumi! I tried getting away until another pair of strong arms easily lifted me up and placed me down onto a table. I recognized the man next to me and it was my ex boss Kaito.

I gasped and tried getting away from him until Asumi gripped my arms and held them tight. "You should've just listened to us! Now we're gonna take what you didn't want to give to us." Asumi wickedly smiled when she reached down beginning to unbutton my pants and Kaito who gripped my face.

There's still 15 minutes left of the game.

The pocket knife! I held it tight in my hands and swung it forward, I closed my eyes and opened them when I felt something warm on my chest. Someone began struggling for air, I stood still and saw that I had stabbed Kaito in the neck.

Asumi quickly began attacking me and gripped my long hair and dragged me across the room she began punching me and choking me. I cried out for air and tried my best to move but couldn't since she was sitting on top of me.

"Hey, Asumi. You think we're gonna remain friends? I don't want nothing to happen to us."

"Like some sort of rivalry?" My best friend scoffed.

We were sitting outside of our school and thinking about the offer, of becoming a girl group. We're just in high school but this has been our dream for any years, our other three friends were excited for this too.

"I'm serious." I change my attitude to a serious one. Asumi has been a dear friend to me, so I know how competitive she can get on certain things and I fear that this might change her.

"I promise I won't change."


She did change and this is no ordinary game. She killed out other friends. She agreed with our boss to sell out bodies and now she's doing this to me. I head butted her and kicked her stomach so she'd get away from me.

My eyes widened when I saw she took out a large knife from her coat. She began running towards me until she stopped, blood began running down of her stomach, some in impaled her with a sword,no it's a katana.

Her body fell down to the floor so I quickly looked up and saw the strange man with tattoos. I stood still staring at him, he slowly began making his way towards me and he stopped when the game announced it was over.

My breathing quickened while we remained looking at one another. Was he planning on killing me? The man wiped his katana and began walking out of the room without another glance or word from him.

What just happened? I don't know what took over me but I quickly got up and began chasing him. "Hey!" I shouted when I got close to him and tried my best to keep up with him.

He abruptly stopped and glared back at me. "..." I didn't even know what to say so I said the first thing which came to mind, "T-Thanks for saving me from her."

The man stayed silent and remained like that until someone from his team I assume came over and stared down at me. "Looks like we found a new toy to play with." A tall guy with slightly long hair with piercings said and licked his lips.

"Care to lend her to me, Last Boss? Promise I won't hurt her that bad." He sang and began walking to me.

I quickly took a few steps back until he gripped my sweater tight so I could look up at him. "She would do fine at The Beach..dont you think?" He asked at a tall guy who just frowned.

"You want another pet? Niragi?" A guy with silver hair asked and raised an eyebrow looking at the tall guy in disappointment.

"Shut up Chishiya! This shouldn't concern you,right Aguni?" Niragi looked at the tall man again, he didn't say anything.

The guy with tattoos remained silent as he pulled the hood of his hoodie down to cover his face. Since no one replied, Niragi was the one who lifted me up on his shoulder and placed me in their car.


It's been three days since I arrived at The Beach. A place where we're supposedly safe and where we can maybe go back to regular Japan, home. I met the Hatter, a charasmatic but threatening man behind all of this. If people wanted to stay here, they would give the Hatter their cards and dress in swimsuits.

"Death to all traitors" that is what Hatter warned me when I was asked if I wanted to stay.

It was night time and everyone avoided me when I'd try to be friendly or make conversations. It worries me that everyone here seems to forget about gruesome world outside and the many people who have been killed.

In the real world I used to be happy, flirty, cheerful without a care in the world but things are beginning to change, I began to remember the lyrics to a song I wanted to release.

"Now we have to face our fears. It might turn our smiles to tears. But we're right in the front line,so for now we can't reunite. I keep dreaming of the past but it just me be lasts. How I wish time could go back."

I wrote the song when I felt there was no way out of the true life I was living. I felt so lonely begin my persona on stage, I didn't even know who was the right me. I was planning on going solo, dpinf completely different,leaving the choreography behind to just singing and playing my guitar.

I hugged myself trying to cover myself from the cold. I felt too self conscious to show my body so I chose to wear a pair of not too short of shorts, an oversized t-shirt and a hoodie with sandals. They never specified what I could wear so I consider this as a swimsuit.

Now that I think about it I wonder how other girls don't stop and ask themselves if they completely feel comfortable in their own skin, since I can't relate to that. I feel awful. I hated the real world but now I'm missing it.

It's been three days since I've seen the man with tattoos on his face. I've been wanting to thank him, did I say thanks to him? There's been so much in my head that I don't remember.

Niragi has been asking where I've been, so luckily I've always been good at hiding from people so I easily passed through him. I walked past the dance and bar area where couples would be drinking, partying and doing other things adult thing in front of others.

I can't even show a bit of skin and some people are completely bare in front of others? I looked away feeling awkward and flustered at hearing their pleasurable sounds even though the song from the DJ was loud.

Quickly I made it to the other side of the massive hotel and sighed when I made it out. I stopped when I noticed a figure all in black, I believe that is him. Last Boss I think they call him.

I was figuring out what to say until I notice him glance back at me and looking back to where he was. He noticed me, right?

"I-I've been looking all over for you." Okay now that sounded like a stalker. The silence was making me feel more awkward, so I continue trying to make conversation. "I was weak out there and I wanted to apologize for being that, so thank you for being there on time and noticing what was happening."

He still said nothing. "You just came to say that?" I light gasped since I didn't expect him to speak. I could barely hear it but he spoke.

I nodded my head though he couldn't see me. "All my friends died, that girl you killed? We were partners,so was the man." I mention even if he doesn't know me.

"You are good with your katana..I know we dont know each other and you may not care if I die, but would you please teach me how to defend myself?"

I asked hoping we would agree. He still said nothing,so I gave up on talking to him and went back in.

I breathed in and out and moved out of the way when I was about to get hit and did backflip and began fighting back when I stood back up straight. I got distracted when someone called my name, I got kicked on the stomach and I fell down on the ground and felt the tip of the katana on my neck.

The man above me held a glare at me. He didn't need to tell me what to do so I got up and looked back at the man who called my name.

"I knew I'd find you here, don't you think you haven't shared her enough? If I were you I would've already taken her to my room." Niragi came quick to grab my arm until something was pressed to his hand, the edge of a katana.

Niragi looked over and smirked."Dont like sharing? I respect that in a man." He scoffs and stares down at me and smirks before he leaves.


It's been almost 4 months since I arrived. I changed my look, cut my hair shorter and got a piercing. Not that much of a change but I felt happy, since back then people would control on how I should dress up. Last Boss agreed to teach me how to fight, he still doesn't speak much but he did tell me his real name which is Samura.

I felt happy when he told me his real name but I fear that I have become too clingy to him,since he's the only I know here and I hate to admit it but I follow him around from time to time,but when I am alone with Niragi following me, I can see him in the distance.

Niragi left without another word and we both watched him leave. I felt myself getting flustered, I just realized that Samura got in front of me when Niragi didn't leave.

Samura said nothing as usual and followed Niragi back inside leaving me alone.

After a long tired night of heading to another game and getting more visa so I won't die, I decided to come outside and have some fresh air. It feels nice when no one is around and everything is quiet, I made it to the rooftop and continue strumming on the guitar I found.

"This is the way, the way, the way to guard you. To be far away, away, away from you. I'll do anything to take away the pain that harms you, and count every second till the skies are blue." I sang to myself and placed my hand over my heart and when I noticed Samura as behind me, I felt relived that it was him.

"Samura. I didn't expect to see you here." He took a look to my guitar.

"Oh, I decided to come and relax a bit. I can't sing inside since I might wake up know I used to be someone famous back then,this song was supposed be a new career for me. I left an all girl group and wanted to dedicate myself to alternative music." I chuckle to myself since it's why I changed my once poppy look.

"I know..." I gasped and looked at him. He always uses short words to express himself. "I used to see you on tv all the time."

Samura sat in front of me and kept his dark eyes on me, it's odd to see him without the katana. So he already knew of me?!

I felt my face get hot and quickly looked away from him and back down at the guitar. "O-Oh I didn't expect a guy like you to know of me."

He tilted his head and I quickly corrected myself. "I-I didn't mean it like that I meant that it's weird that guys listened to that sort of music, did you listen to them?"

Samura looked away from me and nodded his head once. I felt my stomach turn and felt weird inside. Did he use to listen to me all of the time?

"I..only wanted to see you." He lowly mutters but I managed to hear him. Wanted to see me? Did he only see the performances..for me?

I smiled to myself and tapped my guitar, "I guess this makes you the only person who have listened to my song..I wrote it when I was feeling lonely and wanted to kill myself. My father was from that yakuza but he never harmed innocents, my mother would always worry fearing that one day he wouldn't come home. I was 15 when I arrived from school and saw them in my house...I miss them everyday so they are who kept me going on with life. I wanted to start new so I joined the girl group by I didn't feel like myself, I mostly did it for the money.."

I notice Samura listening to me. "The girl and man from the game? We worked together but both of them wanted me to become more famous and by that I had to sell my body. I refused and ran away and it's how I ended up here. The man was about to..rape me so I had to kill him,but thankfully you were appeared to save me."

I looked up and saw Samura grimacing as he looked away. Am I making him uncomfortable? "I'm sorry.." i whispered and got up.

Before I could leave I felt his tight grip on me,he noticed me flinch so he slowly started to let go of me. "Stay." Was all he whispered.

I think I'm falling in love...I smile to myself and say down now next to him and gently began to play on my guitar.

"I'll do anything to take away the pain that harms you, and count every second till the skies turn blue.." I finished the song and glance over and saw him looking down at me. I didn't know what to do, so I did the first thing that came to my mind and leaned in to kiss him. I closed my eyes and continued to kiss him until I felt him pull away from me, he stared at me with almost a surprised face. I was about to apologize by before I had the chance to do so, he got up and went back inside the hotel in a hurry.

I fucked this up didnt I? I set the guitar to the side and hide my face and felt tears running down my cheeks.


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