Home-Norman Bates x Reader

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  (Based from the movie: Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho from 1960)  

The missing of Marion Crane has struck over the citizens mostly her family,her sister desperate to know where she has gone asked me to help her,so i am. I'm going to stop by at every place and ask where Marion is.

I began to drive down the empty road when all of the sudden it started to rain, "I gotta find a place to stay the night cause it seems that the storm will only get worse."

I squinted my eyes to see better and saw a light ahead of me,I stopped the car and saw bright lights ahead it's a motel, Bates Motel.

I guess i have to spend the night here,I parked my car and when i did a figure appeared of a man holding an umbrella and taking my luggage, "Thank you so much,you have no idea i've been driving for miles trying to find a place to stay."

I tell him and follow him inside to fill up my name and everything else, "I'm lucky I found this motel." I looked up and saw a young handsome man in front of me.

The man smiled at me and gave me the pen so i would start filling in the form, "Lucky for you..cars usually take the other side of the road,we don't get many visitors here. My name is Norman Bates."

"(Y/N)." We shake hands and I look around the small office and see dead animals, "Don't be frightened,we've had these for months now as decorations,my mother wasn't fond of them either. Here i'll show you to your room."

"Oh,right." I followed him to room 6 and he unlocked it,I stepped inside and checked the small but cozy place.

"As you can see here's the shower which you can use,we always have hot water,the tv works great but not so much due to this storm-"


He fixed his eyes on me, "Is everything alright?" I nod my head and take a picture out of my handbag.

"Have you seen this woman? her name is Marion Crane and her sister has been looking for her..have you by any chance seen her?" I ask Norman.

Norman stays silent for a few seconds as he looked at the picture, "I haven't seen her..w-when did she disappear."

"Two days ago..It's alright if you haven't seen,don't worry." I tell him.Norman nervously laughs and paces around the room.

"Have you eaten anything? My mother made dinner and i'd like you to try it,she's a great cook..we can eat in the lobby?" He suggests.

"Oh,sure..thank you." He smiles and I watch him leave the room. I walk over to the window from the other side of the room and I see him walking up the several steps to a huge house. That's his house.

"No,mother! She's just here to stay for the night!" I heard him and an older woman shouting from the inside. I decided to close the curtains so he wouldn't see me.

I heard a knock on my door and opened it, "Mind if we eat here instead?" Norman asks holding a tray with two plates.

"Yeah of course,come in." I smile and he sits on the couch and I sit on the bed.

"I'm sorry if you heard any shouting from me,my mother..is a difficult women,but I do love her..anyways a boys best friend is his mother,wouldn't you agree?" He asks keeping his eyes on mine.

"Sure it is..anyone needs their parents from time to time,I find that normal. This food is amazing,Norman." I say chewing on the pice of chicken.

"I'm glad you liked it. Do you have a family?" He asked. I looked down at my lap and shook my head to the side.

"No. I don't..I'm an orphan..my parents abandoned me so i don't exactly know how it's like to love someone." I kept my eyes on Norman the entire time I said those words.

"I can assure you that you will."

Slowly i began to lean forward to him but he slowly pulled back and coughed, "Well it's getting late now and you need to rest up. I'll bring you breakfast in the morning before you go."

"Alright then,thank you Norman." I smile before he leaves and closes the door behind him. I think i'll stay here a bit longer i think i have a crush on Norman Bates.

The next day I woke up early to Norman knocking on my door and bringing me breakfast, "I think i'll be staying here for a few days." I tell him.

Norman smiles a bit at that, "I'm happy to hear that."

"Would you like to show me around sometime?" I ask him. Norman seems to think about it twice probably thinking about his mother.

"Alright then i'll leave you so you can finish eating and take a shower. I'll be in the lobby if you need anything else."

I thanked Norman and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower,but when I was washing my hair I swear I heard a noise outside of the bathroom door,i heard scratches. I finished up quick terrified if someone was inside my room. I wrapped the towel close to me and opened the door and saw no one was here,the door was locked and nothing was in the closet.

I got dressed and met Norman outside,we went to the town and he showed me around the place and I truly began to fall for Norman.

Norman drove us back to the motel and I gasped when I saw a familiar vehicle right outside,Marion's sister. Lila came along with Sam.

I became nervous since i came here to investigate which I decided to not do, "Lila you came? with Sam i see." Sam nodded and Lila spoke.

"I thought you were gonna call once you arrived?" She asked me but stared at the young man next to me.

"Who are you?" Sam asked him.

"Norman. Norman Bates." I looked at him weirdly cause he was acting strange and stuttered his words.

Sam and Lila booked a room next to mine,Sam was inside and I stood outside with Lila.

"Have you seen anything weird going on?"

"I haven't i've checked around the area and there's no sign of Marion." I lie to her it's Marion's fault,she should've never taken the money anyway.

"Tonight we're going in that house." I stare to where Lila is pointing and see Norman's house. "Really?! We shouldn't."

"We must.Sam is gonna distract Norman,we have to find what happened to my sister."

"Why are you so sure she came by here? Out of many places why do you think she's here?"

"I just have this feeling."

I stare inside the lobby to see Norman giving Sam the keys to their room,is Norman really hiding something? No he isn't.


"Come on!"

Lila took my hand as we ran up to the strange house as Sam began to distract Norman,I felt guilty for doing this and not telling Norman when we spoke briefly last night. We entered the large house and I began to follow Lila.

"We shouldn't do this." I whisper scared that Norman's mother might appear.

"Why are you suddenly so afraid?" Lila says peaking her head at the door she opened and looking at me again.


"What's that?!" Lila whispers and we heard footsteps approaching the door, "Run!" She takes my hand and we run down to the basement as we heard Norman run after Sam.

"I know you're hiding something,Bates! I've also seen the way you look at (Y/N)."

Lila and I both listen to Sam slowly I flickered the lights and saw a body sitting on a chair in the middle of the basement.

"Mrs Bates?" Lila walks closer and turns the body to reveal Norman's dead mother.

Lila screams and I stared at the door and we see Norman wearing a dress and a wig while holding a knife.

Sam appeared in time and held Norman down, "Sam let him go!" Sam looked at my confused yet hurt at my words.

"(Y/N)?" Lila says staring at me.

Norman confused looks up at me as Sam holds him tight, "I love Norman." I confess and was about to get closer to him and the police arrived and took Norman in.

Lila,Sam and I made it to the police department and they gave me permission to see Norman one last time, I cried as I made my way in and I ran into his arms holding him tight.


There was silence, "I don't care what you did,you're the only man who I have trusted..I don't want to leave you." I cry and I look up to see him with an expression I can't read. "Norman?" I ask terrified he hasn't spoken or looked at me in the eyes.

"Norman?!" I shake his shoulders, "Please just say something." I kneel down and he sets his eyes down on me.

"I'm sorry if i did hurt you..you deserve someone better."

"No..Norman..you didn't hurt me." I hug him and this time he hugs back, "I don't know how but i swear i'll get you out of this place." I whispered into his ear as I held him tight like how a mother would.

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