I Remember- Pavi Largo x Reader x Nathan Waller

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Summary: So far you haven't lived a normal life, how can you when you're living in a futuristic and weird future where people get organs and get killed by the Repo man. You love two men but both of them have broken your heart, now you must help Shilo out back to her home before her father returns.


"That was a wonderful performance, Mag." I complement the once blind woman who is an amazing singer. I always talk to her and compliment when Amber isn't around since she gets extremely jealous that someone is prettier than her.

We always make sure we are alone when we want to talk about several things. The Opera night is just a week from now and many things have been getting done, including the many debts many people haven't been able to pay.

They are visited by night but the Repo Man who shows no mercy to them.

"I try my best. I continue to sing because my friend always told me I had a great voice." Mag has told me countless of times who her friend was, a woman by the name of Marni.

I've heard a couple of things about them and they truly cared for one another, until the woman died and supposedly her child did too. Nathan was the man who was married to her.

"Well, it is getting late and Mr. Largo must be expecting me." Mag didn't know it but her contract was signed by blood, meaning she owes GeneCo and the Largo.

I feel bad for the woman, she never asked this, she didn't know what she'd get herself into. I watched Mag leave, so I went my way and spotted the three brothers doing their own thing.

Amber, Luigi and Pavi Largo. They are the three son's to the man who made GeneCo.

"(Y/N), I need your opinion on my face. Do I need a face lift?"

Amber asked while looking at herself in a mirror and checking her body our if she has no signs of scars. Amber is addicted to getting surgery and gets the fluid from the GraveRobber.

"(Y/N)! What do you think of my new knife?!"

Luigi shouted grabbing my attention quick and stabbed someone when they accidentally walked in front of him. He always gets angered up easily.

"Oh, (Y/N)!" Someone sang my name in a exaggerated Italian accent. "Don't you think this face suits me well?"

Pavi is the youngest brother and a complete womanizer and very effeminate. He always likes having women around, which is the reason I divorced him.

"Shut up brother! I was talking to her!" Amber, Luigi and Pavi simultaneously shout at one another. They've always had a complicated relationship as family.

Since no one listens to them they all seemed their attention towards me. It was tiring hearing them but what else could I do. Even though I'm divorced I stayed around, hoping their father would leave some sort of will to me since he is ill.

"Wouldn't you say I look fabulous, my love?" Pavi grabbed my hand and began kissing my hand up to my arm and shoulders. I frowned and pushed him away until Luigi stepped behind him and grabbed his coat, they both began to fight.

"See? This is why we got a divorce!" I shout back hoping he'll listen but he doesn't. He loves himself too much to care.

Everywhere he'd go his assistants would as well. "If any of you need me.. I'll be far away." I sighed and hurriedly left before they wouldn't let me.

I walked myself out and into one of the rooms on the lower half of the building. I pushed the door open and closed it back, "There you are." I smiled and saw the man nearly jump.

"(Y/N), I didn't expect to see you tonight." The Repo Man or Nathan said. He grabbed a white sheet and draped it over the man he just slaughtered.

He's bound to stay and work as a Repo Man because apparently he killed his wife, I don't believe that he did, we've known each other for years and he's the nicest man I've met.

"I wanted to be away from the public, from every excentric being out there." When I was with Nathan everything felt calmer and nice.

Before he got married, Nathan and I were a couple, we split because he met Marni leaving me heartbroken since I loved him a lot. I accepted it and let him part ways with me.

But the feeling I have for him hasn't really left. I loved Pavi and did everything he told me, but it didn't feel right. He was happy with just himself and didn't try enough to save our marriage.

"It can get tiring even this job. What brings you here?" He asked a bit nervous. Few weeks ago we hooked up and he instantly regretted it, I could tell.

Nathan would always hide away and try not to speak on the subject. Though it wasn't the first time. Pavi would hook up with many women so I did the same, he knew about this but said nothing, thing is he didn't know that I was with the man his father owes.

"I remember when you just started as a doctor. You were a brilliant one at it and still are, it's just a shame that you left that profession away and dedicate your time doing this."

I owed him and GeneCo back then. I was in a terrible accident which almost left me for dead, Nathan came as quick as he could and helped me in the operation.

My feelings for him hasn't exactly been a secret and he knows it, but his heart still belongs to his dead wife.

"Nathan, I know your in pain, don't continue shutting down from me. We can make this through together it doesn't have to be this way." I grabbed his gloved covered hand which already had been wiped from blood. I looked up and smiled at him.

"Your married, I can't. You know my heart belongs to her." He moved away and turned his back to me.

"I was married and you know it. I know you still love her, but I'll wait as long as you need to."

It's been far too long since she died, I've waited long enough! But for Nathan I would do anything. "Please leave. I still have work to be done." Nathan whispered to me.

I said nothing and did as he told me. As soon as I left and began heading to my house, someone grabbed me tight and held me tight towards them.

"My beautiful, (Y/N)!" I growled when I heard Pavi's eccentric voice.

"Everyone knows you're not Italian!" I shouted back in anger but he ignored me and tried to hold me still close.

"And that is why I fell in love with you! You're so headstrong and speak your mind! even Luigi doesn't dare to speak back to you."

I pushed him away and looked at him. He was so handsome back then, nod his entire face is covered in scars, so he skins women's face and uses them as his own. It was hard to sometimes take a good look at his eyes.

His black hair was always neatly done, always well dressed and loved getting his ears pierced. It sometimes made me wonder why I truly married him in the first place.

"If you think you can win me back then you are wrong. I can you many chances and you blew it! You hurt me many times and for this you're no longer mine."

Pavi was a bit of a psycho too whenever someone would anger him. Now that's something the three brothers have in common. I continued to walk away and heard his footsteps following me.

"Are you sure you are making a wise decision? I know the reason you stayed was because of the money." He sang in a teasing manner.

I turned to and glared at him. "Rotti Largo may not be my father but I've been there for him when you or the rest of your brothers weren't."

His father is a terrible man and yes the reason I stayed was for the money I've been getting paid. Pavi only chuckled which made me look at him weird, "Okay then! Have a nice trip back home."

I ignore his weird state and hurried back to my home and walked past the cemetery until I saw someone hiding, a pale girl with long black hair and white dress.

She jumped up when she noticed me staring at her. "Who are y-you?" She's still so young. I wonder if she's lost.

I gave her a gentle smile and stayed where I was to not frighten her. "My name is, (Y/N). Are you lost? What is your name?"

The girl stared at me up and down still unsure about me. "Don't worry I won't harm you." I offered my hand.

I watched her slowly stand up from where she was and she accepted my hand. "I'm Shilo..It's my first time out here in a while. It's so dark."

"I can help you get back to your home." I offered. She looked nervous, looking around as if someone were trying to find her.

Shilo slowly nodded her head and together we hurried back to where she said her home is. "I have to get back soon before it gets late."

I didn't understand why she wanted to return, or was late but it was nowhere past midnight. "A young girl like yourself shouldn't wander around at night."

"I just wanted..some fresh air." She is hiding something. "Are you an artist or something?" She asked when she noticed the rather expensive clothes I was wearing.

I chuckled and told her I wasn't. "Let's just say I used to work at a very important place." We walked more and arrived at a home which was almost pitch black.

"Are you're parents home?" I asked trying to see if anyone was inside.

"My mother, she died when I was born. My father has been taking care of me. He's a doctor you see, his name is Nathan Wallace."

I stared at her surprised. Is this his daughter then? The one he's told everyone that died during birth. So he has been hiding a huge secret from me.

"Are you alright?" She asked when I didn't answer.

I faked a smile and nodded. "Of course!..Shilo..if you need anything you, I can help you with it." I sadly smiled and tried not to break down.

Nathan has a lot of explaining to do once he finds our that I met his daughter.

"You'll be fine now, and don't go wandering the streets along again." I warn fearing that someone might harm her.

The girl nervously nodded her head and ran into her home. I lifted my head up and heard a bush nearby rustle, maybe it's one of those graverobbers, paying no mind to it I started heading back into my own home.

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