In The Afterlife-Egon Spengler x Reader

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Summary: You're feelings for Egon have always been known to everyone but him, soon enough things take a turn when Egon surprises you with something he knows.

(I wrote this months ago after I watched "Ghostbusters Afterlife" which I realized I went to see it the same day it would've been Harold Ramis'birthday, anyway I forgot to publish it here. This will probably be a series or three of four chapter, because Egon is my favorite and finally he is getting the love he deserves)


"I can't believe your methods of electrocution, are you having fun doing it to guys?" I raise an eyebrow and smirk at Peter who completely ignored what I just said since I knew he secretly liked to torture his students.

"I have no idea what you're saying." He smirked back and continued to make fun of my height.

Peter and Ray just stopped by my office and told me to follow them without explaining much to me. "Where are we even heading?"

When it came to the guys I wasn't informed much if they had plans up ahead. "To the public library! Egon is waiting for us there." Ray explained a bit.

"Bet you're getting yourself excited." Peter said eyeing me. I blushed since I knew exactly what he meant. "I-I have no idea what you mean by that." I tried to hide my embarrassment but failed.

Ray stepped between us and chuckled. "Now now quit teasing, (Y/N). Egon said this was important so let's hurry "

We all hurried and saw the library just up ahead. Peter, Ray, Egon and I are teachers at Columbia University, we all investigate the paranormal. I didn't exactly study or graduate the same thing as them, but I do consider that I did since I am always helping them out, wether it is financially too.

Once we entered the library it was full of people reading or finding any research, up ahead was Egon. Peter ran ahead of me and I saw him knocking on the table where Egon was sitting on the floor. Peter slammed a book making Egon jump and turn to us.

"Egon it''s been a while since I've seen you." I smiled and wrapped my arms around. He stood still, I knew he wasn't much of a hugger but I always liked to be kind to him.

He awkwardly patted my back. "I fail to see how you've missed me so much. Last time we spoke to each other was around eight in the morning when you insisted on buying me breakfast."

"Loose up a bit, Spengler. (Y/N) here lov-"

"Would love to know more on what happening." Ray interrupted Peter. He gave me quick wink and drew Egon's attention back on them.

"Right." Egon looked down at me and smiled a big. "You three need to see this." We each followed Egon deeper into the library until we were below the building.

The place was way darker than upstairs filled with many dusty books and spiderwebs. "It's quite creepy here, don't you think?" I pushed Peter and stepped closer to Egon and grabbed his arm.

He looked more confused than before but said nothing about it. We all silently continued to walk until we saw a transparent figure up ahead. "I-Is that a ghost?" Despite me helping the guys a lot, I never believed in the paranormal until now.

We all shared look and began to argue on who should speak to the ghostly woman who continued to read a book. Thing is, things didn't go exactly as planned. The four of us ran out of the building, and it seemed like our day couldn't get any worse because we were all fired, including myself for hanging out with them...

"Well I guess we have to find a place now. Any ideas?" I asked when we all continued to walk aimlessly around with our belongings.

"I'm sure we weren't all hallucinating but we did see a ghost back there. New York has to be full with ghosts."

"Correct me if I'm wrong, are you suggesting we open up a ghost hunting business?" Peter asked stopping me when I said that.

"Of course." I looked at him and the other both guys. "I mean how hard can it be?" I joked.

"(Y/N) might not be wrong." What?! I turned to Egon who was deep in thought and began to make some calculations on his notebook.

"Egon I was just joking." I chuckle nervously since I know that once he has his mind on something there is no going back.

Ray laughed nervously too, "What the hell? I'm in. What should we do next?"

"You mentioned you own a house.. let's start there." Egon said and we each followed behind him.

It wasn't long when we came back with papers, Ray had sold his childhood home. Ray was internally crying especially since Peter and Egon purchased an old fire department building. The guys and I were moving some things inside and I got my gloves ready and broom to sweep the place up and leave it as clean as I could.

"Look at (Y/N), don't you think she'd be a great housewife, Egon?" Peter continued to tease which made me stop what k was doing and glared at him.

Egon was distracted by a book, thank god. "What was that Peter?"

I heard Ray chuckle when he saw Peter's disappointed face. "You're lucky he was distracted. Seriously, you've like Spengler ever since we graduated why not-"

"Tell him how I feel? You think that's easy?" I asked him and continued sweeping the floors.

"You're right.. but still! You're feelings for him is clear as daylight, well, except for him. I will say you do love teasing and flirting with him." Ray patted my back and began to place some boxes down full of cables and s computer.

I chuckled and did as much as I could for the day. A day turned to three and things were a whole lot different, the guys plugged their equipment in and stored all their books and information on a shelf.

"(Y/N), this is Janine our receptionist. Would you mind showing her around, and by around I mean take her to her desk." Peter mindlessly said while smoking a cigarette and continued to read something.

So rude. I smiled at the woman with large glasses and gave her a small tour of the place since Peter didn't have time for it. "Follow me, and this is the front desk."

"I can tell." She said looking at it up and down. "When would I get paid?"

"I'm sure Peter will be paying you every weekend." I passed when I saw Janine looking behind me. I glanced back and saw Egon walking past us with a twinkie in his mouth and couple of tools on his hands.

I squinted my eyes when I knew Janine's look. "That's Egon. He's the one who builds all of the equipment-"

"Do ya think you can introduce me to him." Ray who wasn't far from us kept an eye. "Maybe later, Janine." He said chuckling and turned to me.

"(Y/N)?! Would you mind helping Egon out?"

"With pleasure!" I excused myself and ran over to where Egon has spent most of his time. I knocked on the door and saw him fidgeting with a few cables and buttons.

"(Y/N), I thought you were busy with Ray." He said not looking up from his work.

I hummed and stepped into the room and sat down on the table he was working on. "I wasn't doing anything, can I maybe help you out?"

"I don't think I'll be needing any of your help at the moment." I pouted and dug something out of my pockets and laid them in front of him.

"I know how much you love sweets, so I bought some on my way here earlier." I smiled and saw him glance up at me. He adjusted his glasses when he realized I had been wearing a skirt and was sitting right to his face since he was kneeling on the floor.

He always looked cute whenever he'd be flustered. "I appreciate the small look." I hopped off of the table when he got up on his feet and showed me what he was working on.

"I call it a proton pack. This will help us catching ghosts. I finished building the guys one, in fact this one is yours." He looked away from me and took something out of his lab coat. It was a small screwdriver.

"Mind helping me out?" Was Egon finally opening up to me? I reached out my hand and gladly accepted his offer.

I saw him smile when I took interest in his work. "Here move this to this section, be careful you don't get zapped by the electricity. These things haven't been tested yet."

Egon instructed me step by step on how to adjust the proton pack and make it useful. I added a battery and some lights along with mixing a few cables together.

"It's been a while since we've spent some time together." I spoke up and saw a couple of pictures he had on his shelf and wall. Most of them were his diplomas and his time studying at college, I noticed he had a picture of the four of at graduating.

"I only use my time carefully whenever I feel is necessary. I only sleep for 14 minutes and find it quite complicated to..hang out with people." He said finishing up my proton pack since he insisted on me letting him do the rest.

I tilted my head and continued to get a good look at him. I sat down and rested my hand on my cheek and couldn't help but notice how handsome he is, for some reason he always looks good with those glasses on and his way of thinking even if that might bother many.

My family weren't fond of me choosing this life despite me trying to get them a better life and be economically. They had mixed feeling on Egon too when they first met him, he kept on talking about his off collection of spores and fungus then proceeded to tell them on how he wanted people to take a look into his brain.

That freaked them out a bit and they clearly knew of my feelings for him, nevertheless they knew they couldn't do anything on that matter.

"(Y/N)?" I jumped up a bit and didn't realize how long I had been staring at him.

Egon raised an eyebrow and I saw him smirking to himself. "It'll last longer if you take a picture." I felt my entire face burning up. "I'm sorry! I-I..uhh.." someone came knocking on the door.

Peter peeked his head in and smirked when he saw us and crossed his arms over his chest. "Would you look at that!" His eyes went over to me and I have him a warning look.

"Anyway lovebirds, I'm here to inform you all that I have a date!"

A woman appeared and gave him an odd look "It's not a date. Excuse me, but Mr. Venkman got it all wrong."

Peter rolled his eyes and fought the urge to laugh. "(Y/N), Egon. This is Dana." Peter introduced to us the curly haired lady. Not long after he, Dana and Egon went to inspect her apartment.

Meanwhile they were gone I fought a few jumpsuits and had a brilliant idea. My grandmother taught me how to sew, so I'll see each of the guys last names onto the uniforms. This way people will take their work seriously.


"(Y/N) you go with Egon and tell us where that slimy bastard flew off." Peter told us when we saw him covered in slime.

"Make sure to save up a sample. I want to run a couple of tests." Egon reminded Peter who was disgusted with the liquid he was covered in.

Ray held a cigarette in his mouth and departed from the group too. We reached another hallway inside the hotel we were called in, the guys of course didn't waste a minute on coming here. Each of us had a proton pack on our bag alongside it's fun to capture the ghosts and a trap too.

Right now Egon and I were together again. "So.. we're alone again.. don't you think this while place seems.. romantic?"

"By romantic do you mean the people who occasionally stay in one of these rooms to share intercourse? Because I don't find the appeal in it."

Damn it. "I-I don't mean that, I'm not Peter." I tried telling him and saw a wicked smile on his face. "I enjoy spending time with you too." So he was teasing me.

I lightly punched his shoulder and smiled too. "It's just..we never were too close before. I genuinely appreciate spending time with you." I whispered.

Egon stopped walking and so did I. There was slime all over the wall. "Venkman. Stanz. I need you both here, I think I found slimer." Egon informed the guys and turned to me.

"You think you can handle aiming for it?" I nodded my head and he gave me a thumbs up. "Alright let's go." Egon reached down and grabbed my arm, he began to lead me to the ball room.


"Alrighty then!" Ray, Egon and Peter began to Ross all the expensive well decorated tables aside, the plates and glasses shattering on the floor. They even blocked the entrance do the owner wouldn't come burstng in.

The green ghost now referred as Slimer had been munching on food and the guys began to try and grab him. I reached back to grab my gun and pressed all buttons, just when I aimed it to grab Slimer something went wrong.

The proton pack malfunctioned and a bit of smoke came out of it. "Damn it!" I cursed and got it off of me and grabbed the ghost trap instead. I at least needed to be of help.

The guys aimed their weapons at Slimer who was on top of a chandelier. The ghost squeeled and tried getting away but couldn't, the bolts and lightening was wrapped around it, I threw the trap over to it and pressed down. The ghost trap opened and slowly Slimer was placed right inside of it.

We all cheered when it was done. I grabbed the trap and examined it, tiny bit of smoke came out of it and if smelled burnt.

"We came we saw we kicked it's ass!" Peter cheered when he opened the doors and the owner and everyone else was surprised at not us, but the mess behind.

The owner argued that he wouldn't pay us but Ray told me to give him the trap and release the ghost, not long after we all got paid. "Pleasure doing business with you!"

We all grabbed our belongings and we're off to the Ghostbusters headquarters. Ray told me to order pizza for them all and we all celebrated with junk food and music. I noticed Janine talking to Egon before she left home, that made me feel a bit jealous.

"Now that's a shame." Peter came and saw the now almost toasted proton pack which belonged to me.

"There's nothing to worry about." Egon stepped between us and grabbed it from my hands and examined it himself. He opened it up and hummed to himself.

"Just by looking at us I can already tell what went wrong. It'll take me some time to actually fix this one."

Peter shrugged his shoulders not really caring about it much since the job was done. "That means we need a new recruit then! Fine, Ray will print up some paper."

Ray looked at us confused since he was distracted with the pizza and drink in his hands. I chuckled and saw Peter closing up the place. We all started living here. The guys shared a room upstairs while I had one seperate downstairs by the basement where they usually work.

We all celebrated but I realized Egon had wandered off to probably take care of the broken proton pack. Ray was a bit drunk and Peter had to help him up on his feet when it got late.

"(Y/N), would you mind telling Egon about heading to sleep? Maybe he'll listen to you but we have a commercial to do tomorrow." Peter told me before he headed up the stairs.

"Sure, I'll tell him to rest up once I am done here.".

"Oh! And the uniforms were great, (Y/N). Thanks for making them." Peter smiled and winked before he left. I gathered up the trash and placed them all on a black garbage bag.

I looked up and saw that it was nearly midnight. I had already gotten rid of my Ghostbusters uniform and was ready for bed. I turned off the rest of the lights on the building and spotted the basement was lit up.

"Egon it's already late, you should rest up." I saw him still with his glasses on paying his full attention on the proton pack.

"I'll be done in a few minutes. It was careless of me to give this one to you before fully testing it, I blame myself for it. You could have gotten hurt." I heard him saw.

I frowned and walked over to the open door to the side of the workplace and lit up a small lamp which illuminated my very small room. I was ready to go to bed but couldn't because Egon was still up.

"Don't out the blame yourself, Egon. I'm at fault here for not testing it as soon as I finished putting the cables in." Egon sighed since he knew me too well. I would start an argument if he didn't listen to me.

"I don't want you worn yourself out.." I muttered and saw hums stand up.

"This feels strange." I raise an eyebrow and saw that he was confused. "I could've sworn I placed this in it." Egon held up a very small item.

"Each of the proton packs have this. For some reason when you were working with me, I forgot what I had been doing and didn't place this in. I've never forgotten something so important, so why now?"

I blushed and had a feeling that I knew the answer. "Egon..have you ever been with someone..ever felt attraction?"

Egon stayed silent and still couldn't comprehend what I was trying to say until he sighed and looked at me. "Are you asking me this because you have a deep level of attraction towards me."

Now it was my time to look at him confused. "H-How do you?"

Egon smirked and pointed at his diplomas which were framed and hanging on the wall. "Right..I-I thought long?"

"I came to a definite conclusion of it when you grabbed into my arm back in the library. I wasn't so sure on it back then but that made things simpler."

I hung my head low ashamed of him figuring things out. "I believe you look quite..adorable when you are flustered." Egon made me look up at him. My heart pounded faster and I was positive he could hear it.

"I guess there's no more hiding from it huh. Dr Spengler?"

Egon moved my hair to the side and leaned down to press his lips against mine. I was certainly surprised, I guess what they say is true, it's always the quietest ones who surprise the most. Egon had one of his hands on my hip and the other behind my neck deepening the kiss.

I decided to be bolder and see where things would be leading us. While Egon continued to kiss me, I moved my hands down and started pulling on his belt and slowly began to unbutton his pants. Egon quickly stopped me from going any further and grabbed my wrist to lead us into my small room.

The door closed behind us and quickly our clothes were scattered across the floor with him pinning me down on my bed. It was weird, I felt too exposed, we had never done anything like this before despite me making many stupid and sexual comments back in the day. Egon made me feel loved and not uncomfortable at all.

All the way through he made me sure to let me know how beautiful I am. He parted my legs and kissed my neck. I reached over to place his glasses by the bed side table and I wrapped my arms around his neck and closed my eyes when I felt a feeling I had never felt before, mixed with pleasure and pain.

I held onto him tight. It felt right and warm to be in his arms completely giving up to him and putting my trust on him entirely. I closed my eyes shut and enjoyed every single moment of this. What I really did hope, is that this won't end for just for one night.

Maybe, Dana can give me some advice on Egon, to feel more comfortable around me and actually take this relationship on the right direction.

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