Insane-Alex Delarge x Reader

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  (Based on the movie:A Clockwork Orange from 1971)  

The Droogs.The most hated and criminally insane gang here in London have been making chaos and raping various of women,thing is they only appear at night and no one knows exactly who they are.

We may have passed them down the streets at daylight and we wouldn't know it's them. It scares me just to think that a couple of maniacs are running around having their own fun.

I finished my classes for today and I began to make my way to my house,I planned on doing my homework quick so I could call my best friend and tell him to come.

I was walking down the streets to my neighborhood when someone placed their hands on my face,blocking me from the light. "Welly welly well..looks like a young beautiful girl is lost." I recognized the voice and smiled.

"Alex." I say laughing as he pulls his hands away and I face him,looking into his beautiful blue eyes.

"What brings you here?"

"Came to see the most beautiful girl in the world of course." He grinned walking closer to me and wrapping his arms around me.

"Are your parents home?"

"You know they aren't." I reply knowing well what he wants. Guess I won't be doing any homework tonight.

We went inside to my house and I began to slowly kiss him till he lifted me so I was sitting on his lap,slowly he began to pull my dress off till the phone rang.

I laughed a little to see Alex so impatient, "(Y/N) i'm so sorry but my father just called me saying my mom is sick."

"Can I come? Is she okay?" I ask fixing my dress up.

"It's best for you to stay,I don't want to cause you any more trouble,i'll be on my way now." Quickly he left my house closing the door behind him,I saw him rushing down the street. I know when he's lying.

I decided to change i to something more comfortable and began to walk over to his house,I hugged my hoodie close to me as I shivered at the cold climate and at the atmosphere. It's so lonely and dark. Suddenly I began to hear laughter and I sneaked around and saw four men kicking an old man.

I gasped and tried not to make any sound,slowly I began to walk backwards till I accidentally stepped on a dead branch and all eyes were on me.

"Well lookie here we have a nice little lady for ourselves tonight."

"Why don't we have a bit of the old in out in out,guys?"

"A bit of the old ultra violence."

"Get her!"

I yelled and began to run for my life as the famous droogs began to chase me down, "Help!" I shouted at anyone who could hear me.

Suddenly I was tackled to the ground and one of the men in a mask began to tear my blouse and began to unbutton my pants.

"Help! Alex!!" I shouted.

Suddenly the man stopped and pulled his mask away from his face and my eyes widened to see Alex my boyfriend.

"(Y/N)?" He whispered and looked back at his droog then at me, "Don't tell anyone about me." He said and stood up once more.

"But boss what about-"

"Leave her!"

Alex shouted at one of them, "That's enough for tonight." The droogs agreed with their leader and began to walk away,till he stopped and looked at me one last time.

"I'm sorry (Y/N)." Alex said before leaving

He didn't seem to recognize me at first due to the low light on the streets but how could he be the leader of this awful group of criminals. Why did it have to be my Alex?

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