Insane Pt 2-Alex Delarge x Reader

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(Based on the movie: A Clockwork Orange from 1971)

I woke up sweating from the nightmare I just had, i searched around my dark room but thankfully no on was here. I took a deep shaky breathe and stood up from my bed heading for the bathroom to wash my face with cold water, i've been having the same nightmare for days, re-living the second i saw Alex with his droogs.

The last time I heard from him was when the police finally captured him after he entered a woman's house and was bleeding, that's what his mum told me anyways. My own parents were furious at me when they knew I hung out with him, his parents on the other hand didnt actually cared about what he did.

Alex's mother called me a few hours earlier asking me if i'd like to see Alex cause he was to be transferred somewhere else, I had my doubts about it..the guy i liked turned out to be a dangerous gang leader who not only raped women but also took advantage of many people, maybe he was doing the same to me without me realizing.

I'd like to question him about it before he leaves.

Morning came rather quick and my parents were off to work, i decided to not go to school and instead go to the prison Alex currently is. After a few minutes of the police men asking me questions and for me to follow their orders, as I walked along a long hallway, I reached an empty room with just a desk and Alex was sitting on the other side.

We both made eye contact and slowly I made my way to my seat, Alex lowered his gaze and smirked to himself "Thought you'd never come"

"Why didn't you tell me? that's why you never went to school right?! to just spend some time with your stupid mates and rape girls, is that what you were going to do to me also, Alex?" with that being said Alex lifted his head up and stared into my dark eyes.

"You really think I'd be capable of doing those things to you?"

"Of course, if you did that to other women I wouldn't expect anything less from me."

"You're special to me (Y/N) and you know it, that's why I stopped those fucking traitors from raping you."

"Traitors? what do you mean by that-"

"Those dumb sucking morons betrayed their own leader, i would've been blind if those idiots didn't smash a fucking bottle in my face."

"They did that to you?" now I was feeling sorry for him..just a bit.

"Alex why did you start all this?" I ask now meeting his blue cold eyes. I waited a few seconds but he didn't give me an answer, from my guess it's because of his parents, from what he told me months ago was that his parents would always leave him alone at the apartment while they went to party, at school they never showed up to pick him up and he's always been lonely..maybe that's why he did this, as an act of rebel toward his parents.

The more I think about it the more i start to notice many more thing's, his parents do act weird sometimes mostly his mother, i couldn't ask her a single thing without her tearing up. I asked her about his favorite activities and she didnt even know any much less his father.

I can't stay mad at him forever..he might've hurt those women but he didn't to me, I can tell he wants to change. without thinking i grabbed both his hands and held them tight when I heard the door behind me open.

"I forgive you Alex okay? it was never your intention to harm me but please be okay for me, i wouldn't want anything else to happen to you-" I rambled on and Alex stared back at me like he wanted to cry.

"Alright time's up."

The officer said while the other one walked behind Alex and started to push him away, "Please be safe!" i shouted before they closed the door. I couldn't even tell him goodbye. I left the prison and went back to my place only to have my parents scold me once more, all i kept on thinking was when will I get to see Alex again.


It's been many months since I last saw Alex or talked from his parents, last thing i saw was them throwing out a couple of things and a man walking inside their building, so I sneaked over and managed to save a few clothes and his vinyls. How can they be so cruel? I bet they haven't spoken to their son once.

It was raining today and I was quick to head to my apartment before I could get sick, which is something I don't want. I moved out of my parents about four months right when I finished school I had to get out of there, so I started working behind their backs and earned enough for a place of my own in the meantime.

I took my coat off and placed my umbrella near the door and walked into my living room to light up the fireplace since it was getting colder, the rain was getting heavier every second. A guy nearly stole my purse today but before they did an officer got him and the other handed me back my purse.

My heart stopped for a second when I saw the officers faces, they were Alex's droogs, one of them was the one who attacked me nearly a year ago. I have no idea where his other friends was but standing in front of two guys who almost raped me made me nervous.

"Sorry about this ma'm, we'll throw this man in jail once we leave." one of them said smiling and I could only stare in disbelief without saying a word.

"Here you go miss." the other said handing me my purse.

How are they even working for the police if they were also responsible? I took a step back when they look back to stare at each other.

"You were Alex's girlfriend weren't you? We want to apologize for our behaviors back then." the second one said before I took a glimpse and saw the other one almost laughing to himself.

"I don't want to ever see you rapers ever again, you hear me? You two should've also been in jail for what you did to me."

"That's no way to talk to an officer miss."

"I don't care!" i shouted and people around us stopped to see what was going on. "You two should be ashamed for what you did."

"Miss can we talk about this in private." the first one said walking closer to grab my arm till I quickly stepped back and glared at them both.

"Don't you dare fucking touch me you bloody idiots." quickly before they could arrest me or say some other thing I hurried and ran away from their view. That's why I was running away cause as soon as it started to rain I saw a police car around the area and I didn't want them to find out where I live.

"Why do thing's like this keep happening to me?" i ask myself and walked over make me some tea when all of the sudden a loud bang was heard through my front door and startled by it I grabbed a knife, fearing it was probably those two dipshits. With my empty hand I opened the door and was ready to attack with the other when someone fell inside and landed on the carpet making it all dirty and wet.

"Who are you?!" i asked a bit panicked and heard a groan and the man slowly lifted his head up only to be Alex. Shocked by seeing him all of the sudden I threw the knife away and helped him up, "Alex! What are you doing here? Why are you like this?!"

"I was released..they tortured me and that's why it got closed..t-those idiots are now police officers and they nearly drowned m-me." Alex said shivering and I sat him down on the couch. I hurried to lock the door behind me and raved to grab a few towels and blankets, "Oh, did you know I was here?"

"Mum and Dad told me..they kicked me out for some bastard..they told me your address so I came here..i'm sorry if i'm a bother i'll just leave." he said standing up and I pushed him back down.

"You're not going anywhere're home Alex." i said kneeling in front of him and taking both his cold hands in mine,this time I looked up to see him actually crying.

"I can't stay (Y/N) this is what I deserve for everything i did."

"Alex just shut change into these." i handed him some warm pijamas he had from the ones I saved before being thrown away. I turned around and left him to change while I prepared some tea for us, when i finished i went back and handed him his cup. "Please don't ever leave me, I can't afford having another day without seeing you. I love you Alex."

Alex leaned to where I was and kissed my lips passionately before wrapping his arms around me, "I love you too (Y/N), i kept on thinking about you every single day I was locked up, don't leave me like the rest did?"

I rested my head against his chest and nodded my head "I never will Alex." we stayed like that for a while on the couch just listening to each other's heartbeats and the heavy rain pouring outside.

"I never thought you would forgive me." I heard Alex tell me after minutes of just silence. I giggle and only hug him tighter if possible "I thought you were asleep..and of course I would've forgiven you, you're everything i have left."

"(Y/N)." Alex slowly sat up and took my hands grabbing my full attention "Do you think a man like me could live a normal life? a-after everything i've been through.." his blue eyes softened when I noticed him remembering certain things.

"Like having a family?" i quickly ask which surprised him but he slowly nodded.

"I think it is possible..i would like to form a family with you after all, we'll be living happily together and you'll go back the way you were..well not all of it." i smile shyly and he returns the smile back "Then i'll try my best to become better, what would I do without you?" he asks and presses his lips against mine.

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