Living Dead-Herbert West x Reader

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Summary: You are a medic student and a goth, you are Dan Cain's second roomate, what happens when you meet his newest unexpected roommate, Herbert West, when you both don't get along.

This is part 1 of 3 parts continuing the Re-animator series.


"Ready for tomorrow's exam?" I absentmindedly nodded my head and continue to eat my popcorn while I rewatched Evil Dead. My roommate Dan sighed and rubbed his face tiredly, "I think you've forgotten about it."

I paid no mind and continue staring at the screen, thats until he grabbed the remote control and turned thr tv off. "Hey! Ash was about to kill his girlfriend again."

Dan rolled his eyes and threw my book into my lap. "I already studied! I was taking a break, besides you can learn a lot about the human body with this film." I defended myself and began to study again but this time on my room.

The minute I entered I heard Dan talking to someone but I paid no mind to them and continued my studies while listening to some alternative music on my small radio. Maybe Dan is just paying this month's rent?


I finished placing on my medical coat and finished up my dark makeup and brushed my dark hair. My roommate, Dan and I made it to Dr. Carl's class but luckily the old man wasn't here just yet.

Dan excused himself and ran out of the room, a second later he came in with young man about our age, with short dark hair and glasses, he seemed very cold.

"So this is the class and this is (Y/N)." I furrowed my eyebrows looking up at the man from my spot.

The man raised an eyebrow looking at me up and down from the dark clothes and fishnets under my shorts and lab coat. "(Y/N)? I expected to meet someone on the more professional side." What an asshole.

"And I expected someone nicer. Guess we expected more from one another." I confidently said and saw him gripping his pencils tight.

Dan stared at us both and silently sat by his new roommate. Great, this means I have to deal with this weirdo everyday till I graduate.

Dr. Carl Hill arrived and we were in classes, he began showing us a dead body and I began to take notes and stared at the scene in front of amazed at how the human body works. "Fascinating." I muttered and continued to write.

"And so this is what you'll do-" a crack was heard. I looked next to me and saw this guy breaking a pencil and glaring at our teacher.

Dr. Hill looked up but ignored it and another pencil was cracked, and then a third one. "Cut it out!" I angrily told him.

"Silence! There will be no fighting in class and you Mr. West, I expect you to stop breaking pencils." The older man told him but Mr. West argued back so today's class was over.

"Nice going, glasses, some of us want to know more about the human body." I said but the man glared at me and rolled his eyes.

"What you people know here is for children I brought my professor back to life, I shouldn't be stuck here with some petty beginners." Dan and I rolled out eyes, he's speaking nonsense.

"Glasses. You're here for a reason, you're losers like us." I boredly replied closing my notebooks. I have never been fond of people especially if they think they are superior than others, they are just assholes to me, especially this man with glasses and cold expression.

"My name is Herbert not glasses, Morticia. Besides your choice in clothes are horrid-" "Oh will you both shut up." Dan raised his voice and got up from his seat and began to leave the class.

"Don't leave me with them." Herbert and I unfortunately said at the same time and followed Dan out of the classroom.


I began running down the stairs to the basement when I heard things falling off the walls. "What the fuck is happening?" My mouth fell open when I saw the entire basement a mess and Herbert was on the floor but quickly got up and began looking around.

"I thought i made it extremely clear, to not be interrupted in my private time." He angrily said back but didn't look at me.

I ignored his comment again and looked at him weirdly while I held the frying pan since I thought and intruder came in. "I thought someone barged in."

"Don't be ridiculous, Morticia. No one would dare enter this place." He said walking past me and taking the frying pan from my hand and looking each .

"Don't call me that! I don't like you either but I've started calling you by your name, so you better call me by my own." I demanded.

Herbert quickly stood back straight and glared at me while pushing his glasses up. "Very well then. Now be useful and help me find that cat." He quickly said and returned to his task.

"Cat? You mean Dan's cat?"

"Yes, that cat. I killed it, saved its body in the fridge and now i brought it back to life with this." All of the sudden he held up a syringe with a green fluorescent liquid in it."

"Whoa, what's that?" I backed away when he held it almost to my face. "This is life eternal. With this I can bring back any corpse back to life, but I have to perfect it, for some reason they become almost zombie like."

I stared at Herbert weirdly and he just stared at me with this cold eyes. "Why are you telling me this?"

"You like morbid things don't you? You and I aren't that different from one another." He said and I saw a tiny smile on his lips, by it quickly disappeared when he saw the car behind me and ran past me making me fall down.


Dan held his head worried and stared at Herbert with angry eyes wanting to kill him for what he did to his beloved cat. "You're one of my best friends why didn't you tell me this?"

"I'm sorry I didn't', okay? What I did was wrong and-" "You should be thanking me, Dan. I brought it back to life."

"That isn't my cat!" Dan shouted and pointed at the rabid cat locked in a cage. "Is this why you both have been missing classes?!"

I hummed and began to remember when was the last time we went to class, since I've been locked in here with Herbert.

"Quit exaggerating, Dan. This is important work." Herbert was quick to reply and made more of the serum.

"It's been almost five days since you've assisted class and Dr. Hill is pissed off." Dan is way to worrisome.

"I guess someone didn't get some this morning." I mutter to myself and Herbert scoffed at this trying to not smile.

I played with my fishnets under my shorts and rolled up the sleeves to my lab coat when I began to throw a pile of bloody meat in the trash.

This morning Dan's girlfriend came over to decided to leave quick since Dr. Hill called her up. "Thank heaven he didn't." Herbert agreed since we had to wear headphones whenever they were busy upstairs.

"You're both just weird." Dan shook his head in disapprovement and sat down.

"The human body is a fascinating thing that's for sure." I said playing with a few medical tools.

Herbert raised an eyebrow and looked down at me, "Is it? If be happy to give you a few private lessons." I looked up and saw him smirking at me. 

"Ugh you both are making me sick. Thought you both hated each other." Dan just couldnt keep his mouth shut.

"We still do." We both answered.

But we knew that was a lie. Herbert has been over a week and we hated each other such we couldn't stand being close to each other, but since the car incident we became closer. Which led us to being flirty with each other. For some odd reason till now i found Herbert quite cute, not to mention that him being such a smartass was a plus for me.

Herbert would flirt too but he'd sometimes be oblivious to my comments. "I apologized on what I said a few days back..I actually like your choice in clothes." Herbert said with a slight blush on his cheeks when he told me that a few days ago.

"Whatever just get ready in 10, alright?" Dan told us and slowly made it back upstairs. I learn over the table and pulled in Herbert by his tie and placed a quick kiss on his lips and pulled back when I saw his surprised face.

"I'll be waiting for you to get ready." I winked and saw him almost paralyzed but the sudden kiss I gave to him.


"You sick disgusting man." I looked at Dr. Hill or what was left of him in disgust. Megan was pinned down by him almost naked in front of him. The man's hands lifted his head up and the man smiled at me.

"Mrs. (L/N). What a surprise to see you here." He said taking a few steps to me, and I stood still trying to distract him while Dan ran behind and untied his fiancée.

"I should say the same. I didn't expect you to knock out Herbert that quick..its a shame you escaped the basement." I tell the man staring at him.

"Everyone will know that I am the one who created this, to resurrect the dead." He said holding up a small bottle with the green liquid.

"Do you really think Herbert will let you get away with this?" His hands held his head tight so it wouldn't fall off. I really wanted to kick it.

"You and Mr. West don't get along, correct? We can share the money and-"

"You perverted old man." Herbert stepped behind from him and looked at professor boredly wanting this to end.

Corpses began to rise and tried to attack us. I screamed a bit when I felt one of them wrapped their arms around me but luckily I grabbed a knife nearby and stabbed them.

The place was quickly filled up with smoke and the corpses continued to walk among us.

"Not so fast there." Dr. Hill was horrendous, he mutated and held me tight with his tentacle lol hands. "Herbert! Go and help Dan out with Megan." I pleaded when I gasped for air.

Herbert grabbed one of its tentacles and in a hurry he injected a lethal dosage of the reagent. The professor squealed in pain and Herbert ran to me and began to cut the tentacles from me.

"I knew you'd be stupid enough to do this." He said helping me up.

"I couldn't leave you, alright?" Herbert smirked and grabbed my hand. When we started to run I felt him loosen his grip from my hand and I saw him being dragged back by the tentacles.


"Dan!" Herbert shouted and tossed the notes he had and threw them at Dan who was by the door with Megan. Dan hurried back grabbed them and carried me out of the room before I could try and rescue Herbert.

"It's not use, (Y/N)! He's gone." He shouted when we were in the elevator and I began to cry and shake in my spot.

Dan began to try and resuscitate Megan, he held my head and looked me in the eyes. "You are strong, (Y/N). I need you to help me with this."

I wiped my tears and slowly nodded my head and hurried after him to being back Megan to life. "I know what we should do.." I rummaged from the bag and held up the reagent. Dan looked at me for a few seconds and slowly injected Megan with it when he grabbed it from me.

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