Lost and Found-Charles Lee Ray x Reader

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Summary:You move in with Charles when your parents kick you out for continuing to chase after him, but life with your lover isn't as easy as it seems.

(Based on the movie: Child's Play from 1988)


"And make sure to stay out! We don't ever want to see your face again!"

"Fine! Like I even care about what you think about him!" I shouted back and forth since yet again my parents began an argument.

Both of them look pissed especially my daughter, my mother began to cry to herself.

"Don't come crying to our door step if that man decided to dump your ass!" He forcefully shy the door and I heard him lock it.

I angrily glared at the door and began to grab my belongings from the floor. I wonder what Charles is going to say about this. I do hope I don't piss him off too with telling him my situation, he isn't the kindest and can be quite rude sometimes.

It that why I fell for him? Everyone treated me so badly including him, but he is special to me. Charles Lee Ray.

Slowly it started to rain and I walked out of the neighborhood and off the Charles small rusty apartment he calls home.

I did the right thing right? My parents disapproved my relationship with Charles since he is older. I just turned 18 today and I found myself quite mature to start dating early.

It all happened last year when I met him. He was going on and cursing at someone for not giving him some money a dude owed him, I had finished my studies for the day and saw him looking angry while smoking a cigarette. He glanced my way and winked at me.

From then on we started seeing each other, rumors started fast since teachers would spot us together and some students. Charles was a trouble maker in town and everyone knew he was bad business.

Despite what everyone said I fell head over heads for the man with a bratty attitude, foul mouth and long messy hair.

I arrived at his place and opened the door since it wasn't locked. I threw my luggage to the side and called out to Charles. "Charles?..Chucky are you here?" I asked looking around and used his nickname I would call him sometimes.

"What the fuck?!" He came rushing out and glared at me and puffed out a smoke since he had a cigarette between his teeth. "How many fucking times have I told you to knock?!"

I angered him again. I ignored his comment and stared down at my feet, "My parents kicked me out.."

"Why the fuck would those assholes do that?" He calmly asked which was weird. He finished his cigarette and stepped closer.

"Want me to talk to them? I can make sure they'll never bother you again."

I shook my head and lifted my head to look at him. "I just want a hug.." I confessed and steppe closer to Charles took a step back quick and held my shoulders.

"Whoa whoa sweet cheeks. Ya know I'm not the type to do this sappy shit. I've got something better for you."

Charles took something out of his pocket and grabbed my hand and placed a ring on my finger. "I-Is this?"

"Take it as whatever you want, I don't give a shit what you think it might mean." He smirked and look at me staring at the ring and I smiled up at him.

"Happy birthday kiddo."

I leaned up and wrapped my arms around his neck and kisses him deeply. He kissed back hungrily and I took some of his hair and yanked on it gently.

Charles didn't take this lightly song he grabbed mine and yanked on it hard then slowly his hand gripped my neck and he made me back up against the wall.

"Not so fast sweetheart. I'm the one in charge here." He lifted me up and hurriedly carried me into his bedroom and began undressing me quickly. That was the first time Chucky and I were ever intimate.


Charles was laying on the couch while smoking yet another cigarette and still staring at the couch as I listened to him tell me how some guy didn't wanted to pay him and how he had to punch the guy and so on while cursing a lot.

Sometimes he would go crazy and take his anger out on me, with either having rough sex or slapping me. He didn't do it that hard but it did hurt a bit.

He was never the type to apologize with words so he would apologize to me by bringing me some food so I wouldn't have to cook or his favorite, have sex. Which didn't surprise me since he is amazing at it.

"That man was such a bitch to deal with. I swear he's better off dead. No one would remember that fucker if he'd be laying in a puddle of his blood. I have done business to attend to tonight.." Charles continued on.

He has been talking more like this recently. Taking about murder and people dying. Last night he came back late and I saw some blood on his shirt and side of his face.

I acted like I didn't see it but it made me worry. Did he get into a fight and I that his own blood..or is that someone else's?

Charles a murderer? I don't think so. He can be rude, mean and a sarcastic bastard but I don't think he could kill someone.

I finished washing the plates and slowly walk over to him on the couch and got on the floor and gently brushed some of his long hair off his face.

"Quit talking nonsense, Chuck. You haven't been here with me for a couple of nights, why don't you stay here and we can have some fun?" I asked teasingly and ran my fingers over his belt and began to unbuckle it until he held my wrist tightly.

He puffed the smoke of the cigarette on my face and looked angry. "You think I can earn money by sitting on my ass all day?! The reason I go out is to work so I can afford a life for us two and not live on the fucking streets. You've become such an ungrateful bitch you know?"

Charles pushed me on the floor and got on top of me. His blue/grayish eyes stared into mine and before I could respond he leaned down and forcefully kissed me and lifted my skirt up and quickly entered me.

I cried out in pain an pleasure an held his hips when he continued to pound into me without stopping to ask if I was okay. Charles wrapped both hand around my neck and I couldn't help but moan ay the feeling of him gently choking me and him going inside of me again until he finished and pulled away.

"I'm gonna be late don't even bother waiting up for me." Charles muttered fixing himself and forcefully leaned over to kiss me again and with that he was out and I never saw him again.

That night I had a bad feeling and turned on the news. Charles Lee Ray was shot dead at a toy store. My Charles..My Chucky was dead. The only man I loved was killed.

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